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Everything posted by scoop

  1. D Michael Gary Scott @enigmatic
  2. 1. What are your hopes for this season? Obviously I'd like for us to win the cup. I don't think we're favorites, but I think we'll have a shot. We might have to add some pieces to make up for the guys the team lost from last season, but it's hard to tell right now. 2. How is has your experience been with the VHL so far? Coming back, it feels a lot different than the VHL of old, even though I wasn't gone for all that long. I guess it's just so many new faces from the past couple years, and me not being as fully invested in the community as a whole. 3. What's your opinion on our new logo? I like it a lot. 4. Would you change anything on the logo? As someone who isn't artistic or creative, I would not. 5. Describe what your player looks like. Stubble beard, medium-long wavy hair, medium skin tone 6. What's your favourite piece of clothing you own? Motion City Soundtrack t-shirt from when I saw them in concert.
  3. The next step in Izzy Valencia's hockey journey has him moving east to Ottawa after being selected 20th overall by the Lynx in the VHLM draft. It was the team's first pick in the draft, closing out the second round. He was one of just two players added to the team that night, and they have lost several key pieces from their second place finish a season ago. They still have some good players, including goaltender Joakim Bruden, who struggled last season, but should be one of the team leaders this year. With the way the current roster is shaping up, Valencia could play a major role on the team, and he might have to if the team is going to succeed. While there are certainly better forwards on the team, an improved Valencia would provide important depth to the team. Going into the draft, Valencia was expecting to be drafted in the early-to-mid third round. Taken a bit above where he thought he would be, Valencia is eager to prove that the team did not make a mistake. "I think there might be some players who are more skilled than me taken later," the Spaniard had to say. "I think part of it is that the team saw something in me that they can bring out. I'm going to do everything I can to reach my full potential and help this team as much as I can."
  4. How do I go about claiming this, I made a player here
  5. They can't play it either we're gonna start getting hockey pros in here too!
  6. 1. I do a lot of running. 2. Catching up on some television shows, meeting up with old friends, attempting to cook new foods. 3. I like to think I'm funny enough to be a comedian; and perhaps maybe do some acting. I think I would be an entertainer of some sort, anyway. 4. Likely two seasons 5. I think I'll be selected in the third round. 6. Definitely future Hall of Famer Jet Jaguar. no jinx
  7. The first three games of the finals between the Moscow Menace and Calgary Wranglers were low-scoring affairs, with the teams trading 2-0 wins to start things off, and Calgary taking a 2-1 lead in the series on a 2-1 Game 3 win. Moscow, the favorites going into the series, were down in the series but certainly not out. Their highly potent offense had been kept in check through three games, but things turned around for them in the fourth and fifth games of the series. Moscow's Game 4 victory was spearheaded by the usual suspects: Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen, Jet Jaguar, and Randoms. Smitty has two goals and three assists, participating in all but one of the team's goals. Jaguar, the regular season point leader, had four assists. Randoms scored twice and assisted on one goal. In Game 5, it was the second line that did the heavy lifting, with Mat Tocco scoring twice in the first period and adding a third mid-way through the second. This game was a closer affair, but Moscow won 5-3 to put them one game away from a Continental Cup. The Menace have swung the series into their favor, but the Wranglers will certainly not go down without a fight. They were the underdogs coming into the series, and now down three games to two, things are certainly looking bleak. JB Rift will have to put a stop to Moscow's menacing offense to give Calgary a chance to come back.
