JardyB10 4,869 Posted May 22, 2016 Share Posted May 22, 2016 Can you PM me a link? My Internet is so bad at the farm I need to download it as soon as possible. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342047 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JardyB10 4,869 Posted May 22, 2016 Share Posted May 22, 2016 I am moist in anticipation. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342048 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted May 22, 2016 Share Posted May 22, 2016 Roomate dl"d it so I don't have exact link. Check PirateBay should be up, was a webrip. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342074 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JardyB10 4,869 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 Tonight's episode...there are no words. I'm too sad. I need to lay down. Forever. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342308 Share on other sites More sharing options...
eaglesfan036 4,617 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 14 minutes ago, JardyB10 said: Tonight's episode...there are no words. I'm too sad. I need to lay down. Forever. I'll hold the door for your return Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342312 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DollarAndADream 3,358 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 "I could tell you the story about Brandon the Builder," Old Nan said. "That was always your favorite." Thousands and thousands of years ago, Brandon the Builder had raised Winterfell, and some said the Wall. Bran knew the story, but it had never been his favorite. Maybe one of the other Brandons had liked that story. Sometimes Nan would talk to him as if he were her Brandon, the baby she had nursed all those years ago, and sometimes she confused him with his uncle Brandon, who was killed by the Mad King before Bran was even born. She had lived so long, Mother had told him once, that all the Brandon Starks had become one person in her head. Mind blown. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342379 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 Surprised the reactions here have been so tepid honestly. Figured we may get a few of the stragglres claiming the show has "jumped the shark." A lot of other online reactions are themed as such. It's hard not to see the argument. The Hodor segment should of been emotional. Instead, it was a cliched trope. Sure it's a fine explanation, and I was fine with it. But it was a rather silly scene. Not because of the name stuff either. Think about how magical this show has really become, how high fantasy it is, that scene is perfect for it. Bran confirms he can travel throughout time, (setting up tons of theories that the Blood Raven is actually just an older him, thematically confirmed with lines of dialogue such as "time for you to become me" by the the Bloodraven) and in doing so he travels back to warg past Wyliss, to give him the traumatic event that makes him what he is. In that process, thousands upon thousands of white walkers led by a group of ex humans who were confirmed later in the episode to be created by the Children of the Forest because the Children were unhappy with man, are storming this little cavern to try and kill Bran and the Children, who then use magical exploding gernades. I mean it's straight up high fantasy. Tell me a storyline that isn't layered and layered with magic now? Jon is resurrrected, Lord of Light is real. Dany is busy building empires with her fire goddess powers and dragons. Hell even Tyrion was getting approached by a Sorceress also wearing an amulet. Then you have the Bran stuff. This show is full on leading to Fellowship of the Ring style "team". Think about it. Jorah has a curse that was cured by Stannis daughter. Now he's looking for the cure. Who would know that cure? Davos you say? Shit it's almost like Jorah could justify a communion between Jon Snow and all the other "team members" he'll build up, which will likely include Bran after he gets saved by something in the North to bring him south of the wall and let his mark deactivate the magical barrier surrounding the wall. Just in time for all the plot characters to go south, avoid the white walkers, build a giant army including Danny and then all team up to take on the zombies. Again I'm perfectly fine with all of this stuff. But this show has stopped being this grounded deep rooted political thing. At this point everything going on in Kings Landing feels like a joke compared to the serious threats of everything else. And you also go, what are the Lannisters going to do? They have ice zombies, warging throughout history, resurrections, dragons, I mean they are so outnumbered it's insane. On that note, I one hundered percent believe the show is going to go full circle with how the universe was set up in the first place. A mad Targayen will rule with the assistance of a Stark (Snow/Sansa) and assistance of a Lannister (Tyrion) But as usual Dany and her family have no idea how to properly rule, they are far too idealistic. And a new "Queenslayer" will be born when Tyrion stabs her in the back, and something happens to force all the magical elements of the universe to rest again. The cycle will be complete, the world will be changed, and we'll reset. End of series. I'm calling all that. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342452 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JardyB10 4,869 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 The series has always been a high fantasy, it just also catalogued the brief period of time before all the crazy magic shit "returned." But from Day 1 there were snow Knights and ice zombies, and the end of the season had the dragons born, dovah kin. And everything escalated from that point, with shadow babies and warlock clones and Snapchat face swaps and warging/skinchanging south of the wall and a resurrection and sacrifices melting snow storms and shit. And now that the story is getting closer to an end, all these magical elements are reaching a fever pitch as they come together. And it's awesome, and shouldn't have been too unexpected. I do agree that every time they show a huge white walker episode, it really trivializes the southern plots, but really that should be the case, and maybe what they're going for. Although I have to admit I did get sucked back into the King's Landing goings on, even after the Hardhome episode. As for Hodor's last stand, I thought that scene was perfect, if