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Questions for the Ahmacast!


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It's a podcast! Yay!


There is a podcast coming up (unless something happens, which is possible) and I have my own podcast.

The Ahmacast features Me (the host), Streetlight, boubabi and eaglesfan.

We'll record it at some time soon(ish) or later than later.


So my fellow VHLers, ask some questions! Any random question is fine! If you have a question specially for someone in the podcast, ask! Ask questions for me, I'd really like it. Ask many questions as possible, anything that comes in kind. Because we would really love many questions :)


Just ask questions, okay?


If this podcast goes well, I might consider making a second one ooooh ;)



edit: this will be recorded 23th or 24th day.

Edited by Ahma
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Paras tapa viettää aikaa bussissa tai lentokoneessa ? 


Mikä joukkue tarjoaa huonoimmat ruoat vieras jengille? 


Haluaisiko  Streetlightboubabi tai eaglesfan matkustaa Suomeen joskus?


Mitä kuuluu ihan noin yleensä ? 


Paljon kello siellä juuri nyt?


Mitä söitte aamupalaksi ?


Mitä ajatuksia talvi herättää? Parasta vai huonointa aikaa vuodesta? 


Palkkaisitteko autonkuljettajan jos oikein hyvin sattuisi tilillä olemaan rahaa joskus ? 


Onko olemassa mitään mitä ei kannata pistää päälleen jos on menossa työhaastatteluun ? 


Viikset, kyllä/ei ? 


Huonoin elokuva minkä olette nähneet ?


Kuinka paljon katsotte televisiota ? Onko mitään lempi sarjaa mitä seuraatte?


Laitatteko itse ruokaa? 

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1 - what the hell are those questions saying?

2 - I've only done solo podcasts or with one other person; is it challenging to have 4 people on?

3 - I don't know how old you are, but Christian Ruutu was one of my favorite Sabres as a kid. Are you old enough to remember him? Was he something of a national icon in Finland in the 80s?

Edited by der meister
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Pronounce these English words:


- Squirrel

- Anemone

- antidisestablishmentarianism

- pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis



When did you learn English? In school?


When is Valmount winning things?


What is the biggest flaw in the VHL?


Why is the SHL worse than the VHL?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you enjoy speaking with Robert Z the other day? How high was his player on your draft list?

What are you expectations for the Wild this season?

Did you know I live in Saskatoon? Ain't that some shit?

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Do you guys bet on NHL games? Or in general, sports betting, yay or nay?

Wake up early on a day off or sleep in ?

Ever went fishing?  

Would you date a person, if she/he is much taller than you?

Do you like to fix things yourself or just give it to a professional ?

What kind of music you like/dislike?

Got a morning ritual that you must do in order to get the day going?

Do you like to party?

If you could go anywhere in the world for 2 weeks, where would you go?

What is the worst birthday gift you can imagine?

Are you a good dancer?

Do you have scars? 



Edited by jRuutu
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The Almost Legendary Ahmacast is BACK, once again!
Please we need many many questions!! Ask some questions!
This time Draper and eaglesfan will join me! There might be a surprise guest :O

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Ahma: Why do you think Helsinki players are allowed to do things after deadlines? (i.e. TC, Predictions..)
Draper: When can we ban Higgins?
Eagles fan: When you see this send me a PM about Recruiting, because I have a 10 minutes recruiting job you and I can do together.

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