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    Ahsoka Tano
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  1. If Ahsoka can avoid shitting the bed for the next 10 games and be 1 ppg, she will hit 100 points. 

  2. I know how you feel. I've been capped at 400 the whole season lol.
  3. Ahsoka Tano still hasn’t gotten the hat trick she’s been chasing but it seems that Simon decided to smite her instead for a bit. Essentially nerfing her for about 5-6 games, Tano even had a few where she made no contributions on the ice. Well, it's looking like penance has been made because the last few games, Tano has managed to put up some good points. Over the last 4 games, Tano has managed to score 1 goal and 9 assists. So perhaps the hockey gods are just putting her back in her place as a defenseman. She is currently averaging 1.54 points per game and with 80 points total and 20 games left, there is a very good chance that she will hit 100 points this season and if not, at least very close to it. Tano is currently tied for 1st in points, is first in Assists (56), is the number 1 defenseman and is still first in Powerplay Goals (13). 163 words for week ending 9/8/2024
  4. Thanks to @Alex for the idea. The Truest of Rookies I thought I would take this Theme Week of Rookie and focus on the top 2 true rookies in the VHL. What do I mean by a true rookie? I mean the first gens who are sitting pretty for the draft. While they will probably struggle to break the top 10 due to every incredible recreate ahead of them in TPE, I still think that these guys are working hard and might be able to earn a good draft spot. Slava Kovalenko ( @OblivionWalker) D, 6’8”, 218 lbs., Age 19 Current Stats: 40 GP, 20 G, 41A, +14 Kovalenko was selected off of waivers in S94 by the Ottawa Lynx where he had 2 Goals and 7 Assists over 16 games. Obviously, we all know that these stats mean nothing when you’re in for barely half the season and you’re just starting out. But for the draft, Kovalenko was picked up 14th overall by the Mississauga Hounds and continues to play for them. Along with the above stats, Kovalenko also has 3 Game Winning Goals and 8 Power Play Goals. He is certainly proving himself a great player. OblivionWalker as a member has been max earning with the exception of one week and shows no signs of slowing down. He has produced media spots which have been enjoyable to read and has been participating in Fantasy Zone as well as doing extra point tasks like Biography. I think any team that drafts Kovalenko is going to have an amazing player and an active member to enjoy. TIJ Davies ( @Mack71) RW, 5’10”, 205 lbs., Age 17 Current Stats: 40GP, 17G, 19A, -16 Davies was picked up on waivers by the San Diego Marlins in S94 where he had 3 goals and 1 assist over 7 games. Not a big sample size but certainly shows some ability for a new player. For the draft, Davies was selected 18th overall by the Saskatoon Wild and is putting up decent numbers for being on a team that is truly struggling this season. Over 40 games, along with the above stats, Davies also has 1 Power Play Goal. Being on a struggling team as a new player is hard but he seems to really be showing his best in an attempt to boost his own numbers. Mack71 as a member has also been a max earner since he started. He has created an interesting graphic and has been working hard on Media Spots almost every week. He participates in Fantasy Zone as well as team Press Conferences. I think Mack71 has a lot of potential as a player and as a contributing member to the forum. If you see his Media Spots pop up, make sure to give them a read. I think these two rookies have a long way to go before they are ready for their VHL debut but I feel like we are already seeing some hard working members trying to boost their players as best they can. I think this is all we can ask and hope for from our first-gens and I hope they both keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see where they end up and how they fare going forward. 542 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  5. I have no idea what to write for theme week. Like I’m honestly lost. Ahsoka doesn’t have her rookie season until the next one and I really want to leave Jesse Teno behind as I move forward. I also don’t think I personally know anyone at the moment going through a rookie season. Maybe I do? I’m honestly not sure lol. I probably so and I just don’t realize it. So again, I’m struggling with what to write. It’s weird because I have always come up with something for theme week, even during my first season I was able to come up with something thanks to the help of Shindigs. But I’m truly blanking. I’m just thankful that I have most of the week to come up with something. I just don’t necessarily have the rest of the week to write something. And I don’t do good enough graphics to try something interesting. 153 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  6. I love you, my friend! Thank you for an incredible article. I smiled the whole way through and I proudly read it aloud to my wife. I couldn't have asked for a better tribute.
