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Posts posted by Aimee

  1. S91 has ended for Jesse Teno and the London United, going out to Helsinki in the semi-finals 4-1. Not the goalie’s best showing but still a good performance overall. But with the end of the season comes the inevitable locker clean out. 


    “Jesse, how are you feeling about how the season ended? Couldn’t have been easy going out on a shutout.”


    No, it’s not. I did all I could to keep us in the game but sometimes it just doesn’t work out the way you want it to. The whole team gave a great effort, but Helsinki just outplayed us and Fuukka Rask managed to hold it together better than I could.


    “Do you think your team was ready to close out the season? Or do you think Helsinki maybe just wanted it a bit more than London?”

    I don’t know if they wanted it more than us but they certainly outplayed us this round. 


    “What are you doing during the off season?”


    Finally going on my honeymoon. The wife doesn’t mind me getting out of work a few weeks early so it will be nice to have that extra time together.


    192 words for week ending 12/24/2023

  2. 1 hour ago, fishy said:

    The Poppy War is the best war epic fantasy I've ever read. Kuang does really impressive work in the genre ESPECIALLY as a debut. I've read all her books, and I liked Poppy War the best. I don't re-read books, but I will be re-reading that trilogy!!! 

    I've never read epic fantasy before because I struggle to get through the history and lore. But the way she writes it makes it so easy to digest and understand. 

  3. Stopped reading for about 2 months due to the wedding. So you'd think being stuck at home with Covid for 2 weeks would mean catching up on a lot of reading but that was not the case since I spent most of it sleeping. But I did manage to get The Poppy War on Libby and I'm a little more than 100 pages in and really enjoying it. 

  4. On 12/10/2023 at 10:28 AM, JCarson said:

    Press conference for the Week ending Dec 17 2023


    1) What is you player doing with their time off before the start of playoffs?

    2) What should we get Jacob for Christmas? Why?

    3) What player is most likely to have too much eggnog at the team Holiday Party? Why?

    4) Have you ever regifted something, what was it?

    5) Do you prefer a White or Green Holiday Season? Why?

    6) London United is doing a holiday potluck dinner, you get to bring one thing, what is it? Why did you choose that?

    1. Recovering from their wedding and getting ready for the playoffs!

    2. A Best GM Award award ala The Office.

    3. Sjin for sure. Always seems like he could go over the edge a little lol.

    4. I think I regifted a necklace once? I got it as a thank you for babysitting someone's kid and it was so not my style.

    5. White. Xmas is not my holiday lol.

    6. Brisket! Got my mom's recipe and I'm ready to blow some of ya'll away.

  5. On 12/3/2023 at 10:24 AM, JCarson said:

    As we quickly approach the end of the regular season we are going to do an evaluation Press conference


    1) Did the GM live up to expectations for this season? Why?

    2) Did your player live up to your expectations this season? Why?

    3) Who on the team had the most significant impact on our results? Why?

    4) Are you wanting to be traded, signed elsewhere, in the offseason? Why?

    5) What area do we need to improve for next season? Why?

    6) Who provided the most impact in the Locker Room this season, Why?

    1. Hell yea! Jacob's moves in the off season definitely paid off! 

    2. Beyond! I'm so proud of Jesse for breaking through and having the best season of their career. 

    3. I guess the D-men. Goalie is left out to dry without them. 

    4. Hell no! Jesse wants to spend their whole career with London. 

    5. I think shooting is still what we need to aim to work on. More shots, more goals. 

    6. Sjin! Great to have him hanging around! 

  6. It’s a simple but nice graphic and pretty straightforward. Definitely works as a banner and call to action for the VHL as a website and forum. Maybe a little wordy in terms of the TPE details but I think overall it’s got what it needs. I like the glowing effect on the letters in the bottom half and it gives it a sort of neon feel. Overall a 4/5 rating and I think with a little tweaking, it could be a legit ad for the VHL.

  7. Jesse Teno continues to dominate the VHL with their best season yet as they round into the last quarter of the season with an incredible 31-10-6 record including a league leading 5 shutouts. Jesse is only 3 wins away from tying their season high wins and with 18 games left, we’re pretty sure they will surpass their personal best. Jesse currently sits in 5th for wins, 1st in save percentage (0.939) among starters, and 1st in goals against average (1.97) among starters. S91 is truly turning into a career defining one for the London goalie who only has 2 more seasons left in their career. With 1 cup and 1 trophy under their belt, we wonder if this season’s performance will earn Teno a much-deserved nomination for the regular season as well as an award win. Time and the rest of the season will only tell how Teno will end up but something tells us it’s going to be an amazing rest of the season.


