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Posts posted by Aimee

  1. With less than 20 games left in the season, it would seem that Jesse Teno has failed to live up to their Shaw and Clegane award winning previous season. 49 games in, Teno currently sits at 26-16-7 with only 1 shutout. Teno has not had less than 3 shutouts in any season excluding their first season when they only played 11 games. They have a save percentage of 0.922 and goals against average of 2.59, neither of which have landed them in the top 10 on leaderboards. It’s unclear what happened this season but hopefully Teno can wipe their slate clean when this is all done and prepare to try and give it one more dominant go in their final season.


    “I’m not happy, obviously. I know it’s not all me, but this is one of the worst seasons we have had. If we don’t make it into the playoffs this season, I only have one more to prove myself. I’m just going to have to try my hardest.”


    169 words for week ending 2/11/24

  2. 3 minutes ago, JCarson said:

    Okay so since this is theme week we will be doing a theme week related press conference


    1) If we did a all star game tournament where each team was chosen based on draft year, which draft class between season 75 and 85 would win, why?

    2) Do you think you would make your draft class all start team, why, why not?

    3) If you had to draft a VHLM all star team, who would be your first puck, why?

    4) On an all star team which position is most important? Why?

    5) Should the VHL reinstate the all star game, why, why not?

    6) For season 100 celebrations should we do a decades team, all star tournament (season 1-10 has a team, season 11-20, etc) why or why not


    1. 85! I mean, I just built the team in my media spot and Teno is on it so you know it's gonna kick ass. 

    2. I think so. Jesse is still one of the top goalies despite not having a great season stats wise. 

    3. Vanellope von Schweetz. Mostly because it's a veteran member and I don't really have any other reason because I have not been following the M at all. 

    4. I think Center. If you're pulling guys from all different teams, you need a center for them to rally around as their main guy and I think they help pull the team together. 

    5. Sure! It's before my time but I feel like it would be a good extra thing to have. 

    6. Maybe not a decades team because I'm sure the attributes will be widely different from s1 to s100. But I do think some sort of tournament to celebrate would be good. 

  3. Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals – let me welcome you to the unofficial naming of the S85 Draft Class All-Star Team! This All-Star team is exclusively made up of S85 draftees who are currently playing in the VHL. We will be naming 1 Center, 2 Wingers, 3 Defensemen and 2 Goalies. Buckle up and strap in as we introduce them to you.


    To start off our team, at Center, all the way from Ireland and currently playing for Prague, we have John Jameson. Jameson spent his time playing for Philadelphia and San Diego in the VHLM and Oslo in the VHLE and was drafted 2nd overall by Prague. Over the past 6 and a half seasons, Jameson has scored 260 Goals and made 326 Assists for 586 Points. Jameson makes an excellent start for this All-Star team as he sits 5th overall amongst players and is the number 3 center as of today. Surprisingly, Jameson also leads in Hits this season so far, making him a dangerous piece to have out on the ice.


    Next up we are turning to our Left Winger, all the way from Finland and also playing for Prague, Nikolas Kauppi. Kauppi spent him time in the VHLM shifting between Mexico City and Saskatoon, spent one season in Oslo in the VHLE, and was drafted 17th overall by Prague. Over the past 6 and a half seasons, Kauppi has scored 168 Goals and made 229 Assists for 397 Points. Though not amongst the overall top, Kauppi still has his name all over the leaderboards. Currently he is 7th in Goals (24), 9th in Shots (283), 6th in Plus/Minus (+21), and is tied for 1st in Game Winning Goals (7) with none other than who we are about to announce as our next team member.


    Turning to the Right Winger, from Poland and member of Malmo, Henry Eagles. Eagles only spent 1 season in the VHLM with Houston before a season in the VHLE with Bratislava. He was drafted 1st overall by Vancouver and played there for 5 seasons before being traded to Malmo between S89 and S90. Over the past 6 and a half seasons, Eagles has scored 246 Goals and made 287 Assists for 533 Points. Eagles sits 5th overall amongst all players, is 10th in Goals (23), and as stated before, is tied for 1st with Nikolas Kauppi for Game Winning Goals (7). Eagles’ overall consistency from season to season, for the most part, makes him a very reliable player to have for this All-Star Team. 