  7. Where have all the good games gone, And where are all the goals? Where’s my ice-wise Ahsoka, Who fought the rising tolls? Isn’t there a white ice, Upon a concrete floor. Late in the game I toss and I turn, And I don’t know what it’s all for. I need a hat trick. I’m really trying guys you know that it’s true. She’s gotta score goals and prove herself good, Despite the real fact that she’s new. I need a hat trick. Ahsoka’s had so many 2 goal games, She’s so fucking close, I can feel it now,. And she’s gotta score 3 goals a game, 3 goals a game… AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH That’s Ahsoka’s stats falling off a cliff. I don’t know what has happened recently, but she’s gone from 2-4 points a game to barely averaging 1 point a game this whole last week. She was doing so good! And as sang above, she’s had so many games with 2 goals that it was only a matter of time before she finally managed a hat trick. I’m a little frustrated but also just so damn confused. Right now, she’s still averaging almost 1.5 points per game (43 points over 30 games) but I know that should be higher. Nearly every game she’s got somewhere around 30 minutes of play time and there have been games where she manages to do nothing. I’m at my 400 tpe max so there’s literally nothing I can do but watch her play each game and just hope that she manages to pull something out of her Jedi ass. Since my last post she has climbed the rankings but in the last week she’s dropped down a few pegs from her highs. She’s still the number one defenseman by 6 points so I’m hoping she can at least hold onto that for a while longer. Where in last time she wasn’t even on the Assists leaderboard, now she’s 2nd with 28. Don’t get me wrong. She’s doing amazing and I am really proud of the player I’ve built. I am just so confused as to how she goes from being a top player each and every game to multiple games of nothing but maybe 2 penalty minutes. Also, because she’s been accomplishing next to nothing the last few days, each game she comes out with a negative rating. It’s just sad and I wish I could do something to stop the downfall she’s currently in. Oslo overall is doing really well though so I’m pretty happy about that. We’ve climbed from 5th to 3rd and currently we’re on a 4-game winning streak. We’ve got a relatively quiet team but I’m glad we’re getting ourselves together to pull up out of the basement. Spider Panda @Ricer13 has been doing a good job of turning things around in our favor recently and has been giving us that chance to do better overall. I think we have a pretty good chance of making a decent playoff run. Not sure we’ll make it to the finals given how absolutely dominant Bratislava is and even if we do, they’ll just kick our asses. 522 words for week ending 8/25/2024
  8. Despite Oslo’s second to last place in the current standings, defensive menace Ahsoka Tano is absolutely killing it right now. With 14 goals and 25 assists for 39 points, she is the number one defenseman and the second overall player. With an impressive +13 and only 6 penalty minutes, Tano is truly proving to be worth her 1st overall draft spot. Tano’s Current Leaderboard Standings: Points: 2nd – 39 Goals: 3rd – 14 Assists: 2nd – 25 Defenseman: 1st Plus/Minus: 5th Shots Blocked: 1st – 63 Powerplay Goals: 1st – 9 Tano has also had multiple games with 2 goals and it is only a matter of time until she manages her first hat trick. Oslo players have been trying to help their Jedi teammate to get that milestone but it just keeps slipping past her fingers around every corner. One has to assume that Helsinki is happy watching their prospective player and draftee making serious waves in the VHLE. 155 words for week ending 8/25/2024
  9. 1. I think overall the team has just been contributing so well the last handful of games. 2. Ahsoka for sure is looking up to Jillian Woods. She has tried to work her abilities around hers. 3. 100 points on the season! 4. Oh. Well, I've been fighting for a Scotland team. So there lol. 5. Board games, video games, read, spend time with my cat. 6. Spaghetti with marinara.
  10. Ahsoka has been so close to a hatty multiple times. When will Simon finally grant her one?

    1. Tetricide
    2. rory


      Friday August 30th

  11. When you meow at your cat and they give you 'the look'.

  12. Ahsoka Tano is once again proving that her 1st overall pick in a draft was worth it. After being selected 1OA by Oslo for the VHLE, Tano quickly became eligible to move up to the VHL before the first game even started. Which means she will be banking all of her skills for the season and just waiting for her time to move up. In only 8 games, Tano has managed 13 points (6 goals and 7 assists). She has also matured as she has only had 2 penalty minutes, going until that 8th game without a single penalty. What is most impressive is that 5 of her 6 goals have been Power Play Goals and her 6th was a Game Winner. Among all players, Tano is 6th in Points, 4th in Goals, is in a 10+ way tie for 1st overall Defensemen, and if 1st in Power Play Goals. According to the Index, she is the 5th overall player in the VHLE. There is no denying that Tano has made the hype around her worth it to this point. We only hope that she can keep it up through the rest of the season. 195 words for week ending 8/18/2024
  13. I'd be up for it! I used to beta read for fanfic forever ago and my sister is self published and I've helped her with her books as well.
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