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Announcement.... Jack Johnson Edition

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As of late I have lost a lot of support and many members are now denouncing me. Therefore I believe that i will quit forums starting in June. I will be checking in to update Manny BTW ROME!!!! If after a month people are missing me (they won't) I will come back. I would like to thank all of those who supported me on my journey....

@Laine You were my first GM ever. I remember the Minnesota Storm.

@Zack You taught me everything I know. You also gave me a shot at a management role

@Dil and @Baozi... You told me always to follow the rules and that if I did everything would go smooth

@Beketov and @Josh For welcoming me into the league with open arms.....

@Frankand @thadthrasher I was more than happy to work together to help Joey and the Recruitment Crew

@rory  Up until a few hours ago..... You were a big supporter of Joey. Im sorry for guessing your pronouns wrong. I was wrong for assuming such a thing

@jacobcarson877 You were also a large supporter. Thanks for everything

@ArceFor waiting all night without sleeping to wait for Joey's announcement

@JardyB10For being an Ally and an Enemy. Your podcasts are great. And while I don't agree with your podcast about Joey. I respect it, you used all the info there was and worked hard.

@MrJoey2928 who is not here because of being banned but will be mentioned anyways.

@STZFor writing stupid comments under threads like this. Once again I hate them but I respect them



As for those wondering about endorsements i will continue those. I see this more of winding into quitting for good. And eventually there is a good chance that day will come. This whole issue is mostly due to controversy and a loss of supporters. Along with just not having fun. You know i came here to enjoy a hockey sim and because of one thing I am banned from Discord (which cost me management jobs) because you need to see my FU*KING BIRTH CERTIFICATE (@fishy yes this has swearing.....) and I think this is a step too far by the mod team. They in my mind are trying to drive me off of the league. And that is fair, your not the only ones. But on a better note at least I am not banned, they banned Joey which in my mind is still stupid but that is their orders. And as i said before I don't agree with it but, I respect it. I have never heard of having to show a birth certificate, just believe I am old enough. I am not lying to you. I cross my heart. And many of you reading this probably think i am a bit crazy. I can see exactly where your coming from but I just want this whole issue to end. The Discord thing is actually one of the main reasons I am doing this. Once again thanks to all of the small amounts of people (and multis :)) that support me.


Edited by Jack Johnson
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Just now, fishy said:

i don't give one fourth of a flying squirrel's toe about swearing 

I did not know. Thought you said "Do i need to keep my pretty little mod hat on" to someone who swore. I believe it was @Spartan

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Well take it as a lesson learned and move on, shit happens and if you cant get over the embarassment for what happened than leaving is fine. maybe come back later or find another league.


You have good spirits and can be very funny but I just think you went a little too far, beating a dead dog now..

Edited by Zack
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29 minutes ago, Spartan said:

I am pro-profanity, in case it needed clarification


2 hours ago, fishy said:

i don't give one fourth of a flying squirrel's toe about swearing 

Speaking of which, you need to watch your profamity in this post.

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