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What It Takes To Make A Good Player


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What Does It Takes To Make A Good Player?


It's a question I ask myself every single time I log onto this forsaken site. Everytime I click on the bookmark on my internet browser, I think to myself "What are you really getting out of logging on today?" Since joining the site back in S9, I have found myself wondering this more and more. Why do I waste my time doing this shit day in and day out. Is it cause I have nothing better to do with my life? Nah I could easily just go chill with my boys or find something I'm actually good at. Do I feel the need to be there for Toronto for wasting a third overall pick on Cote? Maybe but that's not why I come back day after day to check up on the league. The truth is I can't put a finger on exactly why I feel it necessary to keep coming on here just to see that Cote hasn't done shit yet again, no matter how good a team I'm on or how much I whore myself out for TPE.


Cote was kinda good for his first three seasons. He outscored SBJ in every season but one and if not for Ethan Osbourne, Cote would have surpassed him in just his second season. Thats probably because I felt slighted that my best player I've ever made got overshadowed by O'Malley and Richardson cause they were on better teams than me, but that only hurt my production cause i didn't care about being top of my draft class. And while that has probably hurt me in the long run, I don't feel like I'm getting out what I'm putting in anymore. Why should I try hard to become a Hall Of Famer when no matter how hard I try, somehow I get worse every season. Hell, if I stuck to welfare, I guarantee I would make a player that would run shit and be a first ballot HOF, it's just my luck. But where's the fun in that?


Matter of fact where is the fun? It's more of a burden for me to check the games when they actually do get posted. It's not like one day I'll click the link and boom, Cote is a great player. I should be putting up Bruno Wolf numbers (I should have that Boulet Trophy too but we give everything to guys who are on stacked ass teams), but instead I get outscored by scrubs and inactives. Cote might just be my last shot for this league, but then again SBJ was supposed to be it. I might have one more player in me, but if Cote doesn't step his shit up, theres no way I'm putting myself through another frustrating player I set expectations way to high for. I mean can't someone toss me a bone? I'll continue to bitch for another 4 seasons as the dissapointments pile up and then maybe just maybe I'll have enough sanity to try this shit one more time. I mean hey, miracles happen all the time, just ask Herb Brooks. Maybe Cote might make me happy just once in his career. And that's called having a sense of humor

Edited by Ball
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Hell, if I stuck to welfare, I guarantee I would make a player that would run shit and be a first ballot HOF, it's just my luck. But where's the fun in that?

Welcome to my life. I have battled this my entire time in the VHL. Should I stick to welfare and coast like other members have done who get multiple cups? Richardson has declined every season since he began.

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Welcome to my life. I have battled this my entire time in the VHL. Should I stick to welfare and coast like other members have done who get multiple cups? Richardson has declined every season since he began.

The struggle is real man

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Welcome to my life. I have battled this my entire time in the VHL. Should I stick to welfare and coast like other members have done who get multiple cups? Richardson has declined every season since he began.


Didn't you just win a cup last season and just retire a HOF player (your second?)?

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Didn't you just win a cup last season and just retire a HOF player (your second?)?

Of course, but I have had 3 players here (2 that went the distance in career length) that didn't get an award nor a cup. I wouldn't say luck has been on my side.

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I know everyone wants to be a star, but solid 2nd line forwards or defensemen are always needed as well. Everyone has a role to play.


Viet knew this better than anyone

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I'll be retiring with 1 player who won't do anything and won't make a new one. I don't like coasting I want to be a stud defender

So you are recreating to have a player who won't do anything? Because your player now does not fit that description.

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Welcome to my life. I have battled this my entire time in the VHL. Should I stick to welfare and coast like other members have done who get multiple cups? Richardson has declined every season since he began.


Same with O'Malley numbers, but this season it finally looks like they are going up for me.

I hope whatever habbens Ball, that you stick around and keep giving it a shot.  I loved the Ball Jr vs LeBeau stuff with our past players and I'm sure stuff like that can happen again.

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Same with O'Malley numbers, but this season it finally looks like they are going up for me.

I hope whatever habbens Ball, that you stick around and keep giving it a shot.  I loved the Ball Jr vs LeBeau stuff with our past players and I'm sure stuff like that can happen again.

Except you won a rookie award as well. So two major awards in three seasons somewhat validates. I think you more than anyone shouldn't be annoyed by your players career thus far.

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I think alot of things occur pending your teammates at how your team/lines are setup.


Like look at Fujiwara, Good TPE at the time but terrible stats until I left Vasteras because I found out Pensfan was running an ultra defensive system that ruined offensive numbers lol.


Line tactics and how good your teammates are and how good the competition is play a big part.

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