    Now we shift to the defense of our team. From jolly old England and playing for Calgary, we have Phil Strasmore. Strasmore spent 3 seasons in the VHL playing for Mississauga, Houston, and San Diego and was drafted 3rd Overall by Calgary. Over the past 6 and a half seasons, Strasmore has scored 60 Goals and made 325 Assists for 385 Points. Though he has had some rough seasons, Strasmore has definitely been proving himself an aggressive defense player. On the leaderboard he is currently 10th in Hits (139) and 4th in Penalty Minutes (113). Strasmore should prove to be a good fit in front of the net for this aging team. 


    Joining Strasmore on defense, all the way from Japan, and currently playing for London, we have Isamu Knievel. Knievel spent 1 season in the VHLM playing for Houston, 1 season in the VHLE for Cologne, and was drafted 14th overall by Toronto. Knievel never played for Toronto however, as he was traded multiple times over his career, Davos, Riga, Malmo, back to Davos and now London. Over the past 6 and a half seasons, Knievel has scored 40 Goals and made 175 Assists for 215 Points. Knievel might not have much production in points but he does sit 8th overall in Hits (140), just barely getting in above Strasmore. 


    To round out our defense, from right here in the United States and playing for London, we have Lloyd Braun. Braun played for Houston and San Diego in the VHLM, jumped between Vasteras and Stockholm in the VHLE, and was drafted 12th overall by Helsinki. Though like Knievel, Braun was traded prior to being called up for the VHL and ended up playing for Calgary, then back to Helsinki for a season before going to London. Over the past 6 and a half seasons, Knievel has scored 43 Goals and made 188 Assists for 231 Points. Braun can’t be found anywhere on the leaderboards however that doesn’t mean that he isn’t a great player. Overall, Braun has an average of +19 and 117 hits per season. 


    And finally to the last key pieces of this All-Star Team. The goalies.


    The first named to the team, from right here in the United States and playing for London, Jesse Teno. Teno played for Saskatoon in the VHLM, Cologne in the VHLE, was drafted 10th overall by London, and has been there ever since. Over the past 6 and a half seasons, Teno has a record of 196-134-39 with an average Save Percentage of 0.928, Goals Against Average of 2.41 and 25 total Shutouts. Though this season Teno’s stats are struggling, they have been otherwise reliable and highly consistent prior to S92. Teno currently sits in 5th for Wins (20) and 7th for Shutouts (1). They also currently sit at the 6th overall goalie for S92.


    And last but not least, also from here in the United States, and another Prague player, Matt Murdock. Murdock played for Houston in the VHLM, Istanbul and Vasteras in the VHLE, and was drafted 7th overall by Moscow where he played 3 seasons. He was then traded to Prague and has spent the last 4 seasons there. Over the past 6 and a half seasons, Murdock has a record of 203-120-29 with an average Save Percentage of 0.926, Goals Against Average of 2.54 and 19 total Shutouts. Murdock is on the leaderboard in 5th for Save Percentage (0.935), 6th for Goals Against Average (2.19), 4th for Shutouts (2), and 10th for Penalty Minutes (2). Murdock, like Teno, has been very consistent since coming to the VHL and is probably the best tandem pick to play alongside them.


    And there we have it; your S85 Draft All-Star Team! A basic look back at how these 8 players have gone from obscure players in the VHLM to some of the best players of their draft class.  


    1069 words for weeks ending 2/4/2024 and 2/11/2024

  4. This season has been a roller coaster for Jesse Teno and the London United. Wins and losses are coming in short spurts and the team can’t seem to get any sort of streak going. It’s also been rare for them to win more than one game a day, making the momentum harder to build up day to day.


    Currently London sits at 3rd in the European Conference and 6th overall which isn’t bad considering the sputtering of wins. Teno is still struggling despite the success that London is seeing overall. With a record of 20-11-6 and only 1 shutout, the goaltender is having a slow and minimally successful season. They are middle of the pack among goalies and are finding it hard to get their save percentage and goals against average back up amongst the top.


    “I’m still not thrilled with what’s happening and maybe I’m just an old fart amongst the young guns. I had hoped this close to the end of my career I might have a few last hurrahs but it’s not looking like this season will be my season.”


