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Aimee last won the day on November 19 2024

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    Ahsoka Tano
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  1. 11. April 16th! My next day off! 12. Nothing at the moment, but I used to be obsessed with Bear Grylls and Dirty Jobs. 13. Amazing! Ahsoka still needs some work but I think she's really found her home. 12. I think we gotta play a little meta and find the best way to utilize our player's stats to have them play off of each other as best as possible. 17. Black out, no one talks about it, delete all the pictures. 18. His jock strap I hear is going for major bucks.
  2. Hello. It's tax season. See ya'll on April 16th.

    1. der meister

      der meister

      Hello, blue team? I'd like to report a threat.

  3. Transaction ID: 52045008NJ689310P 5 Uncapped TPE Doubles Week 1 M Player Store
  4. Hell yea this is a beaverful looking team!
  5. Ahsoka Tano and the Seattle Bears are Cup Champions! Tano faired slightly better in the playoffs than she did during the regular season. In terms of the leaderboard, she finished as the #4 Defenseman with 16 points over 21 games and also finished #4 for Shots Blocked with 49. Through the playoffs, Tano had 4 Goals and 12 Assists for 16 points and was +3. She also had 1 Power Play Goal. “Getting here was a struggle, and I know I can do better. I don’t know if I need to improve my own skills or if I need to figure out how to work with the players around me, but I plan to do what I can during the off season to make sure that I can be a better player come next season.” Seattle will have a few weeks to celebrate as champions before defending their title becomes their number one priority. 154 words for week ending 2/23/2025
  6. 1. Feels really freaking good! Just wish I had had the energy to realize we were that close to winning it all lol. 4. I'd say 60. I think she could have done a lot better but I know she did well. Just hoping next season I can get a few more points. 5. Not trade away key players and bolster where we are weak. Also TPE earning. 6. Work, work, and more work. And reading. 8. I still think offering prompts outside of theme week would be a great way to help people have something to post about, espcially first gens. 10. Taking it to as many hockey games as I can and using it as a ticket to all the suites.
  7. For the first time all season, Ahsoka Tano is actually doing well compared to her fellow defensemen. 13 games into the post-season and she’s ranked 4th with 10 points (2 Goals, 8 Assists). She’s also ranked 8th with 23 Shots Blocked. While Seattle has made a deeper push this season compared to last season’s 8 games, Tano seems to be maturing in her penalties. Last post-season during 8 games she had 8 penalty minutes while this post season after 13 games, she is at 8 again. This means that Tano has definitely grown over the last season, becoming more diligent and mindful. Hopefully Seattle can push a little deeper into the playoffs and Tano will be able to continue to prove herself as a good defender. While she might not be top-tier just yet, hopefully a bit more time and effort will see her climbing the ratings like she had back in the VHL and VHLE. 156 words for week ending 2/16/2025
  8. I think we have all experienced the highs and lows of playing on team. Whether in person or through a forum based league, we have all felt the spectrum of emotions when it comes to winning and losing. Your team could be on a winning streak or struggling to get out of the bottom. Hell, they could have a winning streak and still be at the bottom. We also experience this along with the players on a team that we root for. Watching your favorite team in any sport shit the bed hurts and having them win big sends you screaming from the rooftops. In the case of the 2024 Superb Owl where the Kansas City Cheats Chiefs got their asses handed to them by the Phantastic Philadelphia Eagles, we watched an apparent Dynasty in the making crumble like so many before them. What should have been a close battle for the trophy was simply a stampede of epic proportions. And had Mahomes not pulled out one good throw and given the Chiefs momentum, we might have been looking at the first ever shutout in Superb Owl history. But what does this teach us about the VHL you might ask? Well, gentle reader; let me explain. Every season, the VHL starts fresh. Like all other sports (real and simulated), a new season means a new chance for all teams to make it to the top. You may have the worst players or the best players but in the end, luck plays such a huge part in what happens. Talent? Sure. But sometimes that hair of room for a ball or puck to sneak past a defender is all it takes to determine if you’re scoring. With how fickle Simon can be, luck is really all we have sometimes in the VHL. The numbers are what they are but if the algorithm decides it wants to work differently today, then it will. While we don’t have actual refs, Simon to some degree takes that part of the game of hockey into account. Players draw penalties seemingly at random though the amount they get is based on certain STHS stats. Ashoka Tano – my player- for example, had 66 penalty minutes this season. Now, that’s not a lot for a 72 game season and it’s nowhere near the top spot held by Helsinki’s Tommy Sleeves of 300 penalty minutes. However, what makes my player, with 0 points put into Grit, have any penalties at all? If anything, she should be a fucking goody-two-shoes who dances her way out of any type of penalty. And yet, the stat is what it is. So I think that that is where luck (good or bad) might come into account when it comes to the VHL. Also, if you want to analyze some real luck, just take a look at my first player Jesse Teno. No way should they have been as good as they were for their whole career due to who they were up against – especially other goalies. And yet, they were the face of London and made a serious impact on VHL records. Any player in the VHL, no matter their stats, can be grossly horrible or god-like depending on what Simon spits out. Sometimes, it really is just luck. 546 words for week ending 2/16/2025 I'm fully aware that this feels like an unfinished thought but it's all I had. It's also tax season and I can't believe I found the time during my work day to write this. Maybe next time I'll continue the topic and maybe then it'll make more sense lol.
  9. E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! 🦅

