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Everything posted by Tetricide

  1. PROAM - Game 34 - Red Panda Santas vs California Candy Canes PROAM - Game 35 - Rayne Deer vs Flora Vista Vixens PROAM - Game 36 - Red Panda Santas vs Baie-Christmas Beavers PROAM - Game 37 - Baie-Christmas Beavers vs Rayne Deer PROAM - Game 38 - Flora Vista Vixens vs California Candy Canes PROAM - Game 39 - Baie-Christmas Beavers vs Red Panda Santas PROAM - Game 40 - Rayne Deer vs Flora Vista Vixens PROAM - Game 41 - Flora Vista Vixens vs California Candy Canes PROAM - Game 42 - Red Panda Santas vs Baie-Christmas Beavers PROAM - Game 43 - California Candy Canes vs Rayne Deer
  2. Double sims were ran today to make up for lost time (thanks Simon) 1st set of sims 2nd set of sims Victory ProAm - Standing Pro Victory ProAm - Individual Leaders Pro
  3. 10 more days!
  4. California Candy Canes vs Baie-Christmas Beavers Rayne Deer vs Flora Vista Vixens Baie-Christmas Beavers vs Red Panda Santas Flora Vista Vixens vs California Candy Canes Red Panda Santas vs Rayne Deer Rayne Deer vs Flora Vista Vixens California Candy Canes vs Baie-Christmas Beavers Flora Vista Vixens vs Red Panda Santas Red Panda Santas vs Rayne Deer Flora Vista Vixens vs California Candy Canes California Candy Canes vs Baie-Christmas Beavers Rayne Deer vs Red Panda Santas Standings: https://proam.sths.ca/Standing.php Leaderboard: https://proam.sths.ca/IndividualLeaders.php
  5. Twooo. Ah. Ah. Ahhh.
  6. https://proam.sths.ca/ Index is posted. Sims will start around 7pm CST Saturday. Please let me know if there are any Roster issues. @Lemorse7 @sadie @LucyXpher @SMYLS4 @PacifistKit17
  7. Transaction ID: 9XK is all I got before the page went back to VHL... E-mail is showing Transaction ID: 1431-8912-5644-5783 $20 CAD, $10 on behalf of @samx
  8. Woop woop day one
  9. It's an honor to once again represent team Mercenaries Nordic! Gotta get what Kauppi couldn't.
  10. Tetricide

    VAN/PRG; S97

    Thanks for the ez breezy trade talks as usual @Frank. And another Cup to add to my collection! Welcome @Tetricide to Prague!
  11. Hey, everyone! The off-season is here, which means my favorite tournament has been revving its engines on signups! This season, our GMs will be creating Christmas themed names for their teams. Speakin' of GMs, here are this season's selections! SIGNUPS CLOSE TONIGHT (DEC 6) AT 6PM CST! You can join us in Discord HERE and visit the Announcements channel to access the sheet.
  12. Prague Phantoms Press Conference Week Ending 8 December 2024 1. The VHL cup finals are here...and as of this post it will be game 5 between the Vancouver Wolves and HC Davos Dynamo. It's been a really good back-and-forth series! Which team do you have winning it all in the end? 2. What off-season tournaments are you looking forward to participating in? 3. Prague got 5th overall in the lottery drawing...out of 6. Do you think the odds hate the Phantoms? 4. The last 2 drafts there was a "Panda" drafted 1st overall (one of which plays here now). Do you think the Red Pandas are trying to change the way things are done in the VHL or are they just silly little guys? 5. If you follow Pokemon who would you say is your favorite? If not, what doesn't appeal to you from it? 6. What are your plans for today?
  13. 1. Do you look at Black Friday sales and do you take part in any of the sales? For the most part, yes! Will be taking part for only one thing for myself this weekend... Can't wait to add some nice patio furniture for my porch 2. Store or Online shopping? Which is better and why? Online shopping by a mile... Don't have to deal with the nastiness of other people at the price of convenience. 3. Any secret recipes that I should know about for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? Cornbread dressing. My family has our own recipe and it's been amazing every time (except the time I attempted to do it and failed miserably). 4. Is cyber-Monday an actual shopping day or a thing? Absolutely. Discounted electronics in a digital world is pretty awesome. 5. Any Surprises in the play-offs so far? Which series and why? Yeah, the Wolves didn't shut out NYA! AWOOOOO let's tear 'em up in game 5. 6. Fantasy has paid out on a scale of 1-10 how did you do this season? Poorly... 4/10. I somehow forgot to submit my Super Coach team I guess... So I only got 4 TPE from VHFL. 7. Riddle: When I’m full, I make the checkout line longer. What am I? A shopping cart! Though, debatable on it being full... Could just be like 2 bulky items...