    183 words for week ending 2/4/2024

  5. It doesn’t take a genius to look at the leader board and know that Jesse Teno has fallen far compared to last season. While London isn’t having a terrible time, Teno’s stats are. Between 4 over time losses and a 2.49 goals against average, Teno is on course for a harsh season statistically. With a 13-8-4 record, they are barely above .500. Teno hasn’t had a start to the season this bad since two season ago in S90 when they had their first and (so far) only losing season. With the domination of the younger goalies this season, it’s hard to tell if Teno has officially fallen from grace, or if this super veteran is just having some bad luck.


    “We all know it’s hard to have the numbers come out the way they are. I’m not getting the results I wanted and I’m trying all I can to keep myself and the team afloat. Hopefully things turn around soon.”


    160 words for week ending 1/28/2024

  6. On 1/21/2024 at 8:58 AM, JCarson said:

    Welcome to next press conference. Every now and again I go a little rogue with these and come up with some theme.  Sometime it makes things funny, sometimes it is painful. (I promise no literary requirements).

    So this week I thought I would pick the topic of AI use in point tasks.


    1) What is your opinion on the use of AI in generating written point tasks (media Spots, articles)?

    2) What is your opinion on the use of AI in generating graphic point tasks?

    3) In your opinion is there a level of AI use that is acceptable?

    4) The punishments that have been handed out so far to people caught using AI, were they fair, too soft, too harsh?

    5) Have you ever used AI tools, (Inside of VHL or outside), tell us about your experience with the tools?

    6) Do you think AI will evolve to the point that people will no longer be involved in areas like book writing, journalism, creating paintings. Discuss your opinion?

    1. I think to ask AI to write a whole article is lazy and wrong. But I think using it to pull sources or to manufacture a basis for an article is fine.

    2. I think with AI and graphics, the person should be doing 90-99% of the work and then if there is something they want to do to the piece that either would require more skill/knowledge or a paid program, then I think you could ask AI to do one or two small tweaks or filters to finish it off.

    3. Like I said above, I think minimal. Research and devils advocate for writing, and just a finishing touch on graphics.

    4. I don't know the exact punishments handed out but I think if you're going to use AI to do all of your work, then yea, a TPE ban for however many weeks seems fair.

    5. I played with ChatGPT once just to see what it could create regarding hockey and I found it hard to get what I would have actually needed if I had wanted to use AI to write for me.

    6. I hope not. AI can only create based off of what it pulls from existing material. If AI were to start writing whole books, it would end up spitting out the same old stories that we've been reading. It would completely take away true creativity. Besides, AI isn't perfect and probably never will be. I hope artists and writers start to use that program to contaminate their works so that AI can't pull from them.

  7. On 1/14/2024 at 2:21 PM, JCarson said:

    It is time for our next press conference.  Hope everyone is enjoying the easy TPE.  Remember when answering to use sentence structure.


    1) How are you feeling about our the season so far?

    2) Why do you think we are finding it hard to score goals? (At the point of writing this we are second lowest in the league)

    3) Why do you think we have so few goals against us? (At the point of writing this we are tied for the least amount of goals against)

    4)  Isamu Knieval is currently sitting with 195 career points, do they reach 200 before the next press conference release (so in about 14 games), why?

    5) What do you expect our average goals per game to be by season end, why? (Currently we are at 2.43 goals per game)

    6) Will Teno end the season below 2 GAA, why? (Currently Teno sits at 1.85GAA)

    1. Meh. I feel like Jesse could be doing better considering last season. I hoping they can pick up a run of wins soon.

    2. Well, I'd say it's probably where players have their TPE applied but I also feel like the right answer is because Simon says so.

    3. Teno! Teno! Teno! One of the few things right now where they are excelling this season.

    4. Can confirm they did! Congrats!

    5. I'm hoping between 3 and 4. I don't know why. I am bad at hockey stats and analyzing these things.

    6. Hopefully! They're currently sitting at above 2 with the last week of games just not going well. Hoping they can get back into form soon.

  8. With the severe drop in temperatures on the east coast this week, Jesse Teno flew home to Vermont to help their foundation set up pond hockey rinks for the locals. By repurposing old nets and boards, they were able to fashion about a dozen rinks all over southern Vermont for both kids and beer leagues alike. “It feels good to come back home once in a while and get my hands dirty for the foundation,” Jesse told us when they landed in Burlington. “I really enjoy getting out from behind the paperwork.”

