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diamond_ace last won the day on November 5 2021

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About diamond_ace

  • Birthday 10/12/1985

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    Eurydyka Sklodowska Dudzinska
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  1. If a locker room has enough talk in a short period of time to become "hot" it still doesn't show up to the public right?

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      @Higgins I was so confused at first lmao

    3. Beketov


      For everyone: no. For admins... kinda? I can see that the post is hot and if I click on it I can see the post but not the rest of the locker room activity. If I try to click on any other topics in there it doesn’t allow me. @hedgehog337 can confirm.

    4. Beketov


      I looked into it. Basically commishes can see topics but not the forum itself (I guess so that we don't have like a million forums to scroll through) so if something gets pinned as hot or as new in the sidebar we can see it but we can't see the forum itself or any of the other posts it contains. It's a bit weird but it works.


      Also, fun fact I discovered when looking into this. We can set custom error messages for when someone tries to access a forum they aren't allowed to access. So that's fun haha.

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