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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Hey! Me too!
  2. Do you believe in miracles?
  3. Oh. Well don't *I* feel foolish.
  4. I think he was just beaking you for associating it with lolsteras. I've read ALL the books and watched the TV show about seven times and am still not entirely sure if King in the North or King of the North is proper. I feel like they both are, though.
  5. I like the VHLM. It's just that their Hall of Famers would either be well-timed inactive scrubs, or one-season wonders. Who really wants to spend time documenting and honouring stuff like that?
  6. Penis
  7. Tyler Vassal Jaroslav Oslig Frank Ricard Evgeni Fyodorov Gunnar Axelson
  8. Fixed. :'\
  9. bewbs scare me
  10. Naomi's not used to playing non-contact, and rules disallow her from the men's team. She likes a little rough and tumble.
  11. JardyB10


    ^ What he said. Even if you do plan on living off welfare, that's still only one less TPE than carryover if I'm not mistaken, so it's worth declining carryover. Summing it up simply: If you take the 17 carryover, you are NOT eligible for VHLM TC OR three doubled PTs.
  12. Unexpected heroes.
  13. This was a very surprising outcome pause not.
  14. They made this into a movie?
  15. What the shit. For that last part I thought he was gonna be like and I was gonna be like LAAAAAAAME. And then BAM Very impressive.
  16. Eat a shit you stupid fucknugget.
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