  14. Prague Phantoms Press Conference Week Ending November 24 2024 1. What's poppin', Prague?! The regular season is officially over! Moscow led the league in points with 117 which was almost 10 more than the team behind them. Do you think they'll take home the Cup this season or will the Victory Cup curse get them a 1st round exit? 2. What is your player doing while on vacation before Training Camp? 3. We did much better this season pointwise at 45 compared to last season's 28. We were also shy 13 points from getting into the playoffs. What do you think next season looks like for Prague? 4. Word on the street is Ondrej Vencko will be Prague's starting goalie next season. How has his locker room presence been and how well has he performed in the crease when called up? 5. North America is finally feeling some cool air (some areas even have snow!). How's the weather been treating you where you are currently and is it gonna get better or worse? 6. Outside of the VHL, what is a hobby you enjoy and what about it interested you?
  15. Transaction ID: 2UA93623ED111381H $1 shmilly store cash 5 uncapped TPEs Doubles Week Claiming the first 2 for this week ending 24Nov.
  16. 1. With 50% of the trades at the trade deadline being vetoed or potentially being vetoed; is 50% a passing grade or a failing grade? Explain… In the US anything below either 70% or 60% is failing....so...50% is definitely a failing grade. 2. Mathematics can be very hard and one of the trades involved a mathematical issue with a team being over the cap. On a scaled of 1-10 how do you rate your math ability? Probably a 5. I'm good at what I know, but there's a lot that I don't know! 3. Olober Syko comes over to Vancouver for a 4th round pick and should take over the starting duties heading towards the play-offs. What do you think about the trade overall? Explain… An absolute steal. I'm not even sure how we got him for a 4th rounder, but we take those any day. 4. Part of the drama yesterday was maybe a member taking the Sim Hockey league a bit too seriously. So again, on a scale of 1-10 how serious do you take you Sim League hockey & why? VERY SRS BUSINESS. I guess it depends. Most people want their player to do well, so as long as nothing is illegally preventing that from happening or going against the spirit of competition. 5. Due to the rules Vancouver Wolves are in a position not to be able to meet the conditions of the trade with Warsaw and currently within the league rules cannot be punished for not meeting conditions. Should Vancouver still do everything to honor the conditions or screw over Warsaw since it was on the Warsaw GM to understand the rules? It's on both GM's parts to understand the terms and conditions when it comes to trades. It's up to VAN to decide whether or not they wanna maintain a good relationship with WAR or not. 6. Part of the conversation or drama around Vancouver's pick stated that if Vancouver should win the Championship, it would be with a massive asterisks? Do you think this is fair? I'm gonna be honest and say I have no idea wtf is going on and the GMs/Blues can figure it out. 7. Also what is the correct spelling of Asterisk or Asterix? It's always been "asterisk," so that is my answer!
  17. This would be a great article for theme week centered around Bek.
  18. Press Conference Week Ending 10 November 2024 Hey Phantoms! Plate is full with life stuff this week, so this week I have some questions for ya! 1. We're approaching the number of points total last season, but we're just about to hit half-way! Are things finally looking less grim as we progress and add more players to our roster? 2. It's Trade Deadline (TDL) week! Do you think Prague will make any trades? If so, what would make the most sense? 3. In conjunction with TDL is theme week! What are your thoughts on the theme of VHL History? 4. How is your favorite sports team(s) doing this year? 5. We had 2 incredible shutouts by both goalies the other day! What are your thoughts on our main goalie Amir Redzic and backup Ondrej Vencko? 6. Winter is coming! Though we are still seeing some tropical storms and hurricanes out in the Carribean/Gulf... How has the weather been where you live for the past week?
