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Royal Resolution: The Demands


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The Royal Resolution has arrived. Yes this is like my "The Decision" with Xavier Martinez. But Resolution is a fancy word for decision so kiss my ass. I will be updating people as to changes like a team losing out on me and so on. But for now lets get to my demand list. I will keep this short because this won't be my vhl,com for the week


1. Any team that has interest or even has a pondering about if I want to play for them they MUST allow me access to their LR for 24hrs. I have my reasons as to why I want this. I will not post in the LR unless someone says hi or whatever. Any and I do mean ANY team that wants a shot at me MUST do this but 12pm tomorrow afternoon EST. If deadline is not met I will ignore any and all attempts to contact me

2. Full player, position and Username list of everyone on your team. Once again I have my reasons

3. Detailed and I MEAN DETAILED pitch to me as to why I should sign with you. Include reasons, where I will play, with whom I will play with etc

4. I must have a leadership role on your team. I have high leadership for a reason

5. Contract cannot exceed 2 years. 2nd year must be PO if you offer me 2 years. NTC on both years. Money does not matter to me. Give me the minimum you can give me.


That is all MAFK's you have a little over 12hours to meet my 1st demand. DO NOT contact me about the other demands till demand 1 is meet. Thank you and fuck off

Edited by KingRobbie
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