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                Hey VHL, ledge dairy man here, and because I’ve been silent the past week imma stir up some drama with a TOP FIVE VHL MEMBERS LIST!!! And heads up, it’s 11:40 EST right now so I have twenty minutes to crank out some good shit so don’t expect quality writing. Onto the list!!!


Number 10: …...


........Bloody hell, why tf am I doing this. This is gonna offend so many people. Ah, ya know what, it’s too late now. Only eighteen minutes to go. 




I’m not doing a friggin list and naming a favourite. I actually did just make a list, but looked it over after I was done and deleted it. Burnt it in hell. Instead, I’m going to list 5 really awesome members and why they’re awesome. Also I just realized that the title is totally clickbait. Also awesome.


GustavMattias @GustavMattias


Honestly, I don’t know Gus very well at all. But from what I can glean from how Davos is still a functioning franchise and how nothing bad ever seems to come out of it (except for Ls lol), something great must be happening there. From the in-depth and technical looks at builds and historical articles just analyzing stuff, I can clearly see a super active, dedicated member who can shoot the shit but is always there for you and is a really great person IRL. Cheers to you, Gus.


fishy @fishy


Unlike the previous member, I happen to have gotten to know fishy kinda well just over short chats in discord about trivia or the league in general. Even if we brush aside the courageous acts they have done to make the VHL more diverse and accepting, a kind, supportive, funny, and great to be around person remains. I’m glad there are people like you in the world.  Cheers, fishy.


thadthrasher @thadthrasher


Man, do I love thad. In fact, given an entire day, I probably couldn’t name a single VHL member who doesn’t. That’s just the sort of vibe he gives off, kind of a funny, playful but also devoted and caring type of person. From day 1 in the VHL, when I look back at when I too was finding my way around the league, thad was always determined to become what he is now, a pillar of the VHL. Cheers, thad.


bigAL @bigAL


Oh gosh, where do I start. Maybe where this guy somehow, as a first gen rookie in the league, makes his way into the canopy of the VHL as a BoG member and WJC commissioner? Or how about the less openly noticeable things about him, like his continuously optimistic attitude despite the situation around him? And that’s not even the full of it! Earlier in the month, he revealed that after getting absolutely fucked in the ass (yea, I’m a teenager remember) by the pandemic, he totally revamped his life and made a huge decision, which gained him a ton of respect around the league. Hint hint, when I made my top ten list earlier, someone was very near the top. Cheers, Al.


hedgehog337 @hedgehog337


I’m sorry in advance, hedge, I know you hate it when I praise you like this lol. But if I’m writing a piece on some amazing VHL members, how could I possibly exclude this man. A lot of you probably won’t understand most of what I’m talking about, pointedly non-Reign players, because hedge tends to be a quiet guy in the VHL gen server. But he is an incredibly dedicated and accomplished member of the VHL, getting inducted into the HoF as a builder AND a player, all while being an amazing mentor and friend to all of us out in Riga. Even with all the smashing success the Reign have had under hedge, he still manages to pick up the best people for the team, and we’ve got a locker room full of great people. Cheers, hedge, and thanks for everything you’ve done for the Reign and the VHL.


Wow, it’s past 12 now and hopefully the updaters take pity on me for this one. I’m super tired and I’m going straight to bed now. That was fun though, and rewarding. I’ll probably do this again and I strongly encourage everyone reading this to do the same.


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Well, I think we know how this one is going to go. 0/10, does not agree with my list, do not claim for TPE, do not pass go, do not collect 200 VHLBucks.


All joking aside, it takes some guts to release a list like this whether it's in order or not. There are a lot of sad emojis that can be added to this post, be it in jest or semi-seriousness, if anyone takes a look at it without being tagged here. I definitely appreciate your bravery. I like the subtle digs (sorry Gus, Davos is still a meme), it's clearly and directly league relevant, and I don't have a ton of grammar or spelling comments to make for this media spot.


Plus, it has my former boss over in Riga on the list. What's not to like?

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Reading this warmed my heart. I recognized some of the names so it seems the list is at least semi good. You should spell the true way though. No silly extra 'u' in words (Stupid brits). You also started out great with indenting then just kind of forgot after the first paragraph. So for that it's only a 9/10

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 Whoooops I left this comment in drafts. 

I thought for sure this was going to be a atMembers ping and the title was just clickbaity… but it wasn’t! Cheers buddy, I’m happy we cross paths a lot around here. I’m glad to hear I’m making your time here better too. Rock on Ernie ✌️ 

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