    Along with their families and a few players from the University of Vermont, the Teno Foundation was able to put together the rinks in no time. Each received two nets, a set of old boards, and the foundation also paid for the hiring of retired refs to help with some future games between beer league teams. In regard to using the funds for adult leagues, Teno had this to say: “I know the foundation was built with the idea of supporting kids but with the increase in cash funds for the foundation this past year, I think it’s important that we also support local adult leagues too. Not only are they also worth the effort we can put in, but some have already offered to help coach future kids’ practices. What’s the point of working with a community if you don’t help everyone?”

    During the holiday season, it seems the Teno Foundation had a large injection of funds due to some anonymous donors as well as official sponsors; the largest being the VHL. While the numbers are still yet to be reported, it is believed that the foundation has a few million dollars to play with. And play with it they will. Jesse Teno informed us that the foundation is already planning its expansion into northern Vermont and New Hampshire. With that sort of spread, they will be able to help many more thousands of kids and families acquire hockey gear and lessons that they otherwise could not have afforded.

    It was noted, as Jesse Teno was giving a small interview at Riley Rink where it all began, that they have two years remaining in the VHL career. The question was then posed as to whether they would then solely focus on the foundation afterwards. “I think it’s going to be a main focus, absolutely. I have no plans on walking away from or closing up the foundation just because I retire. This whole thing is my creation and I intend to see that it last for a very long time. It certainly won’t be my sole focus, but definitely a very important one.”

    It's obvious that with the passion Teno has for hockey, they will continue to see that their foundation remains a successful endeavor. Time will only tell how far they will be able to expand but it would not surprise us if one day there are Teno Foundation classes and rinks all over the country. But for now, it seems the state of Vermont will do for a start.


    514 words for week ending 1/21/2024

  9. It would seem that with this first week of S92, Jesse Teno is continuing to show why they are a 2 time award and Continental Cup winning goalie. Their continued success in net only proves that some players really do get better with age. This super veteran of a goalie is once again the leader in save percentage among players who have played at least 7 games, and is 2nd in goals against average, only .03 behind Art Vandelay. Their performance continues to stun not only their opponents but also their own teammates.


    It would be fair to assume that with time a player would diminish in capabilities but I believe that Jesse Teno has what it takes to give it their all until retirement. There has even been rumor that their name comes up with discussion of future Hall of Famers. While there’s no doubt that Teno deserves a place in VHL history, the question simply becomes, ‘to what extent?’


    161 words for week ending 1/21/2024


  10. This past month has been one of ups and downs for Jesse Teno. After getting married, Teno and London suffered a loss in the semi-finals. Then they went home and proceeded to contract Covid with their wife and spent the next two weeks laid up in their London flat with nowhere to go and nothing to do but sleep off the sickness and catch up on some television. We were told that Jesse finally decided to watch Ted Lasso and has been enjoying it. There were then two weeks of silence and life before the new year, though the eve would bring terrible news when Jesse found out that their grandmother had had a stroke and fallen, only to be found eight hours or so after the event. She would later pass away on January 2nd at the age of 89. The news was a shock to the Teno family as only last month she had been seen dancing at their wedding and was getting ready to head up to Okemo to go skiing. 


    It is also being reported that Jesse is currently shopping for a home, though we are unsure if it is here in London or back in their home state of Vermont. We also wonder selfishly if they have any plans to start a family any time soon.

    221 words for week ending 1/14/2024

  11. 20 hours ago, JCarson said:

    We are going to do a predictive Press Conference


    1) Which player is going to score the teams first goa this season, provide reason?

    2) How many bot goals will we have this season, Why?

    3) What will be our backup goalies stats in their expected 7 games, why?

    4) Does London make the playoffs in season 92, why?

    5) Which new player to the team scores the first goal, why?

    6) On a scale of 1-10 how good of a GM will Jacob be this year, why?

    1. Triller! Because once again, he is a killer thriller that makes goalies freeze-iller.

    2. Not enough probably. But I'll say 20. I think the team we have is likely to take over a lot of bot duty.

    3. Hopefully 7-0! Goat bot had a bit of a bad season last year but we all know the best have to get knocked down a bit before they are amazing again.