    165 words for week ending 12/3/2023

  8. As someone who was brought to the VHL through a post in the Pittsburgh Penguins subreddit, I think it’s important that we try to use Reddit as a recruitment tool. Obviously posting to other subreddits was a good idea for a while and I know that a lot of groups have closed off to the idea of outsiders posting. However, we have our own subreddit which is so barren it might as well not exist. For starters, there are only 5 members including myself so clearly there is no community there and no one is interacting. So here are a few suggestions I have which can be worked on as a group both from within and out of the recruitment team.




    Other than the name r/VictoryHockeyLeague there is no branding on the subreddit. The banner, theme, and icon are all standard Reddit blue. The icon for starters, is just the VHL logo. Pretty simple and an easy place to start. Now, I don’t know if we have anything laying around that we could use for a banner but I’m sure someone would be able to whip one up for a quick and easy 6 TPE. As for the theming and color scheme of the page, I don’t know if that’s a subreddit feature that is easy to change or requires someone with HTML to fix up but I’m sure someone could figure out how to make everything either black or dark gray to go with the forum and icon colors.






    As of right now, the only two posts on the subreddit are that the VHL has been created from 5 years ago and a hello from 4 years ago by Dil. Now, we certainly don’t need original content exclusively for the page but we can all cross-platform post our content of images and articles. Hell, that might open more people up to discussing or commenting if they are more inclined to use Reddit over the forum. Content also creates traffic and activity which will then push some content to the front page or at least to areas of the site that can easily get new eyes. Now of course that won’t guarantee that just because someone takes interest in the subreddit that it will transfer to them coming to the forum to join, but traffic is always good for any social media algorithm.






    Since Reddit allows you to pin content to the top, I feel like this would be a great place to post how-to videos for using the site and also a way to introduce people quickly and easily to the concept. Not everyone knows how a sim league works (I didn’t when I joined) so they may think it’s too complex or not interactive enough for their comfort. I think it wouldn’t take too much work for a person or group to work on putting videos together. A simple voice over script and some screen capturing and mouse tracking could lead to a good starter video. I know we have some on a YouTube channel somewhere but I believe that those are a few years old and are now obsolete in many ways since not only did the attributes change but even the creating a player part of the process has been updated. I think it would go over well to recreate those videos with updated information.


    Overall, I think that if we use it correctly, Reddit could be a great recruitment tool. It will take some time to get things going but I believe that in the long run, it could lead to people to the VHL and a tickle of new members could be possible.


    612 words for week ending 11/26/2023

  9. Jesse Teno continues to carry the crown of starter goalie god this season. They were even seen last night walking into a Swarovski store to purchase a crown for themselves. It seems that are beginning to let the success go to their head. We had always seen Teno as a down to Earth kind of player and not only are we worried about their public persona, but we are also worried that the “joke” of embezzling funds from their foundation may be less of a joke and more of a possibility that the public and governmental authorities should consider. 


    It is rumored that the crown will be made up of 300 diamonds on a white gold shell and cost the goalie around one million pounds, or about $1.25 million USD. The largest diamond is said to be about the size of a fist and will weigh in around 1.36kg or 3lbs. Again, we here at this publication encourage fans and authorities to consider the source of these funds.


    168 words for week ending 11/26/2023

  10. 1 hour ago, JCarson said:

    There has been a number of conversations about recruitment this week so I am going to ask a few questions about your experience joining the league.


    1) How were you introduced to the VHL?

    2) What has made you stay in the VHL?

    3) Have you ever introduced the VHL to anyone else, why, why not?

    4) Have you ever thought about leaving the VHL, why, why not?

    5) Once your player retires will you recreate, why, why not?

    6) Do you know anyone who you think would enjoy the VHL, would you invite them, why , why not?

    1. Through a post on the Pittsburgh Penguins subreddit. I actually read it over, decided it wasn't for me, and then a week or so later I went back to find it because I actually was interested.

    2. I've stayed for the creative outlet and for the people I've met. But what initially made me stay was Shindigs.

    3. Yes. @RElblein is in a tax pros discord that I made and he was interested. I've tried others but no other bites.

    4. Not really. I've thought about going clicker for a bit when things get rough in life but not fully walk away.

    5. For sure. I've already got my next player named. Just can't decide if I want to go goalie again or try defense.

    6. Yea but I haven't really had the chance to tell them about it. I doubt they would do it but just seems like it could be their thing.

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