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Posts posted by Aimee

  1. Ahsoka Tano has found herself quite busy these last few days. Between participating in the JST and ProAm, she has also been fielding interviews and calls from GMs all over the VHLM. While she has expressed interest in staying in Mexico City should they draft her, it seems the defenseman would be happy to go anywhere she is wanted. 


    “Honestly, I don’t mind who drafts me. Yes, Mexico City is nice, and I really like the management here, but I would understand if they either don’t want me or someone gets to me before they have the chance to bring me back. We’ll just have to see what happens on draft day.”


    Various outlets have been predicting Tano to go in the top 3 this draft and for any teams needing to bolster their defense, she seems like a good bet. Tano has been non-stop hard at work playing and practicing to ready herself for her official rookie season.

    159 words for week ending 5/19/2024

  2. While the VHL Forums are crawling with guides and how-to’s, I have, since day one of joining, thought that the one guide we are missing here is a rundown of all the slang and acronyms that we use daily here both on the forums and in the discord server. So, I present to you:

    Aimkin’s Guide to Understanding VHL Veterans


    I won’t be covering the STHS attributes as, thankfully, the portal provides that information.


    GM – General Manager; runs the team. They come and go but some just stay and lose final after final after final.

    AGM – Assistant General Manager; helps run the team but usually just does press conferences. Or nothing at all.

    BOG – Board of Governors. Things that go wrong are usually blamed on them. Justified? Sometimes.

    PRESSERS – Short for Press Conference. Easy weekly 2 points if you just answer some questions.

    THE E – Refers to the VHLE despite having the same number of letters.

    THE M – Refers to the VHLM despite also having the same number of letters.

    FA – Free Agent; a sports term used to describe a player who is not currently on a team or contracted to join a team. They are available to be added to a team.

    S## - The letter S followed by numbers is how the VHL shows or talks about Seasons.

    $$M – One or two numbers followed by an M is the price of a contract for a player (generally considered to be in US dollars).

    TPE – Total Points Earned; these are the points that you receive for completing tasks and can be applied to attributes.

    TPA – Total Points Applied; TPE becomes TPA after it has been applied to an attribute. When depreciation hits, TPA will begin to differ from TPE as the Applied number will decrease, but the Earned will always be the total.

    MS – Short for Media Spot. This is a point task worth 6 points and is required to contain 500 words minimum.

    IA – Inactive; used to describe a member/player who has not earned TPE in a few weeks.

    BLUES/ COMMIES – Refers to members who are League Commissioners. Their names are Blue in the forums, hence the nickname. The other nickname is due to the perception that they are the overlords of the VHL along with the mods.

    OA – Overall; refers to the position within a draft. (1OA = 1st overall drafted, and so on.)

    CLICKER – Refers to a member who logs in to click the Practice Facility and Welfare/Pension buttons as their only interaction and earning within the league.

    GMOTY – GM of the Year. It’s an award where the GMs get to pat each other on the back for whoever they believe did the best job of not being bad.

    TDL – Trade Deadline. The day when trades among teams are officially over. Also signifies the day that retiring players can recreate.

    BLAME COLE – This one has lost traction in the last few years but used to be a loving way to blame everything bad in the VHL on one member.

    SPARTAN SUCKS – A loving gesture used in Moscow towards its resident GM. 💛


    515 words for week ending 5/19/2024


  3. For week ending 5/19/24

    Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE


    1. Whole bunch of moves this off season including some new teammates. How are you feeling about the shuffle?

    2. If you could bring one player to London (no limits) who would it be?

    3. Do you think we have one more good season in us before the true rebuild begins?

    4. If Jacob were to leave his GM position to one United member, who do you think it would be?

    5. What do you think is going to be our biggest struggle this upcoming season?

    6. Riddle: When is a door not a door?

  4. For week ending 5/12/24

    Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE


    1. Game 7. How are we feeling about our performance?

    2. Are you planning to stick around with London through the rebuild? Or are you looking to check out greener pastures?

    3. What do you think your player could have done differently in Game 7?

    4. Any fun plans for the off season?

    5. If you could bring in any goalie to take Teno's place, who would it be?

    6. Are you on or off the London relocation wagon?

  5. 11 minutes ago, Triller said:

    Playing in front of Teno for my whole career has been a huge pleasure!  You have allowed Leonard to make the playoffs for every season of his career so far and that has been an unexpected part of this whole journey!  Glad to still have you in the LR as the AGM.  London is the way it is because of you and Teno!

    Happy to leave such a lasting imprint! Cant wait to see what we can do for London in your final season. 

  6. Jesse Teno’s incredible career in the VHL has officially come to an end. With the final game of the S93 Continental Cup Final played, Jesse Teno has cemented their legacy as one of the greatest goalies of all time. 


    For the London regular season franchise, Teno is first in Wins (253), second in save percentage (0.928), third in goals against average (2.42) and first in shutouts (32). For the playoffs, Teno is first in all categories: 51 wins, 0.936 save percentage, 2.42  goals against average, and 9 shutouts. Truly a legacy that all future London goalies will be striving to beat.


    “I just want to say thank you to every teammate, coach, and GM I have had since joining the VHL. These past 9 seasons of skating around with the pros has been the true highlight of my life. I want to thank Bo Johansson for being a great role model and friend at the start of my career back in Saskatoon, Lachlan Summers for being an incredible friend to practice with and push me to be my best, and Jacob Carson for being an incredible GM and mentor these past few seasons. I honestly don't know where I would be today if it weren't for them. But also of course my teammates who have been through it all with me. Especially Leonard Triller who has been there beside me almost my entire time in London. I feel like we've become brothers. 