    1. Gustav


      As a lifelong Bills fan, I don't like it but it's the lesser of two evils at this point.

    2. flyersfan345
  10. 48. I honestly found it too difficult to write about. I don't have the time to dive into who needs what and who might move nor do I have that sort of insight. 51. Hell yea. I think we could use some fresh blood in the league and I think the VHL having an ad budget would help. 55. The people. I love watching everyone interact and the friends that I've made. 56. I am. Unfortunately if life wasn't in the way I would be more active. Nothing about the server itself is keeping me away. 57. Penguin. I would love to be able to belly slide on the ice. 58. A shock collar for the refs. Fans get to vote to shock them on bad calls.
  11. 38. Watermelon jolly ranchers 41. After Ahsoka I'm giving the forward position a try. 42. Don't know and don't fucking care. Hope he gets into a car accident on the way to the meeting. 43. All Up In Your Tano (jalapeño) 44. Punch someone and get a 5 minute misconduct. 45. Jillian Woods. Cause Jacob
  12. I’m…not thrilled with Ahsoka. I don’t know if it’s due to luck, the stats of the players around her, or if the more veteran defensemen in the league are just that superior to her. With 32 points in 39 games, she is not where I feel like she could be. 5 goals on 70 shots (7.14%) is an ugly stat. the 27 assists is decent but I know she can do better. I’ve now lost track of how many games she’s gone without a point. I don’t have any intention of giving up on Ahsoka with early retirement but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it. I know sometimes it just takes a while for a player to shine but I guess I’m just a little downtrodden about it. I hope as I keep earning and keep applying, I’ll be able to make her just a little better every week. As for where I have been: work and life and sickness and mental health and physical health and family. I just haven’t had the energy to do much of anything besides read and watch tv. By the way, anyone else watching The Day of the Jackal? I’m only one episode in but it’s so interesting! I’ve also been taking in as much TikTok as I can before it’s banned. Well that’s all I have for now. toodles. 155 words that count for 1/19/2025
  13. Not IA. Just holidays followed by a bad cold.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aimee
    3. Banackock


      We had all our holidays. Our sibling we live with got sick sometime on the weekend and it came out of nowhere and hit me last night! Sick as hell today. 

    4. Gaikoku-hito


      Hope you feel better @Banackockand have good New Years


  14. Ahsoka has had an interesting few weeks. Between winning Silver at The World Cup with Team Nordic and a continuing run in the ProAm with the Red Panda Santas, our Jedi friend has been quite busy. In the ProAm, Tano ended the regular part of the tournament as the 13th overall player with 11 Goals, 24 Assists for 35 Points, and a +2. Today the ProAm goes into the playoffs so we will see how she fairs against the best of the tournament. On the numbers side of things, I have been trying to do my best to not get dragged away and derailed too much by the upcoming holiday season. Between going to my in-laws tonight for Christmas and my family doing Channukah for the coming weekend, I fear I won’t have much time to do a whole lot this week. I’ve also been struggling in general lately so trying to produce content has been the furthest thing from my mind. I was also waiting for at least one of the off-season tournaments to end so that I could have something to write about but I guess it still wasn’t much. 192 words for week ending 12/29/24 holy shit it's almost 2025.
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