not a little confusing in its implication right now. I don't think Bran can really be Bloodraven since he doesn't seem to be bodily traveling through time, therefore I don't know how that would work. (Not to mention in the books Brynden Rivers was very clearly a dude born of a Targaryen and a Blackwood 100+ years prior to the story, and is not Brandon Stark born 100+ years later). Rather, that scene seemed to indicate Bran can/already has influenced the past to determine the present/fulfill his destiny as perhaps some kind of tree wizard saviour who can pull certain strings to other heroes advantage. For example I feel like it would just be helpful if he sought out Ramsay Snow and turned him into a puddle. But maybe he'll do something bigger scale. Like get Meera to rebuild him his saddle, warg a dragon, mount the saddle, and literally fly. Fulfilling his destiny as the dovahkiin. Or whatever, hopefully they give us more to understand that shit. But anyway, I felt the scene was a perfectly tragic way to show us a taste of Bran's true powers. Caillean 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342544 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 I'm not disagreeing in that I'm fine with it Jardy. However I do think the high fantasy elements of the series have been paced very strategically. Early on we got horror type pacing. Things would exist in a pseudo grounded setting, building and you'd get a few long drawn out big moments of fantasy/magic. You could clearly see it was headed in a up the scale magic and fantasy everywhere direction. And for people like us who enjoy that type of thing we appreciate all the grounded character work done to build to this point. I'm just saying I see the counter argument as well. Some people hate how clichéd, full circle, and overbalanced power scale can be in high fantasy. Up until now there wasn't a need to showcase as much of that. So Thrones the show had fans who enjoyed that change. But it's clear now without a doubt it's already deep in that direction and it has frustrated some, which I think is fair. Too often modern media, especially genre media like superhero cinema example, tries to pretend it's not a genre show tailor made for said genres fans. And when they finally begin to lean hard into it you see some backlash from the casual/non genre fan viewers. Like the hero stuff though at a certain point people have to realize if you dislike high fantasy, Thrones is likely not for you. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342562 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JardyB10 4,869 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 That's certainly fair. Although my counter counter point to that would be, I think some of the more OP fantasy elements won't be without consequence. At least that's kind of how GRRM rolls with it. In the books people who are resurrected lose some of their identity/humanity, for example. And in this past episode it's revealed Bran basically single handedly ruined some innocent stable boys life, essentially setting him up to be this mindless thrall he'll utilize later in life. It's fucked up. So while it's still high fantasy, there's dark twists to it. In LotR Gandalf can kind of just show up as a dues ex machina and save the day and everything is cool. I think if/when Dany comes to do the same, it'll probably be "bittersweet" somehow (which is how GRRM described how the series is going to end). Like her dragons will die and she'll be tortured and murdered for being a foreign witch queen or something, but at least the world will be safe. So while it is a high fantasy with tropey fantasy elements in it, I think it will (and has) have a different feel to it that sets it apart. Victor 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342584 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admin Victor 11,193 Posted May 23, 2016 Author Admin Share Posted May 23, 2016 Wow that was some Inception level shit. Except I cared. God fucking damn it not just Hodor, another direwolf. I feel like the show is going overboard with wolf deaths, I think GRRM has them playing a larger role. Oh well. ------- other points: - DID ANYONE REALISE THERE WAS NO KING'S LANDING?! - Jorah so close but so far fuck you show, why does he have to have rock disease #BringInJonConnington - oh no I just read someone linking him to Victarion and his treatment by the red priestess. Fuuuuuuck that'd be cool. - Euron's coronation seems like it would have a very high fatality rate. No way Balon went through that. - Speaking of Balon, Nymeria now the Balon Greyjoy of direwolves? Yes. - looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool remember Dorne? - is anyone else hype about Brienne going to Riverrun? And we all saw the trailer with Jaime leading an army somewheres. Jardy, you are hype. (especially if your mention of Thoros coming back is real) so wait Lord of Light is real. So are dragons and white walkers. Ye cool, Melisandre fucked up with Stannis. She may be onto something with Jon. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE DROWNED GOD HUH?! (we all know the Seven is just the Catholic Church and a web of lies) hahaha fuck I just remembered about Sam and Oldtown and the maester storyline. Oh lordy lord this season is gonna be something else. oh yeah completely forgot my early favourite bit - the play in Braavos. Pretty near representation of how people view politics, I like it. Good dose of realism in this madness. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342590 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JardyB10 4,869 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 Oh yeah, the play. Sansa had some of the nicest tits I've ever seen. And the Jorah thing, I meant to counter Devise's prediction there too. Greyscale isn't curable, but it's not necessarily fatal in children, which is why Shireen was only disfigured. Adults are fucked though (although amputation apparently can work sometimes). I suppose the show story could do a "I heard Stannis cured his daughter" type of thing like Devise said, but I don't think it's likely as the two alternatives. One being Lord of Light magic that Victor alluded to, the other him just going insane and/or dying due to Greyscale. