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To create a mock draft or not to create a mock draft that is the question of the day but either way since I have started writing this as of few clicks on the keyboard a few seconds ago which is now turning into a few minutes means that I might as well continue with the train of thoughts that lead me into the blah blah moment of what my brain actually is think rather than what I should actually be writing.


How many rounds should I complete?

Well, I don`t know you haven`t even though of a format yet of this have you?

No, I have as I was going to look at the draft from how owns what aspect since the draft order hasn`t been released yet.

Oh, So what League are we talking about since I think the good people reading this; if anyone would like to know?

Uh, Well, The VHLM is the only league that my player could be drafted into this season so I thought it was obvious to most.

You are assuming that most even know how you are; isn`t that a bit presumptuous and pompous.

Yes, why would they read this for any other reason and remember I am unceremonious in my own self-worth as are most.

Yes, yes!! Can we get on with the actually mock draft if we are going to do this thing or not as we already hit the word count before, we have even started the dang thing.

Oh, yeah! we are doing an Ersatz draft right?

Do you even know what that word means?

Nope, but the Thesaurus states that it means the same as artificial or similar to mock so we can call this right?

As you please!! But let’s get going!!



Okay, Ersatz Draft will look at more what the teams will be selecting the most players rather than where the players will actually be selected since the order isn`t released yet and General Managers of each team have their own cup of teas on whom they are going to select.

Uh, You used the Thesaurus again didn`t you?


Since I have never seen cup of tea used in that fashion. You are sort of applying they are select tea rather the players.

Oh, Common give me a disjunction.

A What?

You know a disjunction! A crack, a gap, a hole, a break or a disjunction.

Uh, Whatever!!



Who has the ten first round selection in this the Season 83 draft


Philadelphia Reapers – 0

Mississauga Hounds – 0

Las Vegas Aces – 2

Halifax 21st – 3

San Diego Marlins – 3

Saskatoon Wild – 0

Houston Bulls – 0

Mexico City Kings – 1

Ottawa Lynx – 0

Miami Marauders – 1



So what does that mean in the way players will be drafted? Well, I think we are actually going to see a run-on Season 84 players since they are going to be a lot of strong recreates that should really help a team become a contender this season so assuming no order I will crystal-ball where the players might be drafted but not by whom.





Selected 1st Overall: (S84) Cobalt Burns -




Why: As like every draft one must look at the actual order and the needs of the teams drafting and since I don`t know the order I must look at the cumulative needs of all the teams that could be selecting in the current placement. Since two of the three teams likely to have this selection already have a goaltender that is amenable means it comes down to flavor of tea that the manager likes Ledge is a tried and true recreate that should be selected amongst the first five selections unless he embittered and manager would rather avoid such tumult.



Uh, This is hard why too much thinking and simply without the order of the teams selection it is too hard to crystal-ball the selections.

Then why not switch to simple stating which players will be selected in what round?


Uh, That might work but again it is the managers tea flavor that might be different then mine.

Aren`t you doing this from your perspective?


Yes, I guess so!!

Then make your crystal-ball selection of where the players are going to be selected.


Okay!! Lets do this!!

UH that Grammarly is incorrect.


Yeah, I know but most won`t notice!!

Well, I did so fix it!!


Who say you have a say?

I do control most of your motor functions now don`t I?


Uh, Good point!! So lets` go!!



Can we do it the lazy way?

What do you mean?


Like this:



All of these players have a chance of being a first round selection:


(S83) Adison Bond







Mar 27, 2022


(S83) Svatopluk Puk







Mar 28, 2022


(S84) Cobalt Burns







Mar 28, 2022


(S84) Callum Murray







Mar 29, 2022


(S84) Clueless Wallob







Mar 28, 2022


(S84) Napoleon Dynamite







Mar 29, 2022


(S83) E Man


Ian Kingston





Mar 28, 2022


(S83) Joachim Bryngelson







Mar 26, 2022


(S84) Scoish Velociraptor Maloish







Mar 28, 2022


(S84) Art Vandelay







Mar 29, 2022


(S83) Jeremy Davidson







Mar 28, 2022


(S84) Noodles Marconi







Mar 28, 2022


(S84) Pierre Emile Bouchard







Mar 29, 2022


(S83) Cody Kapanen







Mar 21, 2022


(S84) AK92 Wit da Hoodie







Mar 27, 2022


(S83) Boston







Mar 21, 2022


(S84) Malum Maellard







Mar 28, 2022


(S83) Dens Oden







Mar 28, 2022


(S83) Sam Tombstone







Mar 28, 2022


(S83) Quinn Clark







Mar 26, 2022


(S84) Faith Hope Love







Mar 22, 2022




Uh, I don`t think that required that much effort!!