  19. Player Name: Erik Thorvaldsson (or Erik the Red) Player Render: Mike Commodore in his fro and bushy beard era OR Brent Burns Team: Vancouver Wolves Graphic Style: Watercolor pop SHIBA SUPREMACY
  20. 1. Finish the sentence: It`s close to midnight and something evil is lurking……… ...IN THE DAAAAAAARK. Unda the MOOOOOONLIGHT you see a sight that almost stops your heart... YOU TRY TO SCREEEAAAM. Ok ok ok I'll stop... CAUSE THIS IS THRILLERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! THRILLER NIGHT! 2. Name the one player that you want by your side if you are walking down a dirty dark alley and you are scared? Why? If it's a teammate, I'm going with Martin based off hits. He really knows how to dish 'em out and he ain't scared. 3. Name the first Halloween song that comes to your brain? Well, you have Thriller in my head now so that's gonna be my answer for this! 4. What are you dressing up as this Halloween? Goofy! I could pull it off better if I looked like a dog... I look more like a "plug" or a homeless dude. 5. If you could pull a prank on a team mate during Halloween; what would it be and who would you pick? Thorvy would try to prank Soju by replacing his mask for one of those old school hockey masks, but something tells me Soju would just embrace it... 6. Morale question: If I left a bowl of full-size chocolate bars outside on the front door with a sign “Please Take one” would you only take one? Explain…. I would definitely take 2. I like options...what if I grabbed a Hershey bar then get home and wish I grabbed a Kit Kat bar instead? Grab both, no worries! 7. Bonus: Team bonding active I have decided to take the team drunk trick or treating; Have you ever been drunk trick or treating before and who would be the first to pass out? Explain…. Never been drunk trick or treating and I don't really ever plan on it haha Uhh...Soju maybe? You'd think with a name like that he'd be able to handle whatever alcohol he puts in himself, but he's definitely a lightweight.
  21. I have also done neither. In fact, our house is not even ready at all for Halloween this year... I'll be working the night of anyway so I'm curious how crazy the street will be my first year here! 1. Are you currently happy with the way that Vancouver Wolves have started the season? Yes! We started off strong and I think we will continue to trend that way for the rest of the season. 2. Are you happy with the way that your player has started the season? Well, I would love more shots blocked, but wins are more important to me at this point. 3. Can you name a song that start with “Are you happy”? Name the song and would you sing around the Lock room? Uhh...no...? My mind scrambled through the very unorganized brain directory and came up with nothing. Thorvy would if he knew it! He's not ashamed. 4. What did you think of the Gunslinger show and the announcement of a new Assistant Captain? Was it the right choice? The Gunslinger show is awesome and a fun read! Though I thought it was interesting to see Slater sporting a mustache... 5. If you had to create a nickname for a player on the current roster; Who would you make a nick for and what would the nick be? Why? Let's see... Probably Logan Ninefingers and just name him Butterfingers because his moves are smooth like butter. 6. Listening to a Pod cast when writing this so; When should you put up the Christmas Tree? I've mostly come to terms with people putting up their Christmas trees before Thanksgiving...but at least wait until November starts!!! October is for Halloween damn it!
  22. 1. Prague has traded away Holmes for a 1st, 2nd and a 3rd. How do you feel about the trade? I already miss him. Sucks we couldn't have an elite line with him and Daffleck, but perhaps we can attain that down the road... 2. What do you need to work most on as a player? Thorvy is a shutdown defenseman similar to Daffleck. He did really well on points for his rookie season, but he wants more shots blocked... Thorvy just needs to work on his shadow defense. 3. If you could be the GM of Prague for a day, what would you do? For me this is a silly question as I am the GM for Prague. If I could be the GM for Vancouver I would give Thorvy the A for just a day because I could. 4. What is your go-to song at the moment and why? Hmm...I don't really have a go-to song. I think this comes from my eclectic taste in music! I do love me some Devin Townsend though...anything. 5. Prague is a city of rich history and culture. What's your favourite Prague fact? I'm gonna be honest...I don't know much about the city itself except its beauty. Perhaps this will be my next history dive. 6. If you had one dessert to pick to eat in the desert, what would it be and why? Any pastry would do perfectly in the desert. Costco's almond danish would be perfect.
  23. Player Name: Erik Thorvaldsson Player Render: Mike Commodore/Brent Burns. Going for the unhinged hair look Team: Vancouver Wolves
  24. 1. @Tetricide (GM) F - Axle Gunner F - Toby Kadachi F - Logan Ninefingers D - Mark Calaway D - Bollos de Trueno G - Merome Dilson 2. @RileyL F - Joshua Schwarzer F - Raimo Tuominen F - Jarmo Ruutu D - Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage D - Guntis Gavilrovs G - Red Panda 3. @Snussu F - Antonia Bucatini F - Maverick Goncalves F - George Richmond D - YaBoi Oven D - Benjamin Abenduct G - Giorgiy Costanzov 4. @Breeze837 F - David Rashford F - Isaac mclflopper F - Diego Machado D - Jacob Stone D - Fradin McGryer G - Toddly Bobbly 5. @Plate F - Grimgor Ironhide F - Thor Reingaard F - Harry Callahan D - Lucy Leitner D - FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist G - Dalkr Vidarsson 6. @RJMW F - Catia Goncalves F - Severus Targaryen F - Savaisk Tzesar D - Callum Gary Yannick Janser D - Erik Thorvaldsson G - Jorgen Lovstrom
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