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Claimed:Thank you.


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'Thank you' is a phrase that doesn't get said enough in life, and around here. I'd like to thank everyone in the league who have made and continue to make this a successful league.


Sterling and the rest of the B.O.G. - You all have arguably the hardest job in the league, and that is maintaining the league and keeping it in running order. After some recent 'discussion' it came to light that you were looking to make some changes to a system that is outdated and that's always great to hear. I think we all wish there was some more transparency or communication between the B.O.G. and the rest of the league, but we understand at times you want to develop an idea before you share it. I'd like to thank you all for all your hard work helping create a league that is fun and engaging, and I know you invest a lot of time and effort into keeping this league running.


Commishes - Another time consuming and difficult job I'm glad we have some solid members who have stepped into the role of commissioner. A lot of things around the league wouldn't be running as smoothly if you weren't on top of everything you have to do. Not to single out one over the others, but as a newer member my experiences with Victor have always been fantastic and I enjoy how he's always bringing forward new and exciting things to do around the league. Thank you all for your hard work and patience with new members and old members alike.


Simmers - Thanks for updating our players into the sim and making sure we have games to check out almost every day. Simming is the blood of the VHL and you guys make sure it keeps pumping. Thank you.


Magazine Crew - Thanks for all your hard work and creativity that goes into the magazine. I won't lie, I don't read the VHL magazine regularly, but I do keep up with the VHLM version and that's always very well done. I'll continue to promote it in my weekly segment.


Fantasy Zone Managers - You guys give us the chance to earn some TPE and that's always great. I appreciate that you are willing to take the time to put that stuff up and update the winners. Thank you for giving us that to participate in.


Graders - You guys have a hard job that is a part of the backbone of this league as it is a PT-based league, and if PTs don't get graded, the players don't progress and the league falls apart. It's a tedious job and you guys do a great job. Thank you for your time and effort.


Updaters - Being an updater myself, I know how annoying that job can be. It's another tedious job that makes up another part of the backbone of this league. If the PTs that were graded don't get updated, then again no progression and league falls apart. Thank you for your time and effort.


GMs - A job that is taken on purely for the love of taking a team under your wing and trying to mold it into your vision of what a team should be. There's a lot of responsibility and pressure on the GMs around the league to create a winner and a hospitable environment and it's not easy to create both, or even one or the other. Thank you for the work and being available whenever a member of your team needs you.


Gorlab - You know what you did. You don't always do things the most diplomatic way, but you always have a reason for fighting the good fight, and in the end you promoted the need for change. You also put up a lot of points for the Royals, so thanks bro.


Members around the league - Without us, there would be no league. All the hard work and time and effort put in by the positions filled around the league would all be for naught if we weren't occupying the space to breathe life into this league. Thank you all for making the league what it is.


Thank you all.

Edited by jaladolar
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Thank you Boubabi. For spending hours cuttting all those renders for the cut gallery so we can have fresh material for our sigs. Only to be shafted by the BOG who can't seem to decide on a pay out. So thanks Boubabi, fuck you BOG. 

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Content: 3/3


Excellent idea, and you are correct. The people here who make this league function as smoothly, and efficiently as it is, aren't appreciated for, until this of course! Good on you Jala for doing this. 702 words.


Grammar: 2/2


All perfect.


Appearance: 1/1


could have added another picture in there, maybe for next time. 


FINAL: 6/6

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