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VHL need to step their emote game up BADLY. Here's a list of emotes which are irrelevant and never used:


:juggle:  :Xcat:  :TWSS:  :workout:  :fish:  :boss:  :exercise:  :box2:  :crash:  :objection:  :1st:  :2nd:  :3rd:  :cal:

I'd also include  :emot-buttertroll:  :superautism:  :pimp:  :smoke: but I sometimes use them.



Sleeping redundancy emotes:

:sleepy:  :yawn:


Sick redundancy emotes:

:sick:  :fever:



Basically what I'm saying is at least upload the chatzy emoticons like =D> and :> and ;; ).  Pls & TY.

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The cat one was used all the time on the first board. I think the objection one stems from a joke Jardy made once.

And how dare you even mention the possibility of deleting an Anderson emoticon?


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The cat one was used all the time on the first board. I think the objection one stems from a joke Jardy made once.


Nah, Nick Barr made a bunch once upon a time. It actually stems from this, which was memefied from some Fongland Nintendo game called Ace Attorney.

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