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Posts posted by Aimee

  1. Welcome back! This is for the week ending 3/17/2024.

    You all know the rules: Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE. Let's go!


    1. Training camp has opened. Did you click the button??? And how does it feel to officially roll into S93?

    2. How do you think your TPE earning will be compared to last season?

    3. What do you think you're going to focus your TPE into this season?

    4.What do you think of the new team that Jacob has pulled together?

    5. What did you think of Jacob's draft picks?

    6. Is a hotdog a sandwich? Why or why not?

  2. After a disappointing ending to the season, Jesse Teno went home to Vermont to spend some time with their family, their foundation, and to plan their honeymoon. Much time was spent skiing and running around town with their fiancé as well as some much-needed quality time with their parents. At the local rink, Jesse also spent some quality time with the youth and rec leagues before playing a few games with the beer league.


    “It’s nice to just come home and be with people I love and do something that I love without all the pressure. Playing in the VHL has been a dream come true but sometimes, I can’t wait for that moment when I can just get on the ice for the pure fun of it. I love this job and I love this game, but I’m looking forward to retiring after next season.”


    It’s rare to hear a player looking forward to the end of their professional career but that’s what makes Jesse a breath of fresh air sometimes.


    172 words for week ending 3/17/2024

  3. Hello and welcome to the off season! I will be your new PC host and I hope we can keep making these interesting.

    You all know the rules: Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE. Let's go!


    1. Welcome to the off season. If you got hit with depreciation, were you able to bring yourself back up? If you didn't depreciate, are you saving up yet in anticipation of it?

    2. How did your player react when they got back to the locker room after Game 7?

    3. What is your player planning on doing in the off season to prep for the next?

    4. We've lost a few to retirement and may lose some to FA. If you could bring any player to London from any other team, who would it be and why?

    5. As of right now, London only has 2 final round picks including the last pick. Who do you think London should go for when the dust has settled and the top players are taken?

    6. If you could bring back any 1 retired player (from any season) to play with London, who would it be and why?

  4. It was a sad ending to a hard fought season for Jesse Teno and the United. Making it back to the finals for the 2nd time in 5 seasons, it seemed that maybe London would pull it off before the end of an era began. They only needed 1 more win and they would be Champions once more. But fate, and the DC Dragons, had other ideas. 

    It was as close as a game could get. Shots were 53-47 in favor of London and the final score was 2-3. Jesse Teno and Henry Tucker Jr were neck and neck until the end. Teno ended the game with a 0.936 save percentage and Tucker Jr ended with a 0.962. Really you couldn’t have asked more from these 2 spectacular goalies. 


    Teno ends the S92 playoffs with a 14-5-3 record with 3 shutouts, a 0.947 save percentage, and a 2.19 goals-against average. Compared to S88 when London won the cup, it seems that Teno truly was in peak form.




    167 words for week ending 3/11/2024

  5. 1 hour ago, JCarson said:

    This Press conference is being written Wednesday Feb 28, the finals currently sit with London having 2 games and DC having 0.

    Hope this provides some context to the timing of he questions


    1) If you had to choose a regular season MVP for London who would it be, why?

    2) If you had to choose a playoff MVP for London who would it be, why?

    3) What was London's greatest accomplishment of Season 92, why?

    4) What are your expectations of the offseason?

    5) What is your goal for season 93?

    6) If we win the cup, what will you do with it?

    1. Triller! His production is so well rounded these playoffs. He's definitely one of the main reasons we are where we are.

    2. Teno! Sorry but I gotta pick my own player. They have been nearly perfect in the playoffs.

    3. Making it into the playoffs despite the roller coaster of wins/losses.

    4. Some sad goodbyes to amazing players, the impending ending of Teno's career, and earning as much TPE as possible to go out with a bang.

    5. To have fun and let Teno go out on a high.

    6. Put my cat inside and take lots of pictures.

  6. Work has been picking up which means I come home and I'm too exhausted to read. So I've been relying on audiobooks on my commute for the last few weeks and will probably continue to do so for the next 6. I knocked out a few childrens classics I've never read but saw the movies. (James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Paddington Bear). I also discovered a free series on Audible called Divine Dungeon and I finished the first book today. It's a great story if you're into D&D or similar games. Right now I'm listening to I'm Just a Person by Tig Notaro. Nice short non-fiction audiobook to break things up a bit. 

  7. Back to the finals they go! The London United have once again been dragged kicking and screaming into the finals by its determined players. Jesse Teno has continued to baffle critics by being old and capable. It’s not very often you see a goalie go through the extreme highs and lows that they have. Teno is having a run in the finals that has not been seen from them since S88 when London won its first and only Continental Cup.


