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Town of Salem #30


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20 minutes ago, Adrest245 said:

Why would I say he's maf when I'm maf lol. I'm just stating what happened. We tried to kill him but his defense was too high. Soo

bussing 🥵

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2 hours ago, jhatty8 said:

@Advantage @rorycould you guys post full wills?


@NSG shoot anyone last night?

N1 transport NSG and Dadam
N2 Trans ricer and adrest (failed cuz jailed)
N3 Transport Dadam and Ricer
N4 Transport Ricer and NSG


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1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

@rory what was your heal message n2

You were attacked, but someone fought off your attacker!
You were attacked, but someone nursed you back to health!

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48 minutes ago, rory said:

You were attacked, but someone fought off your attacker!
You were attacked, but someone nursed you back to health!


transport ricer with anyone else tonight por favor?

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VOTE ADREST - 8 (Ricer X3, HATTY, NSG, Advantage. lemorse, rory)

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5 hours ago, Advantage said:

Trust me I know.  I’m frustrated with how little I’ve been able to provide outside of just helping confirm Rory. 

me too i wish at least one of my targets had hit or sum but it is what it is


if we have anyone sus enough to shoot tonight lmk

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  • Gustav locked this topic
2 hours ago, Advantage said:

tbh i've always wanted to be jailed (still never have in TOS ever) just so I can see what the process is like 😅


The process actually changed this game--some of you know this, but Jail Bot is now active! I hope it's been more convenient that @Lemorse7, our JAILOR, doesn't have to switch Discord accounts every night.




@Adrest245 has drawn lots of attention, and he's also drawn lots of votes. Claiming to be a DOCTOR is a fine claim for a HYPNOTIST that was even believed for a bit, and it's farther than many get in this game. At this point, though, Adrest was the MAFIOSO and the last surviving member of the MAFIA.


Our neutrals were mostly a non-factor. One of our JUGGERNAUTS killed the other (yes, it's a unique role and this was my error in creating the list. I think having two could be lots of fun though). Our WITCH was investigated early and fell victim to a unique situation that I'll have to make a VHL guideline for over in our updates thread--yes, we're still learning new things about this game thirty times after we started it.


With that being said, I don't want to take away from the achievement of a game well played by the uninformed majority.






I will be the first to tell you that this game was not the best one I've ever modded. Some of you dealt with unfortunate circumstances that never should have come up, and for that I apologize for taking away from your right to a fair game. But I also consider it a compliment and think it's a great testament to the VHL's understanding and forgiveness that lots of you have already asked when we can play again. It will happen soon--I promise!


The game's spreadsheet is here for anyone curious.


Thanks for playing as always!



@Adrest245 - HYPNOTIST

@Advantage - LOOKOUT



@Dadam30 - GODFATHER

@Da Trifecta - TRACKER

@Doomsday - DOCTOR

@eaglesfan036 - WITCH


@Lemorse7 - JAILOR



@omgitshim - FORGER

@Ptyrell - BODYGUARD

@Ricer13 - MAYOR


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  • Gustav unlocked this topic

Strong town, no coven, unlucky juggs. Sometimes it’s too easy

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