    4. I hope so. I think we will. We have an amazing team that Jacob has been a god at keeping together plus the new additions are really going to benefit us.

    5. Probably Marchand. While his E stats weren't great, he had some great goal totals in the M. Hopefully we'll be able to bring the best out of him in the big leagues.

    6. 10! He's already made some incredible moves and I think the best has yet to come for 92.

  12. 2 hours ago, JCarson said:

    That is right, we are now in 2024.  Some of us got there before others but that is what happens when your community lives around the world.

    So we get the first Press Conference of 2024.


    1) Does your player have a New Year's resolution, if so what is it, if not, why not?

    2) What will your player change going into season 92?

    3) What won't your player change going into season 92?

    4) Pick one teammate, compliment them?

    5) What are you looking forward to most in 2024?

    6) What about 2023 do you hope will be left behind and not happen in 2024?

    1. Yes. Jesse would like to spend more time with their foundation and raise more money for kids.

    2. Absolutely nothing. They did amazing last season and they are going to continue that way.

    3. Everything lol. They did amazing last season and they are going to continue that way.

    4. Triller is a thriller who I would be a great killer.

    5. My sister's wedding and starting fertility treatments to start making babies with my wife.

    6. Well, new years eve my grandmother went into the hospital and it's not looking good. So I would like to leave sick family members behind. Just one year.

  13. 9 minutes ago, JCarson said:

    1) What are your expectations for season 92?

    2) Where in the conference do you expect London to finish? Why?

    3) What will be London's biggest strength in season 92?

    4) What will be London's biggest weakness in season 92?

    5) Which team do you expect London to have the best record against in season 92? Why?

    6) Which team do you expect London to have the worst record against in season 92? Why?

    1. For Jesse to keep putting up amazing numbers and continue to be worthy of award nominations.

    2. Probably 3rd or 4th. I think we have an amazing team but I know we haven't had the luck to be as good as the top teams.

    3. Definitely Sjin, Molly and Triller. Those 3 will for sure bring us some good and hard work.

    4. Defense. Always has as long as I've been around and seems to always be. Lacking in D depth is hurting us the most in the end.

    5. Helskini. We killed them last season and now without Landon Wolanin, it'll be even easier.

    6. Toronto or Davos. Summers and Castle are just too on par with Jesse to make it easy.

  14. It’s been a hard post and off season for Jesse Teno. First, they caught Covid at their own wedding, and then they couldn’t help push London into the semi-finals. While it’s not all terrible, it is disheartening to the goalie who only has 2 more years left in their career. Thankfully, they did re-sign with London and have continued to express their interest in staying in London for their final year instead of testing free agency. It’s not surprising that the Vermont native has stuck to their wish to stay with their team. Drafted 10th overall, Teno has enjoyed their time as a record setting member of the United and with GM Jacob firmly in place for the foreseeable future, they have nowhere else that they wish to go with what remains of their time in the VHL.  


    Currently, Teno is up for the Brett Slobodzian award however they are far in 2nd place behind Davos’ Leandro Goncalves. Teno won’t be winning this award this season, but who knows what people will think of their performance in the near future. 


    180 words for week ending 12/31/2023

  15. 5 hours ago, JCarson said:

    Press Conference Week ending Dec 24.


    1) What are your plans for New Years?

    2) If you could be any type of animal what would you choose, why?

    3) If you had one superpower what would it be, why?

    4) If you had a superpower would you be good or evil, why?

    5) Should the VHL mandate wooden sticks in season 92? Why?

    6) If you could pick one VHL job what would it be, why?

    1. Hoping to go down to my cousin's and spend time with them and their 2 year old.

    2. Cat. But one that definitely has a home. Because omg if I were spoiled the way my kitten is, it would be the life.

    3. The ability to summon instant karma on terrible drivers who deserve it.

    4. I think good. I could summon cops to catch speeders, have people cutting in and out of traffic running into each other. So good, but a chaotic good.

    5. Of course! Splinters all over the ice would definitely make for an interesting aspect of the game.

    6. Updater! Omg I have been trying to get this job since almost day 1. I would just love to get people all their beautiful TPE asap.


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