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Life Update/My VHL experience So Far...

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So, it's my first time ever writing something like this so this could be very interesting and probably be a lot of word vomit, most people here kind of know me as the guy who writes for VSN, the Philadelphia GM, and/or the guy who makes way too many trades (20 this season LMAO). This past year has been crazy for me and the VHL has been great for me from both a interpersonal and mental health standpoint.


When I joined the VHL, I had no idea what I was doing for school, being about halfway through my masters with a bunch of uncertainty around my project due to COVID, I was in a state of constant stress and the VHL provided an escape for me which I really needed. The instant I joined the league I was welcomed into a great locker room with the Yukon Rush and GM @Juice who taught me a lot about welcoming players and running an LR before I even knew I would be one day and I do think his success really shows in San Diego GM @JB123 and myself who both got our start with S77 Yukon Rush. From there I started to invest more time into the VHL initially writing about the S77 Yukon Rush heading into the draft (HERE) and that eventually earned me a job with VSN. That following offseason I got my first and only (so far) AGM job with @KaleebtheMighty in Philadelphia, which was a huge opportunity for me and came at the perfect time as the uncertainty around my master's thesis came to a close and I was able to focus on one specific study and structure my days around school while fitting VHL stuff in my breaks.


After the S78 offseason I joined what to this day is probably the best locker room I have been a part of in Calgary with @WranglersSuck (nice username LMFAO) and I learned a lot about what it takes to be a GM in this league and picked his brain at every chance I got. That's also when I met @samx who interviewed me for an article that she never put up, that was the start of a great friendship and is someone in the league who both @Moon and I talk about everything with. 


Once the summer was over and heading into S80 my life was starting to get a little more chaotic as I was starting a new college program, all while finishing my masters, and the one thing that got me through it was this little escape I had with the VHL as it just seems like whenever I would write something for VSN, talk in the LRs or even join a VC it just really helped me de-stress and take a step back. S80 was a really interesting one in Philadelphia as I really didn't leave myself too much to work with after insisting we go all in to win Kaleeb a Founder's Cup before he left for the E (that didn't go well), we were able to turn Philadelphia into this success story as we would go from having almost no picks and only a couple of players to finishing 6th in the league and that wouldn't have been possible without my first AGM @Bobo, my current AGM @Masu Chan, and all the players who came through the Reapers that season ( @Vice, @SpicyGecko, and @Daniel Janser to name a few).


Following another first round exit in S80, real life was starting to get a little busy with my thesis defense and exams right around the corner, and the holidays as well. Luckily, during this time the Reapers were almost set for a solid season in S81 and with a few (really a lot, I can't say no) trades we were on our way to being competitive. With S81 just starting to wrap up now and my life slowing down a little bit, having just received my masters, and finished my last exam, I just want to take a minute and say thank you to everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting this past year and I would like to wish you all a happy holidays and New Year!


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3 minutes ago, Alex said:

That's also when I met @samx who interviewed me for an article that she never put up,

Do you want me to write it now????

35 minutes ago, Alex said:

80 was a really interesting one in Philadelphia as I really didn't leave myself too much to work with after insisting we go all in to win Kaleeb a Founder's Cup before he left for the E (that didn't go well)

At least we gave it everything we had!!

On 12/21/2021 at 4:48 AM, samx said:

Do you want me to write it now????

As long as it delays the article Spartan is waiting for, it's probably a good idea.😅

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