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Everything posted by Anthique

  1. 1: We might not be at the top of the standings, but where do you think Davos will finish? In the second or third position. We can do better than that so I hope we turn things around. 2: If Davos had to change colors, which colors would you choose? I hope not, the purple is really nice! If we have to change, to blue or black. 3: It seems like we have little over a week until Playoff Season. Are you happy with how your player has done this season? If not, what do you think you will do to prepare for the next season? Honestly not really. Doesn't feel like I should have played in the VHL this season, but this experience will probably be useful for the next step of my career. 4: If you had to name your next animal after a hockey player, which name would you choose? Mario Lemieux. Was great in everything on the ice and his surname "Le Magnifique" is really cool! 5: Which NHL hockey player (Besides McDavid) do you think is the most entertaining to watch? Auston Matthews, Patrick Kane, Leon Draisaitl and Alex Ovechkin are fun to watch, for different reasons haha! 8: What activities do you enjoy around this time of year? Go ice skating outside when the temperature is not too cold. Not fun when your foots or hands can't move!
  2. So, you want to know about the experience of a First Gen? Well, I have some good news for you, I am one! What is special about the VHL, or about the sim league in general? I think it depend how much time you want to invest in it. If you want to have to a certain degree, "success", you have to put some time in it to "train" your player so he will successful wherever he played. If you go inactive or simply use the Welfare program and claim the practice and have from 5 or 6 tpe per week, don't be surprised if your player is only good, and not a super star or the best player on the team. It's like in real life, you have to put some effort and time on becoming good, you won't simply be one of the best by wanting to be it. The bests are not the bests only because they want it, but because they put so much energy and dedication to it that they can beat those who only have talent. In here, you have a lot of opportunities to earn TPE to make your player better, that only getting 5 or less won't do it. I know I don't "max earn" and that's okay for me. I only want to be a good player, so I'm not delusional, I won't be a first line player, but good enough to help the team and be satisfied by it. For now it don't work well in the VHL, but I'm bellow 500 TPE so I don't expect myself to be a point per game player. I'm in one of the best team so we have good and better player than me on the team so I'm only a passenger for now. More of a ghost because I don't produce offensively, but I know (or hope so lol) that my player will get there eventually. The league is very nice, the concept to have three leagues in one is special, but in a good way. You can compete with other who are on the same level as you (or close to) so you have almost always the impression that your player is doing great. For my player, it was the case the first two seasons of his career, but in other tournaments and in the VHL it will take more time to stand out. About that, three leagues, Junior Showcase, World Cup and non-official Victory ProAm, there is a lot of tournaments that keep people interested, so that's something you should continue to do in the future. The GMs in every of those leagues are very friendly and they only want the best for you first. I don't really know a lot of people here, but for those who I had contact with, nothing bad to say about them. Even if some trade me two times in the same week haha! The portal is very nice and help keep track of everything. Really one of the plus of the VHL.
  3. Good team, would have been better with me on it.
  4. Great career so far, hope we will continue to play together for a long time in Davos
  5. 1: It may have been a while since you were drafted, but are you happy with your draft position? Of course! Alost top 10 for a First Gen is good in my book. Don't know if I would be pick that high if we do a re-draft...? 3: What kind of sponsorship would your player accept? About hockey obviously lol! Or something to do with outdoor activity, motorcycle or pets 5: What was your favorite toy when you were young? Surely a figurine like a soldier or a knight. But I remember a Superman one that I might still have somewhere! 6: Which NHL player do you want to see in the next All-Star game? Jason Robertson. He's tearing the league apart and have almost the goal per game. Ridiculous. 7: Can you play any instrument? If not, what one would you like to learn? Nope, and not really interested to learn. If I have to choose, I will say the drums. 9: Hypothetically let's say Yellow and White lights are discontinued, which color would you use to light your home? Blue. Not really agressive, and better than green. The Nordiques blue is really nice haha.
  6. 2: What move do you think is your player's go-to shootout move? The Crosby move, faking a shot and lifting a leg and after that going backside. 3: Which brand of hockey equipment does your player use? Warrior, with my player style of play it's fit really well. 4: What is your favorite Movie Genre? Mosty action. Love comedy, fiction and fantasy. 5: If you could choose any Superpower, what would you choose? Control time. Knowing stuff in advance is cool. PRobably go back in time to fix things too. 7:Who is your favorite NHL player as of right now? Crosby is still the one since I saw him in Quebec when he was 16. Other than him always love the way Kopitar is playing. Marner too even if they are all different. 8: Toronto Maple Leafs have been wearing a shoulder patch to honor Borje Salming after his passing. Do you think this will be a new NHL tradition? Yes the Canadiens did the same with Lafleur and the Islanders with Bossy. At least doing it for the season.