  8. I feel like people should be more familiar with Braxton than Glover, considering he was the better player.
  9. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Moscow Menace @ Calgary Wranglers Game 4 - Moscow Menace @ Calgary Wranglers Game 5 - Calgary Wranglers @ Moscow Menace Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Calgary Wranglers 1 @ Moscow Menace 3 Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Randoms Series leader in goals: Jet Jaguar Series leader in assists: Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen Who has the series PIM lead: Charlie Paddywagon Who scores the series winning goal: Jet Jaguar
  10. The end of the regular season spells the end of Izzy Valencia's time with the Saskatoon Wild, who finished last in the league. The next step for the young Spaniard will be the S71 VHLM Dispersal Draft. For some, the time spwnt in the VHLM is little more than a required step toward a career in the VHL. For Valencia, it is truly a time to learn. "I'm excited for the draft because next season will be a big deal for me, so I'm eager to see for whom I'll be playing; and I'll be happy to play on any team. Obviously I have a connection with Saskatoon, and the time spent there was great. I attended school in Minnesota for the past few years, and my agent has a special place in his heart for the Yukon Rush. I'd be elated to be drafted by any of those teams, but really I'll just be happy to work on my hockey skills anywhere." The draft is still not for several days, with the playoffs having just recently begun. Valencia is projected to be an early-to-mid third round pick.
  11. Theme graphic +6 Theme VHL.com article +1 +1 Bonus 8 uncapped
  12. Before being away for a while, @gorlab had a couple solid players in Jody 3 Moons and Bobby Digital. Neither of these players were really standouts, and as such they have not been enshrined in the Hall of Fame. In his return, however, gorlab is on track to potentially join the ranks of the elites with his newest player, Jet Jaguar. Jaguar hasn't won shit in his career (not even a Stolzschweiger Trophy), but he still has possibly some of his best seasons ahead of him. This year, the best of his career, he is leading the league in points with just a few more games to play. He is among the leaders in both goals and assists, and he has his team firmly in first place in the league. Since joining the VHL in S66, Jaguar has been one of the best offensive players in the league. As a rookie, he had 40 goals and 90 points, both good enough to put him in the top ten for the season. He struggled in his second and third seasons, but has turned things back around since then. He has 156 goals and 244 assists in 357 career games. His 400 points ranks second in the league since he joined, with surefire Hall of Famer Julian Borwinn the only player ahead of him.
  13. First goal for three of us!! @Gavin Minton @Lefty_S
  14. Here goes something Tangibles: -heights, if I'm unsecured. Like, I'm fine on a roller coaster or in a building; but if I'm standing on top of a cliff looking down, FUCK FUCK FUCK. And I don't even like seeing someone I'm with looking down too close to the edge. I just start to panic. -centipedes somewhat. I don't know if I would necessarily call it a fear, but my feet are not touching the ground if I see one crawling around. I hate them. Intangibles: I might end up going off on a bit of a tangent here. And it's going to be a bit rambly. Typical things like rejection, failure, being meaningless and alone. I don't like to put myself out there, because I view rejection as failure and failure is BAD. Why do something if you are no good at it, right? I don't like trying new things. I've been working at Wal-Mart for nearly five years now even though I'm overqualified because it's easy and I know I can do it. Why try anything else? I'm good at this easy thing! I feel like I will never matter. Like, people can say I matter to them all they want, but I feel like I make no difference in anyone's life. And it's like, what's the point? The way it seems like it's always been for me is this: I'm everyone's friend, but nobody's best friend. And it'll always be that way. I know, I shouldn't depend on others to be happy, but that doesn't work for me. I don't know what my point is here. I'm depressed and anxious. People who make fun of musical interests. Or television or anything that doesn't impact their life. Just let people be happy with the things that make them happy, if it's not affecting anyone. I mean, I guess just being rude in general, but that should just be a given. Don't make fun of someone because they like Nickelback or anime or whatever. I already feel insecure enough, I don't need you making me feel like I can't share the things that I like. Here's an example. So my favorite band is Motion City Soundtrack. A lot of my musical interests (and really everything: gaming, television, humor) was influenced greatly by my older brother. He found out from my sister that my favorite band is Motion City Soundtrack. And he's just like, no one's favorite band is Motion City Soundtrack. He proceeds to talk about how they are alright, but after their first album they don't matter. Like, okay fine