BluObieZ 1,125 Posted September 2, 2018 Share Posted September 2, 2018 (edited) FLASHBACK 1 Police chase, King is driving recklessly through large park as Mulligan @TheLastOlympian07 is holding on for dear life Mulligan KING! STOP King ignores Mulligan and intently chases after the Ford Mustang that is trying to elude him Mulligan STOP! King intensely stares ahead Mulligan King seriously you are starting to scare me. Just stop! King intensity increases King Okay I’ll stop King pit manuvers the Mustang, it crashes into a tree. The driver flies out the car and lands in the sand of the playground. King pops the parking brake and slides to a stop inches from a kid building a sand castle. Without missing a beat King jumps out of his truck landing on the castle. He pats the kid on the head as he intensely walks towards the man that is not moving. King picks up the man and slams him against the playground slide. King Give me what you stole from the store! Mulligan crouches down beside the kid and attempts help build the sand castle. The kid’s mom picks it up as Mulligan takes out his card and hands it to her. Mulligan Mine and his badge numbers and names are on the back… He’s King. FLASHBACK 2 Dom @Green is at an “AA style” Meeting. He is listening to other people’s problems. Person 1 I used to be addicted to Cplus. Not the grade but the drink. I loved it so much that I came up with a way to turn it into a powder so I could snort it. Person 2 You know they sold the powder in store for mass production Person 1 Wasn’t pure enough for me. I needed the good shit. Now I’m internally fucked for life. Not to mention my nose is always sticky. Everything smells like orange. My life hit a new low Dom That’s nothing. I was held captive and forced to become mayor. I was kicked out of office by the same people who put me in power. My buddy Ciroc betrayed me and now I have no one. Person 1 You are Mayor Green? Dom Was, I was mayor for one week Silence fills the room Dominique I used to be a prostitute in a very niche market within the hooker game. My specialty was heading. Person 1 Heading? You mean you were good at giving head? That’s not niche. I used to do that when I was low on money and couldn’t afford Cplus Dominique No, heading is when a guy who has the fantasy of going back in the womb so they put their head in your pussy. Dom intently listens Person 1 Damn! You must be loose Dom SHUT UP! Let her talk remember no judgement here Dominique No my pussy actually snapped back to shape real quick. I’m actually pretty tight. But that is not my issue. My issue is that the drug cartels caught on and started using my pussy as a drug mule. They would stuff a ton in there and make me bring it somewhere. I constantly lived in fear that the drugs would pop inside me and I’d die with it in me. Forever forsaking my family’s name. Person 1 Oh because being a heading hooker didn’t do that Dom OUT! FLASHBACK 3 Fong @tfong is driving through china town as he looks at all the Chinese restaurants. He stops in front of “Noodlerama” and gets out of his car. He walks to a garbage can and tosses out a bag of empty noodle boxes Fong Hey doodle doodle no noodle for me FLASHBACK 4 King is in court defending his actions King You holiness Judge I’m not a priest King Whatever. That man was dangerous. He had to be stopped. I was doing the city a great favor. You should be thanking me not putting me on trial. This is an outrage Judge You are an outrage. You have a long history of doing things like this and it must be stopped. The door of the courtroom is kicked open. Mulligan is standing there with his baby daughter in his hands Mulligan You honor that man right there. King points at himself as he looks at Mulligan Mulligan Yes you King. You are a dangerous man. You saw that man shop lift and you took after him like he just killed someone. That’s not mentioning you intentionally hurt that man by making him crash. Then picked him up after the crash knowing full well that he may have a spinal injury and slammed him against the slide. Am I leaving anything out King? King looks on in shock King Mulli why you do me like that? Mulligan Because I had enough. I’m moving away, I am going to be a police chief, you will stay here and just be an idiot. I’m taking lil Mulligina and I’m out. King Mulligina? You really called your daughter Mulligina? Who does that? Mulligan Me and Emily didn’t want to name her something over used. So we came up with that. King No one uses that because it’s fucked. Mulligina Mulligan… that’s truly fucked Judge ENOUGH! I had enough of this truly ridiculous case. The public should feel safe with the police around but with you king on the street there is no such thing as safe. That is why I am suspending you with pay for two years. So you can think about what you did. King Suspending with pay. Oh please don’t. NOT! Mulligan turns to leave the courtroom King MULLIGAN! Don’t leave Mulligan Bye King King Mulligan! I WILL FIND YOU! FLASHBACK 5 Dom and Dominique are clearly dating