  7. 1: Davos is currently 2nd in the league. Do you think we’ll finish the season in this spot? Hummm don't know exactly, but I think it will be close to that! We have a good team and we can already see that with the standing. 2: Which teammate do you think your player gets along with best? I would say with the other rookie on the team, Isamu Knievel. We have the same age and even if we don't play at the same position, we stay together outside of the ice. 3: Which player do you think has been our MVP so far this season? Impossible to point out only one player. Both our goalies are doing really good, Jake Thunder at defense is phenomenal and James Teekirque and Pete Mitchell have already 9 goals in 17 games. All good players so far. 4: We have recently added Sunrise Van De Schubbekuteveen to the roster. How would your player welcome them to the team? A veteran and a European? My player is really excited to know him and learn from him. I play forward like him so it will be nice what he can teach me. 5: What would be your players' goal song? Headstrong by Trap. 6: If you were to make another skater after this, what would be their name? Probably another French name lol! But didn't think of a name yet. 9: If you were to name the next NHL team, what would you call it? Easy, the Nordiques hahaha!
  8. 1: First Two games of the season down. How do you like your performance so far? Not that good. I know I'm only a rookie, but I did absolutely nothing in those two games. Only got 4 shots and 1 hit. With the ice time in the powerplay I expected more result. 2: Early prediction for most goals this VHL season? Kotkakoivu is ridicoulus so far, I will go with him. 3: How does your player prepare for a big game? If he's able, have sex in the morning, the day start well after that. Do some exercices to strech the body, relax with reading a book. Try to ease his mind before the game. Get early to the rink and do some visualisation to be fully prepared. 4: How many points do you expect from your player this season? Not that much. Probably around 30 points if I'm lucky. 5: Which attributes do you intend on increasing this season, if any? All the stats lol I'm so bad. For real, probably defense, my shot and my control of the puck. Just to not be a liability on my line. 8: Who is your favorite video game character? I love Commander Shepard and his catch phrase, we'll bang okay? The three Mass Effect are really good. The Witcher's game are fabulus too.
  9. Yup crazy that I got traded two times almost in the same week I think? But if everyone got what they wanted, no problem with that. I joined to possibly best team in Europe, so I'm not complaining.
  10. 1: What is the best color for a Hockey Jersey? Man tough to say. The Nordiques blue was cool, love the gold of Vegas and the turquoise(?) of the Sharks. 2: Where would you like to go for vacation? In Europe! Never been, and Quebec is like Europe so I will almost be at home 3: Which NHL player does your VHL play like? Like my render, Josh Anderson. Physical forward who can score and every team want a player like him. 4: If you were to recommend one Show, Movie or Youtube channel to someone, which would you choose? If you never watch "Anime War" by MaStar on Youtube, you have to do it. I think it's not available on his own page because of copyright (bullshit), but it's really good. 5: Who is your favorite cartoon or animated character? Linked with the last question, I would say DragonBall. I've watch the anime and read the manga. 7: Which NHL team makes a big trade next? Toronto or Pittsburgh. It's not going well for them right now. Maybe the Canadiens as they are looking for a right dman.
  11. 1: It’s gonna be officially the offseason at some point this week. Philadelphia Reapers (VHLM) Oslo Storm (VHLE) & DC Dragons (VHL) All won their respective championships. Which one surprises you most? Philadelphia Reapers at 100%. There were almost not a playoffs team and still managed to win it all! I've been part of their season S84 and I didn't think they would do better without me 2: If you were in the StarWars universe, which color of the lightsaber would you choose? Each color have a signification, and from what I've read, it will be either Blue or Green. 4: Which current NHL star would you like to meet and why? Marc-André Fleury. To learn about all the tricks, he did to his teammates, and he seems like a funny guy. 5: Do you like Halloween? Why? Yeah why not lol? I understand that people don't really like to dress in a costume, but me I like it. You also have a big party and eat candys. Nothing negative here. 7: Connor McDavid is on a 164 points pace. How many points do you expect from him this season? Not that much, but surely close to 130 if not 140. Two points per game so far, dominant. 8: Have you seen the fight between Zach Kassian & Arber Xhekaj? If yes, are you surprised by the result? Yes, and I love every second of it. Finally, someone who can avenged Montembeault after the hit of last season.
  12. Anthique

    DAV/CGY; S86

    Damn traded again!
  13. Game 3 of the finals The serie is even 1-1 after Cologne won last game in overtime. Right at the start of the game, Oslo show that they didn't intend to lose that game and get 20 shots on net. Two of them get in the net by Babushka and Jameson. In the second period, both teams get 7 shots on goal bu only Oslo score, the second of the game of Babushka. It's 2-1 Oslo at this point. In the last period, there is something that don't happen often, and not by the first team in the standing, to produce ZERO shot on goal in a period! Cologne didn't use that opportunity to score at least a goal and lost that game 3-0 despite getting even on shots on goal.