    The VHL has become my family and I am so honored to have been offered the goaltending coach job here in London. Continuing to build my time here and help future goalies become great sounds a lot better to me than straight up retirement. 


    And finally, I want to thank the fans who have had faith in me whether it was from day 1 or only yesterday. I'm sorry we let you down in my last chance at another cup but honestly, it was still an amazing time. You have all pushed me to be the best player I can and I appreciate every single one of you for cheering me and this team on. You are all what makes us United.”



    As a first-gen who knew nothing about sim leagues, I cannot believe where I was able to get my first player. Getting here and having Teno be the player that they ended up being was not something I expected. I started 2 years ago not knowing what I was doing but somehow managed to use the advice of friends to get the stats where I wanted them to be. Teno was an experiment gone right and I couldn't be happier. I mean, would I have liked to see them go out in a blaze of glory to win their final final? Sure. But getting to game 7 is always a great consolation prize. 


    I don't know where I'd be without the VHL. I have met so many amazing people who have become my friends and I can easily say that I've never had this much fun in an online community. Y'all have been incredible to me and I cannot wait to see what the next 2 years brings. 


    @Shindigs @kirbithan @jacobcarson877 @Triller

  7. It’s been a quiet offseason for Ashoka Tano who has been working hard every day to improve as much as she can before the VHLM draft. Word is that she is expected to be drafted high but only two teams have reportedly reached out to talk to her. As one of the hardest working defenseman in the upcoming draft, it wouldn’t be surprising if she were to go within the top five. 


    “I’m just working hard and trying to prove that I’m worth the hype. I know how important what I do now is to my draft stock so all I can continue to do is train and hope that some more general managers reach out. But if they don’t, I won’t take it personally. There are a lot of players who are great going into this draft so I need to do what I can to stick out. But hopefully someone will see something in me worth drafting for.”

    160 words for week ending 5/12/2024

  8. For week ending 5/5/24

    Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE


    1. We made it past the first round! How is your player celebrating?

    2. What do you think of your player's performance so far in the post-season?

    3. Has your player developed any new superstitions?

    4. What do you think our odds are against Moscow?

    5. If we make it past Moscow, who would you like to face in the finals?

    6. McDonalds, Wendy's, or Burger King?

  9. With Mexico City’s post season coming to a quick end, Ahsoka Tano is officially on break and looking for her next home. Maybe it’ll be Mexico City? But who knows. With the VHLM draft coming up, and the buzz around the young defenseman minimal, who knows where she will end up next season. 


    Ahsoka had finished the season off with 1 goal and 10 assists over 15 games with a -7. Her one goal did come on a power play. While not great, it isn’t really enough to reflect her potential. Given the lack of active teammates around her, it’s not surprising that Tano struggled to make much in her start. 


    In the short-lived post-season, Tano did manage 2 goals and 1 assist for 3 points over 5 games and was -4. Surprisingly, one of her goals was a game winner.


    “We all know I didn’t have a chance to really show what I can do so I hope that whichever team decides to draft me knows that I’m a hard worker and I’ll do whatever I can to make a difference. Also I’ll try and figure out how to stop getting penalties.”


    193 words for week ending 5/5/2024

  10. For week ending 4/28/24

    Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE


    1. We're finally in playoff season! How are you feeling?

    2. What did you player do after that final win of the regular season?

    3. What is your player doing to prepare for the playoffs?

    4. Who do you think is going to make it to the finals?

    5. What do you think our odds are of getting to the finals?

    6. Other than London, what other team would you root for to win it all?

  11. After her first week in the VHLM, Ahsoka Tano is now fully a member of the Mexico City Kings. In her first 15 games, Ahsoka has 1 goal and 10 assists, which includes 1 power play goal. Unfortunately for her, Ahsoka is also a -7 given the rough go that Mexico has had. But with 11 points over 15 games, she is hoping to get some more experience under her belt before the VHLM draft in a few weeks. 

    One surprising aspect about Ahsoka is how she had 14 penalty minutes already. For someone who sells herself as focusing on skills, it is a bit of a shock to see her wracking up so many penalties this early into her career.

    “I think the refs just don’t know what they’re doing, to be honest. Most of the penalties are bad calls but who am I to argue on the ice? I don’t agree with it but yelling at the refs is just going to make things worse for myself and my team.”

    172 words for week ending 4/28/2024

  12. Ahsoka Tano walks into the press conference room wearing a blue suit with a white button up shirt and orange lining and pocket square. She is greeted by the Mexico City King’s GM @JCarson and shakes his hand. They stand for a few pictures and Tano is shown and offered her jersey. She smiles and thanks him as they pose for a photo. Tano then removes her suit jacket before pulling on her new jersey. They then sit for the press conference, camera flashes going off like crazy the whole time.

    “Ahsoka, how are you feeling now that you’re officially in the VHLM”


    “Feels great! I’m thrilled that the Kings allowed me to join their team for the end of the season and hopeful post season.”


    “Since there are only a handful of games left, what impact do you think you’re going to make?”


    “Not sure yet. I haven’t gotten on the ice with the rest of the team, but I just hope that whatever it is, it’s positive.”


    169 words for week ending 4/21/2024

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