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342672 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DollarAndADream 3,358 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 There can be a ton of speculation on a lot of the storyline right now, but really I'm just going to hold a lot of thoughts until they reveal the truth. I'll always read speculation theories, and a shit ton of them on Reddit, but until I'm shown what theories are true I'm going to hold my thoughts. There's a lot of high fantasy stuff here, sure. The politics of it all is kind of going to shit because it, and whatever is going on with this time travel stuff can get crazy pretty quick. I mean, I don't necessarily like this time travel stuff. It really depends what they do with it. Depending on what happens, Bran can change things, and it might change what has happened with a lot of character development, which I will hate. All of this makes me realize why GRRM is taking so long to write the books though. It all has to be written perfectly, and he has to cover his tracks carefully at every turn. Time travel and paradoxical storylines are hard to get right. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342698 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JardyB10 4,869 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 I don't think Bran will drastically change character development too much. He can't change the past at all, "the ink is dry." So it's not like he'll be able to (or even want to) make someone in King's Landing do a complete 180 out of nowhere. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342815 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gorlab 4,322 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 yeah the tits on that jealous young actress were grade A+ Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342899 Share on other sites More sharing options...
boubabi 4,725 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 The tits of the new red lady tho Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342902 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BOOM 9,024 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 You guys are disgusting. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342908 Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevo 795 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 12 hours ago, JardyB10 said: Oh yeah, the play. Sansa had some of the nicest tits I've ever seen. Pics pls Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342916 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JardyB10 4,869 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 3 hours ago, stevo said: Pics pls Just took a quick screencap from the episode on my computer. Not the best quality. But also the best quality. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342959 Share on other sites More sharing options...
boubabi 4,725 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Decent Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342966 Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevo 795 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 1 hour ago, JardyB10 said: Just took a quick screencap from the episode on my computer. Not the best quality. But also the best quality. Reveal hidden contents We're talking Sansa Stark? Like Sophie Turner iirc? Also this whole page just got me to the point that I'm certainly neither watching another episode of the 4 seasons I gotta catch up with nor will I get the rest of the books that are yet to come up. The entire series was such a damn fine mixture of politics, murder and other stuff and now they apparently bring in some fantasy magic shit that entices all those heavy metals goblins that like to play in forests with the local squirrels. Fuck this shit. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342973 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admin Victor 11,193 Posted May 24, 2016 Author Admin Share Posted May 24, 2016 42 minutes ago, stevo said: We're talking Sansa Stark? Like Sophie Turner iirc? Also this whole page just got me to the point that I'm certainly neither watching another episode of the 4 seasons I gotta catch up with nor will I get the rest of the books that are yet to come up. The entire series was such a damn fine mixture of politics, murder and other stuff and now they apparently bring in some fantasy magic shit that entices all those heavy metals goblins that like to play in forests with the local squirrels. Fuck this shit. There's still lots of politics, murder, and other stuff. Also it's a play where someone portrayed Sansa. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-342983 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JardyB10 4,869 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 3 hours ago, stevo said: We're talking Sansa Stark? Like Sophie Turner iirc? Also this whole page just got me to the point that I'm certainly neither watching another episode of the 4 seasons I gotta catch up with nor will I get the rest of the books that are yet to come up. The entire series was such a damn fine mixture of politics, murder and other stuff and now they apparently bring in some fantasy magic shit that entices all those heavy metals goblins that like to play in forests with the local squirrels. Fuck this shit. Don't be deterred. If you're enjoying it now you won't stop enjoying it. Like I was saying to Devise, even with the increased focus on magic, it's still entirely different from a typical fantasy or superhero movie. Season 5 had an abnormal amount of weak moments, but S6 is off the damn charts, goblin dick or no. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-343082 Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevo 795 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 2 hours ago, Victor said: There's still lots of politics, murder, and other stuff. Also it's a play where someone portrayed Sansa. Ahhhhh ok 7 minutes ago, JardyB10 said: Don't be deterred. If you're enjoying it now you won't stop enjoying it. Like I was saying to Devise, even with the increased focus on magic, it's still entirely different from a typical fantasy or superhero movie. Season 5 had an abnormal amount of weak moments, but S6 is off the damn charts, goblin dick or no. I'll chop all your four balls if it doesn't live up to my expectations. JardyB10 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-343084 Share on other sites More sharing options...
boubabi 4,725 Posted May 30, 2016 Share Posted May 30, 2016 meh episode Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/3849-game-of-thrones/page/38/#findComment-344781 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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