whatever. It really shouldn't matter to me, but my life has been so influenced by him. His taste in music went elsewhere, and that's fine. But he doesn't have to mock my favorite band. And then he proceeds to say "that's like someone's favorite band being Alkaline Trio." HEY GUESS WHO MY SECOND FAVORITE BAND IS. And he knew that too. He then also said something about Streetlight Manifesto being an awful band for their genre. Why. Why are you saying these things? What are you accomplishing? Do you want me to ever talk to you about things that I like EVER? First off, I'm going to cheat and say something that already happened, because I'd been looking forward to it for several months. Years, in a way. I saw my favorite band, Motion City Soundtrack, in concern last week. I'm not really a concert goer, and this was definitely the biggest I've been to. It was awesome. A few years ago, though, they had a "Farewell Tour." They were, at least for the time being, done. I wanted to make it to a show, but I couldn't make it work. I'd considered that to be one of the biggest regrets of my life that didn't really affect my life. Then I heard they were having a reunion tour and I knew I'd have to go. So I made sure I did and it was great. When they first stepped on stage, I had this huge grin on my face. Like, they were RIGHT THERE. And I was near the front so I could see them clearly. Okay, so that was something that I had been looking forward to. What am I looking forward to now? One of my sisters is getting married later this year. That's exciting. I'm one of the groomsmen as well. I have a friend getting married in a couple months as well. I like weddings because people are happy (I also don't like them because they remind me of how forever alone I might be). Training for, and running, a marathon. I don't really travel. I work at Wal-Mart so I don't have money. And I don't really care about going anywhere in particular. Actually, I think seeing the pyramids would be cool. Just to see how massive they actually are. I want to see something really big that the pictures don't do justice. Sour cream and onion Pringles ICE CREAM
  15. scoop

    VAN/NYA; S70

    Whichever one of these picks becomes me is the trade winner.
  16. 1. I'm just looking to get the most experience possible right now. Saskatoon offered me ample playing time, and I could tell by looking at the size of the roster that was a promise that would be kept. There was no way I would be able to contribute to a team that was trying to compete, so chasing a cup seemed pointless. 2. A lot of losing, but a lot of playing time. Of our 16 remaining games, 12 are against teams with a winning record. Four of those are against the first-place Storm. It's gonna be a rough time for the team, and while we might pick up a win or two against another one of the bottom teams, it's possible we don't win another game. I'd like to get my first VHLM goal out of the way before the season ends, though. 3. More so than any other player, I guess I'd say Shawnomir Jagr. I'm not strictly modelling my game after him, but I think he plays very similar to how I would like to. He's smart out there, aware of what's going on. A good offensive player, but capable defensively. You won't see him mixing it up too much with other players, but he can certainly hold his own. 4. Dream destination? Why, the Madrid Thunder of course. 5. None; I don't touch the stuff. 6. Fayt Leingod, my first player (other than an entirely inactive goalie), played at least one full VHL season, one All-Star Game, and one World Cup at each forward position.
  17. With the trade deadline week upon us, players are now able to declare for the Season 72 VHL Entry Draft. One of the early entrants is Isaías "Izzy" Valencia. A native of Spain, Valencia was first exposed to hockey through his family's love of the Madrid Thunder of the VHL. Madrid only held on to the team for four season before the franchise made the move back to Vasteras, long before Izzy was born, but he has still watched almost every Madrid Thunder game multiple times. It has been a tradition in his family to watch VHL seasons 16 through 19 in rotation whenever the VHL is in action. They don't care about anything else VHL related aside from the Madrid Thunder, for whatever reason. With Valencia setting his sights on playing in the VHL, however, this will possibly change in the future. While he spent plenty of time watching the sport, Valencia did not have the most experience with it prior to moving to the US to attend the University of Saint Thomas in Minnesota, where he joined their Division III hockey team. Despite being a gifted athlete, he did not have an easy time with it at first, as you'd expect. While he didn't play much at all in any games until his third year, he kept at it and practiced hard. By the end of his time there, he'd become a decent player. The next step for him in the VHLM. He has already signed on with the Saskatoon Wild, where he will receive plenty of playing time, for the remainder of S70. Although the team is one of the worst, it is the ideal location for him, as he just needs any and all experience that he can get at this point.
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