Yeah, that is why it is called the lazy way!!

Uh, Common at least pick twelve players that you think will be first round selections.


Well, that is hard considering that Halifax General Manager has their own player in the draft and might reach down to select their own player.

Yeah, But She might also realize she ….. Wait you didn`t include her player in the list above?


Oh, yeah. She is a clear second rounder!!

Uh, what am I going to do with you!!


Well, we are kind stuck with each other aren`t we?

Well, I did watch that Frankenstein movie and I think I would risk that at this moment.


But that guy was very brainless!!

Oh, Common don`t start with the brain jokes now.


At least I didn`t say you would fit right in!!

Uh, You know we are getting off track again.


Yeah, but the average person quit reading at least 600 words ago.

True but should we continue anyways?


Yeah why not!!



First Round Selections:


(S84) Cobalt Burns


(S84) Callum Murray

(S84) Clueless Wallob

(S84) Napoleon Dynamite

(S84) Scoish Velociraptor Maloish

(S84) Art Vandelay

S84) Noodles Marconi

(S84) AK92 Wit da Hoodie



I have these eight almost completely assured to be selected in the first round with the greater question that I cannot answer being in which order and the fact that we could see two these players or more actually drop to the second round due to the fact that these are simply the top S84 players in the draft.



Missing and they still might be selected in the first round are majority of the top earner from the S83 but I am expecting them to drop compared to where they stand on the TPE draft ranking board.



(S83) Adison Bond

(S83) Svatopluk Puk

(S83) E Man

(S83) Joachim Bryngelson



All the above players would look like a lock to be selected in the first round but due to TPE earning come with a lot of question marks for the General Managers when they can select the sure-fire guys mentioned above. Not to mention the likes of other S84 players that I haven`t mentioned that are likely to be second round selections simple due to the deep nature of the draft like:



(S84) AK92 Wit da Hoodie

(S84) Malum Maellard

(S84) Faith Hope Love

(S84) Velociraptor Greg

(S84) Ilya Bryzgalov



So how far do I have the likes of following falling?


 (S83) Adison Bond

(S83) Svatopluk Puk

(S83) E Man

(S83) Joachim Bryngelson


That really depends on the teams General Managers and how they are approaching the draft since majority of the S84 are going to be One and done so teams that have first round selections like Mexico and Miami should actually take a swing at these players if they think they can have them for second season. Who is likely going to be around for a second season?



(S83) E Man

(S83) Joachim Bryngelson


This means these two players should be added to the S84 players that I stated will be a lock to be selected in the first round but hey what do I know.




Uh, the Portal down for Maintenance!!

Yeah, See that!! I do have use of your eyes after all!!


I can still make your point about it doesn`t matter if selected/selecting in the first or second round this season in the VHLM since quality of players are going to be available in both rounds.

Are you done?


Yes, I think I have made my point!!

Have you?


What do you mean by that?

I am sure most have stopped reading by now as this got too wordy.


Yeah, that because you started having too much of say in this back-and-forth thing we are doing. Common get a brain man!!

I am your brain!! LOL!!







(1638 words) Three week claim Apr 10th, Apr 17th & Apr 24th

Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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'Ersatz' is a German word and means 'Replacement' (for example the spare tyre is called 'Ersatzreifen'), but could also be used in the meaning of 'en lieu' or 'in stead'... so for example if a family took you in and raised you as their own you would call it a 'Ersatzfamilie'.

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15 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

'Ersatz' is a German word and means 'Replacement' (for example the spare tyre is called 'Ersatzreifen'), but could also be used in the meaning of 'en lieu' or 'in stead'... so for example if a family took you in and raised you as their own you would call it a 'Ersatzfamilie'.

Interesting as I am sure that English stole the word and most likely changed the meaning to fit what we wanted. Ever have those guys that look at the Thesauras every week or dictionary to find a new word and completely using it incorrectly for weeks on end as they try to memorize it. That is how words change there means as most of aren`t smart enough to care to correct them.


So for the Germans then this is the replacement draft or instead of draft. Makes it even funnier that I used this word. The last part also works well if I had wrote `Ersatzdraft` as most GM view their newly drafted players as becoming part of the new family!! 


Love it!!

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