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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Riggery everywhere I look.
  2. Turku 2 bad...shit, I mean Yukon 2 gud.
  3. Yukon wayyyyy 2 gud.
  4. Yukon 2 gud.
  5. Rigged for sure.
  6. Yukon 2 gud
  7. BOOM


    Why are you bumping all this shit?
  8. I missed out on STZ recruitment points
  9. Look at those awards! Nice work 94.
  10. You can always ask me for motivation man. Anytime.
  11. I would like to claim 1 TPE for every 50 pairs of breasts I have posted on this board. Please approve my claim of 212 TPE. Thank you.
  12. I was going to lock this, but thats impossible. Carry on.
  13. Yes. Be better.
  14. Don't hold back.
  15. Highlight was Wenger's little shove.
  16. Just change the mascot/logo....
  17. Like David, I'm a big fan of Dragon Age Origins and II and probably Inquisitions as well, along with Skyrim and the ARMA series. I'm strictly PC until I finally decide on a console. Sadly, my favorite board game is Trivial Pursuit, closely followed by the classic, Mousetrap. Sue me. As for card games, my dad tried to teach me cribbage but failed, so I only really play poker(badly, as several guys on here can attest to..."Mr All-in in first hand") on the odd occasion. Oh and if it counts....cards against humanity.
  18. Helyeah
  19. It's the perfect time..........
  20. You can't use this... They are a Continental Hockey League team. You'd have to get permission from the guy who created them!
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