  14. Good! But I was saying this because I paid for a reroll after my VHL draft haha! Don't need another one
  15. 1. What was the feeling in the locker room and personally after falling down 3-0 to Ottawa? I was not there, but I imagine that nobody in the LR was proud of himself and would like to go back in time to change things. 2. After that, adjustments were made. How does it feel to come back with a reverse sweep to win it? Probably the inverse feeling of the first question. Come back in a series is always fun and show that you will not get beat that easily. 3. What player was the MVP of the series? I would say Tom Creeg after two massive performance of 3 points in game 4 and game 7. 4. Was the conditioning training enforced by your new Head Coach a factor in your ability to keep up your energy into the latter games of the series? Eat well and get some sleep. In the game, choose your moment when you go all out and those who you can play more conservative. 5. Next you guys have the Miami Marauders. Who will need to step it up to get the win? Gavin Rozzdale, the 2 others players at 200tpe have an advance of 6 points over him. Defensively too he can be better. But I have faith in him! 6. What player from Miami does your team have to key in on and neutralize most? Rick Grimes, he have a good shot percentage and seems to always find a way to pass to a teammates to create a good scoring chance.
  16. One season too late for me But it's a nice change.
  17. After a first VHLM season with San Diego and Philadelphia when he finished with 82 points (29-53-82) in 72 games who put him up kind of high in the S85 draft. In the VHL draft, he slipped a little bit out of the top 10, with the Prague Phantoms taking him at the 11th spot. For the VHLE one, the Bratislava Watchmen selected him at the 7th rank, so he kept getting higher at each draft. It was the last one, but almost cracking the top 5 was nice. The S85 season is over, so we will have a look at the stats Champagne got. In 72 games, he had 23 goals, 24 assists for a total of 47 points. Wish the offensive production was a little bit better. We finished at the second position in the standings, but our offensive production was 4th and we had the best defensive squad in the entire league. Other than the offensive stats, Alfred Champagne had 316 shots (4.39 per game), 45 minutes of penalty (not that much considering his style of play so that's good), 118 hits (1.64 per game and that's an aspect he will try to get better for next season), 12 block shots, 4 game winning goals and 7 powerplay goals. A come back in the VHLE next season is a good possibility, to try to get better on certains aspects of his game, but it will be the last one.
  18. In this last game of the S86 not featuring my player, it was Cologne VS Geneva. Geneva started the game with the killer instinct, scoring 2 goals in the first period, with a total of 14 shots against only 6 for Cologne. I think know what the coach tells the players after the first period, but in the second, they were not the same team. Hockley Mann got some redbull and scored 3 goals in the second period only. Nagy AL and Arvid Johansson got 2 assists each. Cologne is now in control of the game, but there is the third period. Nope, nothing in the third to change the score haha! Final score: 3-2 Cologne Vs Geneva
  19. 1. The season is almost over. How are you feeling as we round the bend into the playoffs? That it will be hard for you to get pass the first round when you finished 4th in the conference. Hope that you will get at least one win against the top team. 2. What color is your players hair? The same as Josh Anderson haha! Don't know how we could describe it, but just look at my profile picture or look on the internet. 3. What do you think your player's biggest improvement has been since the start of the season? His offensive skills. Finished the season with almost 50 pts in his first season in the VHLE. Next year it will be more about the physical presence. 4. How do you think your GM and AGM have done this season? Don't know about you, hope they did well! 5. Do you have any suggestions on how your GM or AGM could improve the locker room? I'm not in your locker room, but they should talk about everything in life, not just about the VHL. 6. If you could steal one thing in the entire world and never get caught, what would you steal? The Stanley Cup, it would be so beautiful in my home
  20. It's already time for an update about Alfred Champagne in his VHLE season. So last week, Alfred has 31 points in 52 games. 14 goals and 17 assists. With this week, his totals are now at 18 goals, 21 assists for 39 points in 66 games. So that means that he had in 14 games, 4 goals and 4 assists. Almost the same number of points has last week, but now he scored more. He also shoots more, because in those 14 games, he shoots 75 times, but it still a little bit more than 4 per game (4,31). The surprise in this sim is Champagne really got undisciplined with 13 minutes of penalty. He had 24 before so half what he had in only one week. Only one-shot block, but 2 power play goals! His hit total is 107, so in 66 games take make 1.62, less than last week at 1.79. The Watchmen are still doing good with a second place in the standing. Oslo is still first, but by only 4 points. With the last week of the season, it's still possible that Bratislava end up first. We are still confident in our team.
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