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What I find interesting in this piece is the fact that usually people on signatures struggle with the text the most. They can make the composition look super cool, but then struggle to add the text in a smooth and nice way so it fits and looks good. You seem to have it all around hahha. The text on the signature looks very nice and smooth. The composition gives me that old sticker vibe, that has been put on a desk 15 years ago and it is still there, surviving everything. Good job with the jersey change! All that being said, it is a lower tier graphic which feels like has too much done. Maybe that was the intentions with it, but who knows.

My rating: 6/10

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Fire sig🔥 I like colours and font of the text, they look unique and fascinating as always. Logo swap is really smooth and clean. The backgrounds fits very well. Looking at this sig i can easily understand Askarov is really athletic and mobile goalie with the great glove skills. Overall, amazing job! 9/10

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Going to miss you Asky!, this graphic is well done! I really like that you went too a full on jersey swap! I believe it you changed the shoulder patches as well it would look a lot more seamless!

Really like the background you used! It helps make your tender pop! 


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I really like what you did here. To echo others, I think swapping the shoulder patches would have added to it. Also, knowing that it's hard, the helmet doesn't match the color of Warsaw very well. But, again, that's a really difficult thing to alter. 8/10.

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Another great graphic dlamb. The jersey swap for Vegas to Warsaw colours is great. The graphic is kind of choppy and rough which I like, the background looks sick and the name blended into it is cool. Super pumped for Askarov to join the preds, hopefully he enjoys his stay and can help win us the cup!


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Super nice graphic, I like the texture you gave it which allows the goalie to stand out. It might be a little busy but honestly, that’s getting nitpicky. The text is unique and can be clearly seen. You did a great job with the jersey to match the logo which proves you put a good effort into it. Your work always looks good. 8.5/10

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Honestly thought you were the master graphic master and this is the best you got? 2/10 on a good day.


Actually though, this is a super dope graphic! I'm a huge fan of the background with the player's name being the focus point (at least for me) and you added great effects to it to make it stand-out enough, but not take focus away from the player render. Speaking of which, clean logo swap and colour swaps as always, although the gold helmet is a bit odd looking but I know that'd be a hard switch. Overall a wonderfully clean graphic for the new tendy in Warsaw. 9/10!

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I really like the background you did and I like the graphic overall, altough you could have swapped the logos on his shoulders which would make it a ton better.  the see through on the names "Askarov" were we can see Warsaw's logo through it gives that little detail that i like.  The helmet doesnt really match the whole picture with its light level, if you couldve at least made the helemt darker it would be great! well done! 8/10

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