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Status Updates posted by Aimee

  1. Happy New Year! Everyone have a safe night. 

    1. Triller


      Call for a ride!

  2. Hey this is a weird thought: would anyone be interested in a book club?

    1. jacobcarson877


      you should definitely check this out!


  3. Thank you update gods 🙏 

    1. Dil


      You’re welcome

  4. Well looks like my ass is missing theme week lol. Goodbye sweet sweet TPE.

    1. JardyB10


      Are you away next week? You could possibly bug the commies for the theme and submit early 🤷‍♂️

    2. Aimee


      Well I was going to be away. But now my fiance is sick so looks like it's a stay cation. 

  5. Day 3 of being home sick with a cold. No this is fine. I don't have a cruise to go on in 4 days or anything.

    1. Shindigs


      RIP. Hope it's not the same one that's making the rounds over here. Cause some people are on like day 45 of this one by now.

    2. Aimee


      Well damn I hope not too. Hopefully it's just a cold. Got prescribed antibiotics yesterday so should start to feel better soon I hope. 

    3. N0HBDY


      We must have the same thing.

  6. Happy Turkey Day to those who celebrate. I'll be MIA for a few days for the holiday. So no I didn't get sacrificed to Simon. 

  7. Onto my next webinar of the season: section 139 disaster relief. Sometimes being licensed isn't all it's cracked up to be lol

    1. Garsh


      perfect to throw on just as you are wanting to sleep.

  8. Nothing more fun than an IRS webinar. - no one ever

    1. N0HBDY


      Love myself an IRS webinar wdym

  9. Heading into a CPE webinar and they are trying to be cool and failing. Help.

  10. Who got their flu shot yesterday and feels like they have the flu? I mean it's me but if you too then I know how you feel. 

  11. Stuck in a webinar and the first poll asked why we were there. So glad they had the "I'm only here for the credit" option.

    1. Triller


      "I'm just here so I don't get fined."

  12. Look who's back in the real world and crying because it's the real world.

    1. Shindigs



    2. Dil
    3. JardyB10


      Because the real world is kind of like Real World.


  14. Got me some delicious Wawa for lunch. What about yous guys?

    1. Gustav


      You have no idea how much of a running joke Wawa is in our Town of Salem games. @Doomsday would like a word for sure...

    2. N0HBDY
  15. G'mar chatima tova to my fellow Jews. 😃 

  16. Work. Life. THEN I can come back to normal activity. Man I miss being productive on here.

  17. Shana tova. See y'all after the holiday. 

  18. I'm back peoples! Felt like my time away would never end. 

    1. diacope


      So flamin' hot before I didn't even notice you left!

    2. Lemorse7


      HI back peoples! I'm lemorse7 nice to meet you 

  19. Excited to get going on my first AGM job! 

  20. Looks like I'll be heading to the E with 300 TPE!

  21. I promise I'm not falling off, I'm just stupid busy at work this week. 😩

    1. thadthrasher


      Don't stress, it happens to all of us. I joined during COVID, was incredibly active, reading and writing almost every day, and then life starting getting back to normal and my schedule got fuller and fuller. 

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