now. Dom hangs up a dime bag on a hanger to signify he is retiring. FLASHBACK 6 Fong is standing in front of a mirror dressed in a ninja outfit. He puts his samurai sword into its sheath Fong Hey Doodle doodle The cat and the poodle No more noodle Noodle for me A tear rolls down his face then we see Fong is looking at a picture of King as he walks away BLACK KING & MULLIGAN EXT.MOWHERE USA.DAY 5 years later A tiny little bum fuck nowhere town in mowhere USA. Literally a tumbleweed rolls across screen as we see that we are near the police station INT.POLICE STATION.DAY A station filled with fat police officers are milling around as they drink coffee and eating doughnuts. In the background we see the chief’s office. The Silhouette the chief can be seen as he moves around in his office. Shouting can be heard Chief MASH! You caused thirty million dollars in damages downtown. All because you wanted to catch shoplifter. The mayor is chewing my fucking ass out because it was just a god damn shop lifter! MASH!!! LISTEN TO ME! You took down the statue of the cities founder. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH YOU? We now see inside the office and notice that it’s Mulligan and his now 5 year old daughter Mulligina is sitting in his office. Mulligan kneels down as he pat’s her on the head Mulligan See honey that is how you tell someone they messed up… Well that is how they do it in the big city. Not here Mulligina It sounds like you lived that one Dad Mulligan Uh… no, never.,, Never…Ever Mulligina Even with Uncle? Mulligan looks over at a picture of him and King. King is busting a lemonade stand kid. Mulligan Can we not talk about him? This is bring your daughter to work day. The city is behind daddies back. Mulligina Sure thing dad Edmond Taylor barges in Edmond Sir, we have a possible 10-93 in progress Mulligan Ok, I’ll go deal with this. Show my daughter the mean streets of Mowhere EXT.COFFEE SHOP.DAY Mulligan speeds up and stops at the front doors in a very King like maneuver Mulligan Whoa! That’s fun Mulligan shakes his head then looks at his daughter Mulligan Honey, this is a 10-93 possible robbery going on. Stay with me you will be okay Mulligina You sure? Mulligan Yes Pumpkin but don’t tell mom INT.COFFEE SHOP.DAY Mulligan rushes into the coffee shop with his gun raised Mulligan FREEZE! NO ONE MOVE! Mulligan moves towards the counter Mulligan I have a reported 10-93 possible robbery Karen What? Who told you this? Chief it maybe a prank Mulligan No prank Karen. I got this intel from the top of the top. You cannot got more…toppier? Yes toppier! Then this. Karen Okay please tell me is this person whoever is robbing me is he invisible because I don’t see him Mulligan Don’t be coy with me. It’s you. Karen Me? I’m robbing myself? Are you here to save me from myself? Mulligan Okay cut the bullshit! You raised the doughnut price. That’s highway robbery. The boys live off that stuff Karen Raised it from free to one whole dollar Mulligan That’s like a 1000% increase INT.SECRET OFFICE.DAY Don Uts @Banackock and Lou Tenant @Tyler are in a darkly lit office. Don paces around the office with a picture of King on a board can be seen. Don I feel we almost have this guy, dead to rights. Five years of hard work almost paying off Lou Do we know where he is? Don No Lou What he is up to? Don No Lou Any future plans of his? Don No Lou Then what do we have on him? Don points angrily at the board Don What we have is a crime spree brought on by a man that claims to be a cop. Someone that should be protecting and serving. Lou It’s no evidence till we catch him in the act Don Well, he’s good we always seem to show up after he is gone Lou Maybe we should take this little agency out of this little dark room, hire more agents. More man power might be what we need. That and maybe letting some light in this room. It’s dark as a mother in here Don NO! no light. This is a secret undercover agency. We cannot let anyone see what we at NICCIATT do Lou I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that why don’t we just call ourselves NICIT? Don Because we are National International Countering Counter Intelligence Anti-Terrorism Taskforce not the National International Counter Intelligence Taskforce INT.POUTINERY.DAY Jacque Grande @Ahmais serving Poutine to French Canadians when a man in a dark suit walks up to him. Jacque looks at him and throws cheese at him Jacque NO POUTINE FOR YOU! INT.BUS.DAY Dom is riding on a bus looking out the window. It’s not clear where he is headed. EXT.WOODS.DAY Fong is practicing his sword fighting skills as guards stand guard near him. Fong puts his sword away and motions a guard over Fong You come The guard walks to him Fong I train, train hard for many moon and suns. Fong be ready like bumble bee ready for flower Guard You want flower? Fong No Fong a bee ready for flower Guard I get flower Fong NO! It saying not order saying Guard No order, just do Guard walks away FONG YOU!!!! Another guard comes, Fong looks at him