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VHL Podcasts


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Podcasts are an underrated part of this league, and I’m so happy that more people are podcasting every week. Today I downloaded I think every podcast that has been released in the past two weeks and listened to nearly all of them. They are such an easy way to take in league information and get different point a views without having to read from the forum.

A few things I noticed was that mostly people are doing solo podcasts rather than with others these days and I’m sure there are many reasons from not having good enough internet to record properly like me, to maybe just times not lining up with others. There were a couple with @Brewins15 and friends but unfortunately there the audio was hard to listen to and 3PPAO isn’t releasing on Spotify now for whatever reason so couldn’t listen to that. @rory ???

The cool thing is you can add listening or even recording podcast to any part of your life. Like @Spartan driving and podcasting at the same time, even though it was 50% cursing at drivers or @Minion walking somewhere and hearing the crunch of leaves under his feet. 


Either way, I recommend going and listening to as many as you can whether it’s @Berocka’s new start up podcast, @JardyB10 cursing at everyone, getting an inside look @fishy’s hectic week with modding, listening to @thadthrasher’s soothing voice and how his hockey game experience was (super jealous), @N0HBDY taking shots at jardy and not editing his newest episode after doing such a good job in the previous or listen to @jRuutu talk about spreading assholes. I see @BladeMaiden just released one and I’m excited to listen to that tomorrow. I also made one too but who cares. There’s something for everyone out there. 

If you are one of those people that does listen to podcasts, I encourage engaging with the content creators whether that’s commenting on the thread and asking questions. I know as a podcasted it’s definitely better when people engage. I’m going to make it my goal to comment and ask questions on every one that I listen to. 

Also maybe a podcast section in discord would be nice like we have graphics and writers ones, especially now that we have so many people doing it. 

This turned out longer than I expected, sorry for tags but go listen to a podcast. 

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@dasboot Seriously i just thought every once in a while an updater checked to see if i was on topic, i was convinced no one tuned into my audio lunacy. btw your podcasts are always so entertaining, whenever i listen to you @JardyB10, @fishy, @Spartan @thadthrasher or @Berocka I think man i want to team up with these amazing people. the most fun i ever had doing podcast were back when i had a team  and my players would hop on with me,  to this day i miss those crazy recordings.


Thanks for this, what a perfect way to make us all feel appreciated and heard ❤️

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3 minutes ago, BladeMaiden said:

I think man i want to team up with these amazing people.

Run it back, we've done a few for the EFL, maybe one or two for the VHL back in my first few months. Seems like we're overdue for another 1 and a half hour long monster of a podcast :P 

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1 hour ago, Spartan said:

Run it back, we've done a few for the EFL, maybe one or two for the VHL back in my first few months. Seems like we're overdue for another 1 and a half hour long monster of a podcast :P 


We have I think I meant that the majority of my current stuff is me rambling alone and that I miss  the collaboration. Literally nothing like a big monster of a podcast to just brighten everyone's day and it we can make it happen i would totally be in. :D  BTW you might want to check out my latest monster it is dedicated to you and is 59min and some odd seconds long lol

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Excuse me sir, but it is *I* who coined podcasts while driving! Years and years ago before I had a nice audio recording app I would actually podcast and drive with video, and I’d record the dashboard view of me driving a car or a tractor or whatever. @BOOM was a big fan. I remember even recording one while I was picking stones.


Anyway, I fully and wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment, and you should never apologize for tags! I also listen to nearly every single podcast and also try to make a point of commenting on them all (except 3PPAO maybe). They’re good stuff and they’re convenient to take in because you can do so while working or driving or pooping or anything!

Edited by JardyB10
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