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Everything posted by scoop

  1. I knew Szatkowski was #7 and made the conscious decision to answer the question with Labatte.
  2. You actually won the Founder's Cup in S30, though.
  3. Finished 2nd of 17 at an M15 pre-release last Friday. First tournament I've played since I was like 14.
  4. Six seasons of relative mediocrity and one of sheer domination is going to be it for Keiji Toriyama.
  5. After finishing last in the quadruple round robin, giving them the 6th seed in the Super Cup playoffs, The Arceholes won their quarterfinal series 2-0 against TicTac Boom Bullies. The games were won on strong performances from goaltender Martin Brookside, who had been having a disappointing Super Cup prior to the playoffs with a save percentage just barely over .900 in 15 games. Game One was a 4-2 victory for The Arceholes in which they were outshot 33-26. An early 2nd period goal put them behind 0-2, but that would be all the Bullies would score. The Arceholes responded with four unanswered goals, two by Keiji Toriyama in the first half of the second period. Toriyama, it is worth noting, is being predicted by some to be the VHL Playoff MVP in Season 39, most likely because one person predicted it an several have copied his post. If he can help Vasteras like he did The Arceholes, earning himself first star honors, maybe there is a chance. Also scoring goals for The Arceholes were Wesley Kellinger, their group stage leader, and Dimothenis Vlasis, his first of the Super Cup. In Game Two, Brookside's counterpart Brick Wahl was almost as good as him, but The Arceholes put two past him in the first period before he really turned it on. The Bullies scored once in the first as well, defense was the name of the game in the latter two thirds. Goals for The Arceholes were scored by Mikey Blade and Phil Villeneuve. The Arceholes move on to face Vestiquan's Best, the only team they went 0-4 against, in the semifinals.
  6. The new VHL Player Store opened up just minutes ago, and the first player to make a purchase was Keiji Toriyama of the Vasteras Iron Eagles. When the new store was revealed a couple days ago, he knew almost instantly what he would get, in part because the selection was limited for a retiring player such as himself. First, he bought for himself some press. In exchange for $1 million, the VHL Magazine will feature a cover story on Keiji Toriyama. It probably won't be the most exhilarating piece of writing, but it will happen nonetheless. Next, he paid $2 million to artificially give him more hockey experience. Unlike the magazine article, this might have an impact on his play in the upcoming season. However, this is not guaranteed, as experience is a skill that raises morale, and I don't believe it has ever been positively confirmed that morale makes a difference in the sim. Toriyama also spent $1 million for the right to train more this week. He was granted permission to write two additional Fan590 articles, one of which you are reading right now. These cost him $500 thousand each. He is left with $750 thousand in VHL money, which is no good anywhere else.
  7. Player Name: Keiji Toriyama VHL Team: Vasteras Iron Eagles Cash you have: 4.75m Purchase Name: Mag Cover/Article Cost of Purchase: 1m Cash Left: 3.75m Player Name: Keiji Toriyama VHL Team: Vasteras Iron Eagles Cash you have: 3.75m Purchase Name: Experience Points - 4 Cost of Purchase: 2m Cash Left: 1.75m Player Name: Keiji Toriyama VHL Team: Vasteras Iron Eagles Cash you have: 1.75m Purchase Name: Extra Fan590 Cost of Purchase: 500k Cash Left: 1.25m Player Name: Keiji Toriyama VHL Team: Vasteras Iron Eagles Cash you have: 1.25m Purchase Name: Extra Fan590 Cost of Purchase: 500k Cash Left:750k
  8. I don't believe that has been answered.
  9. Correct. So if you'd prefer to spend 1M on two extra Fan590s, go ahead. Someone else might rather read an article about them than get a whopping 2 TPE.
  10. You aren't going to find a better deal than 2 TPE for that 1M, though. And no one is making you purchase it. The store would be no better off if they just got rid of that option, so I don't understand the purpose of challenging it at all.
  11. It's also nice for pre-season retirees with less than 5M to spend. I feel sorry for whoever will have to write the article about Keiji Toriyama.
  12. Yes, mine. Sort of. I posted it more as an assumption than a question, but I would appreciate confirmation. Am I correct in assuming that I cannot gain any TPE for Lloyd Light from anything purchased with Keiji Toriyama's money? For example, I wouldn't be able to use Toriyama's money for extra welfare, double/triple predictions, etc.
  13. I like this style, though. Don't negotiate trades; just post offers and see if the other GM accepts.
  14. I would guess that it's limited to one and that they just forgot to include that, but I could be wrong.
  15. I'm guessing after you do it, you re-depreciate though. So when you re-spend your 1000 TPE, you'll depreciate the 3% from last season and 5% for this season. I would assume, anyway. Otherwise yeah, it'd be too stronk.
  16. Good for people who use welfare, that's for sure. Kind of sucks for someone who has $4 million to spend and is retiring. Gives them no option, really. I assume I can't use Toriyama's money on something that will get TPE for Lloyd Light.
  17. One thing the S40 Draft could have that these previous drafts don't is several good defensemen. If the guys we have now stay as active as they are, while we won't all be superstar players, there would be at least five respectable VHL players in Richardson, Salvador, Poole, Rubin, and Light. And then there are the guys who recently created defensemen, including 701 who has proven to be active in the past. Could be a great year for defense.
  18. Hey guys, just needed something to write about for a point, so I figured I would remind you that I exist even though I haven't been created yet. This is Hustles, by the way. The new username might throw you off, but I'm still me. Anyway, Corco probably told you guys about me and how much TPE I have or something, considering he asked me what my carryover would be. Well, I lied to him about that (aka for some reason I thought I got 7% carryover but actually it's 8%). I will actually have ~53 carrover. Not a significant different, but mentioning this adds some words to this article. I'm going to be an offensive defenseman. During my time in the VHLM, though, I'll just be working on getting attributes to 70 in an order something like this: skating, scoring, defense, passing, puck handling, strength, checking. The reason I haven't created yet is because I need the player store to open so I can make my purchase for Toriyama and put his final TPE on him. That was supposed to happen yesterday, but it was delayed. The off-season schedule now has it listed as happening today, so maybe I will end up creating before the draft, but it doesn't really matter.
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