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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. I made it... it's all so different. I will reserve judgement for a few days
  2. Pronounce these English words: - Squirrel - Anemone - antidisestablishmentarianism - pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis When did you learn English? In school? When is Valmount winning things? What is the biggest flaw in the VHL? Why is the SHL worse than the VHL?
  3. It was
  4. YESSS and dats wai yew r the other historian
  5. Why Vasteras Should Live On
  6. rawr indeed!
  7. Very solid season Helsinki
  8. Chat Solutions Ft. Knight
  9. the shape of boobs, so yes
  10. banned hired
  11. I love it. I can't believe we've had it this long if it is indeed "by far our biggest expense". That's fucking ridiculous.
  12. Sweet lordy lord!
  13. yay another win! We pass the century mark
  14. 4. A couple are watching a show about mixed emotions. Husband turns to the wife and says "I bet you can't tell me something that makes me both happy and sad at the same time." Wife smiles and replies: "Out of all your friends, you have the biggest penis."
  15. I win at sig making
  16. lol I really wouldn't consider streety a victim in this scenario... there are* no victims.. only people complaining about shit
  17. Why do we need a mid season report if we have an end of season one?
  18. I think between the three of us... we got dis
  19. 6. Titans , Christoph Klose 36 (Wolfgang Strauss, Aleksi Koponen) at 5:59 7. Titans , Christoph Klose 37 (Wolfgang Strauss, Aleksi Koponen) at 6:11 8. Titans , Christoph Klose 38 (Wolfgang Strauss, Aleksi Koponen) at 13:36 MULTIS!! and WOW simmer Klose... or I'm going to have to bring back #KloseingInOnTheBoulet
  20. 1. Titans , Phil Hamilton 6 (Marcel Faux, Thomas O'Malley) at 4:09
  21. Trump B Free
  22. Feilder is a man with an exceptional ability to hit the baseball... "athletic" would not be a good way to describe him Rockets are fucking amazing. Do you lift bro? I will wreck you... 250 bench press bro ily
  23. Answered Thank you Truly, Madly, Deeply
  24. Episode The Second For the second consecutive week, the Knight Brothers do a podcast that puts enough VHL knowledge on the table to feed an African village. This is a division of KnightTime Radio. Run Time: 65 minutes
  25. Then it's settled.. a 4-way
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