    Going up against DC is definitely going to be a challenge for the veteran goalie. Between Henry Tucker Jr @NSG and Jesse Teno being close in stats at the end of the season as well as being equally as dominant during the cup run, this is surely going to be a match up for the ages. Not only are they going to make an incredible match up, but this will also be a S85 class reunion. Tucker Jr was drafted 8th overall and Teno was drafted 10th overall. I guess it’s time to see who has made the largest impact and who will walk away a champ heading into their final season.


    191 words for week ending 3/3/2024

  8. 6 hours ago, JCarson said:

    We are in the final stretch of season 92 so I am going to do a press conference on endings


    1) Which movie has the best ending, why?

    2) Do you like post/mid credit videos, why?

    3) When your career ends will you recreate? why?

    4) Give me your thoughts on Bidets?

    5) Does your player have an end of game routine? What is it?

    6) Does your player have an end of season routine? What is it?

    1. Star Wars: Rogue One comes to mind. I love how they tied right into Episode 4 so you could watch them back to back and it would be amazing.

    2. I do! If done right they either allow for an additional experience or a fun teaser. 

    3. Yes! And while I will be sad to see Teno go after next season, I'm equally as excited to create my new player.

    4. The wife and I are considering installing one in our bathroom at home. 

    5. Bounce off the walls after a win or pray to Simon after a loss.

    6. Fly back home and dive right into their foundation.

  9.                                                                                                                   Robin Williams Dancing GIF by STARZ


    As the buzzer sounded for the end of game 4, Jesse Teno stood in their goal stunned as the onslaught of London players began coming at them. They were truly shocked that not only had they just beat Malmo, one of the teams considered a challenge for the playoffs, but they had done so with a sweep. 


    Teno only allowed 9 goals on 146 shots resulting in a 0.9345 save percentage for round 1 of the playoffs. So far through the Wildcard and Round 1, Teno is 7-0-1 with 1 shutout, has a 0.946 save percentage (1st for goalies who have played 4 or 8 games), 2.11 goals against average (2nd for goalies who have played 4 or 8 games), and the usually mild-mannered goalie has had 2 penalty minutes.


    “It honestly came out of nowhere. This was not what we were expecting but I think it’s exactly what we needed to have happened. I can’t wait to see who we play next.”


    163 words for week ending 2/25/2024

  10. 1 hour ago, JCarson said:

    AS the regular season has just ended we are going to do a Playoff focused Press Conference


    1) Do you expect London to get past the play in round, why

    2) Who do you think wins the North American Play in round and why?

    3) What player do you expect to bring an extra push in the playoffs, why?

    4) Will any player be a disappointment in the playoffs, why?

    5) Other than London who do you think will represent Europe in the finals, why?

    6) Who do you think will represent North America in the finals, why?

    1. I hope so! We're an amazing team we just gotta get some luck on our side.

    2. Toronto, just based on the goal differential alone.

    3. I think Molly the Cat will want to go out with a bang so I think she'll dominate.

    4. No! We are a team of players who make their moms proud! No disappointments on this team.

    5. I think Moscow has one more chance to lose in the finals so I'm rooting for them.

    6. Probably Calgary. After their loss of Landon, I think they've made a real comeback.

  11. To the dismay of many, the conversation around moving London to Scotland seems to have not caught any traction. We are unsure why as the idea is absolutely fool proof and would only benefit the VHL by reaching into an untapped market. It would also allow for some injection of new life and colors into the VHL. No one needs another red, white and blue team when a Scottish team could have beautiful oranges for their highland cow mascot-to-be.


    “I’m disappointed that the conversation hasn’t gone anywhere,” said London goalie Jesse Teno. “It’s something I really believe would be good for everyone involved. I want everyone to know that once I retire, I will be putting my efforts into trying to bring hockey to Scotland.”


    Who knows if the Board of Governors will ever take up the issue but we’re all hoping that they at least give the idea a go.


    151 words for week ending 2/18/2024

  12. 20 hours ago, JCarson said:

    This will be a predictive press conference


    1) Who do you think will end the season with the most goal, why?

    2) Who do you think will end the season with the most assists, why?

    3) Which goalie will have the most wins, why?

    4) Who do you think will be first in the NA conference, why

    5) Who do you think will be first in the EU conference, why?

    6) Who do you think will win the Continental Cup, why?

    1. I think unless anyone can make a real push in the next 9 games, I think AK92 Wit da Hoodie has it.

    2. I'm going to say that Pierre Emile Bouchard will overtake the Frenchman.

    3. I think Olober Syko. Moscow is right on Malmo's butt so I think Syko could get those extra wins in to pass Ash Sparks.

    4. I think LA has a chance to pass Calgary. They're only 2 points off so I think they have a chance. Plus they have the better goal diff.

    5. I'd like to see Moscow overtake Malmo. They only need 6 points to pass and I think it's doable.

    6. As much as I'd like to say London, I think Prague with its individual players is too good.

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