True, but luckily the Commissioners aren't dummies and can tell the difference between an active veteran stating he wants to play in the VHLM and a shady GM trying to circumvent cap and tanking rules. I personally as simmer wouldn't even let it happen, I'd simply put the inactive scrubs on the VHL team regardless of the GM wishes.
~30 minutes. Song is What I Might Do by Ben Pearce. I talk about:
- My off-season disappearances
- How shitty the new blues have it regarding drama with:
- Award voting/BOG
- The DAV/STO trade
- World Cup
- My irrational hatred for Anderson
- Epilogue pro tip
For Dragon
I feel awful that people had to get the shit end of the stick with this, especially since this seemed to have stemmed from a misunderstanding and not any malicious intent, but I'm glad the rule was enforced. Good on you, blues.
I really don't talk like that at all. I literally say "He'll probably rebuild because new GMs tend to rebuild rather than trying to salvage the old team." So if anything I talked like he had little to salvage. But really wasn't specifying one way or the other.
~15 minutes. The song is exactly what you'd expect. This podcast contains:
- Depression
- Pretty bitchin' outro
Fuck you.
For McDragon