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A Scooter Suggestion(S)

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9 minutes ago, Devise said:


Regarding logos. As stated in another post graphic makers enjoy seeing their logos for more than a few seasons. We aren't and have said this a bunch of times to you, OPPOSED to relocation. Nothing about your relocation suggestion was immediately shunned, we just don't want to make it this formal process because we'd rather not have relocation as frequently as probably you might. By we I mean not just "me and the BoG" I mean "we" the league. The parameters to make relocation work are fine, we have some already and that wasn't the issue. The issue is we like a lot of the franchises created here, for the most part. The VHLM has seen more relocation than the VHL but again, it's going through a different process all together right now which makes relocation as of right now on the back burner. 


As for the old boys club, offering TPE for suggestions and then openly coming into every suggestion thread and discussing things with members is as transparent as it gets. How is that an old boys club? How does that limit new member interest? In fact your "probably" not even a new member and you accused of us ignoring new member suggestions based entirely on the fact that you got defensive. 


As for legitimate counter points. "We've talked about award name changes but the majority of the league wasn't in favor." THAT Is a legitimate counter point. Sorry the league isn't just your voice. It isn't just my voice. It isn't just the Blue Teams voice. It isn't just the BoG voice. The majority of the league wasn't in favor of that specific suggestion. Move on. 



Yeah I just agreed with and basically said what you stated in the first paragraph. "We've talked about award name changes but the majority of the league wasn't in favor." I don't remember reading this so if I missed it I apologize. 

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56 minutes ago, TheLastOlympian07 said:

fuck you guys the Oslo Naggerwolves and Oslo Screamin Seamen were the best team names out there we should bring them back


also yea @tfong will come at you like a ninja you wont see him coming. You guys want his size 6 up your ass? i know i dont i wouldnt fuck with him 


I wear 8.5 :P

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Bushito you say? Welcome to the league sir, if you have any questions feel free to post in the appropriate section. I'm sure a mentor can help you through the league since it's your first time. 





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