annoyed Fong Not you Yuu Yuu is I and I is Yuu Fong rolls his eyes as he smacks his head Fong Yuu go away Yuu You go away? Where? Fong No Yuu Yuu You? Where? Home? Find King? Fong YUU!!!!!!!! The first guard comes back holding a flower Guard Flower for you sir Yuu For Yuu? Guard For Master you sir Fong grows increasingly annoyed Yuu You boss? Or You Yuu Guard Master want flower, I bring flower Fong in one quick motion takes his sword out and slices of the flower and the guard in half. Fong Yuu go now Yuu runs away INT.SECRET OFFICE.DAY Don and Lou are sitting at a computer as Lou types up an ad. “Company looking for Smart, Intelligent but not too intelligent female with long legs but we don’t mean that in a sexual way. You will be required to use your long legs to get us food and drinks and occasionally run after King. Who is King? Forget we mentioned him. We will tell you about him if you get the job” INT.POUTINERY.DAY Jacque Why do you guys no… leave me be eh? We now see that he is talking with Ben Tovlov @Beketov a secret service agent Ben Jacque, we both know you are hiding up here in Canada. Jacque Me hide? No! Tabarnak! Ben No need to get mad sir. I am here to talk to you about your old partner Fong and this other man… Ben looks at his notes Jacque King Ben Yes him Jacque No poutine and no info for you! INT.BUS.DAY Dom looks at a picture which makes him smile. As he smiles the sound of the bus suddenly stopping can be heard. As Dom looks up a person gets on the bus with a gun raised. Person HANDS UP! EVERYONE HANDS UP! People scream as they listen to the man. Dom hides behind a seat almost he knows what this is about. Person Attention all. I am looking for a man. Or what he calls a man. This is guy claimed that he would help me but now he is escaping like a coward. I cannot and will not let this man get away. The person continues to walk towards the back of the bus with his gun raised. Like he knows where Dom is. Person My name is Agent King and I am an FBI agent. All I want is… King reaches behind a seat and grabs Dom, pulls him up and then tosses him forward. He then flashes his FBI badge to everyone. King This man! He will help me if he likes it or not. INT.POLICE STATION.DAY Mulligan is interrogating someone with Mulligina in the room. He looks at her and nods. She stands up and grabs a nearby object. She hits the table, this startles Mulligan. Mulligina WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT BETWEEN MY BEDTIME AND 7AM? Person Uh… when is your bedtime Mulligina hits the table again Mulligina I ASK THE QUESTIONS HERE! WHERE WERE YOU? Person I cannot tell you until you tell me between what time and what time Mulligina looks at her father Mulligina Can we water board? Person Waterboard? Seriously? Come on dude she’s a kid. She has no authority to do that Mulligan She can do whatever she wants Person Come on man, this is all because of a report of a car speeding downtown at night. Mulligina You are the only one in town with a car like that Person NOT TRUE MRS YATES JUST GOT ONE! Mulligina She’s…. She counts on her fingers Mulligina Carry the one… Mulligan looks at the guy Mulligan That’s my girl Person Yeah! I know! Mulligina Ninety seven years old. I doubt she goes over thirty Person BULLSHIT! I WANT MY LAWYER! Mulligina No lawyer for scum like you. Just waterboarding maybe even the chair! He looks on for a bit in fear then suddenly puts his free hands in front of him, Person Good stuff there kiddo. You will make a good cop there. Very believable. You had me scared with the threat of torture. Mulligina Wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. Even though this was just a mock interrogation. LATER Mulligan is watching the news when the breaking news of the bus incident comes across the screen. Reporter Early reports is that a man driving a big black pickup truck pulled in front of the bus, boarded it, told passengers that he is an FBI agent. Then he pulled a man off the bus and left. The man he pulled off the bus has been identified as Dominick Green. An ex drug dealer now turned motivational speaker. Mulligan Oh that’s not good The episode fades to black Edited September 2, 2018 by BluObieZ Ahma and ColeMrtz 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotAVHLM-GM 1,858 Posted September 2, 2018 Share Posted September 2, 2018 Leave me alone fuckers. Not helping. Now let me live in peace Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyler 886 Posted September 2, 2018 Share Posted September 2, 2018 11 hours ago, BluObieZ said: I used to be addicted to Cplus. Not the grade but the drink. I loved it so much that I came up with a way to turn it into a powder so I could snort it. Same, tbh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DollarAndADream 3,358 Posted October 29, 2018 Share Posted October 29, 2018 Review: Hey doodle doodle no noodle for me. Also, snorting Cplus. lmao I don't know how you write so much. Entertaining stories to top, too. They're not just a bunch of jibberish. Good write-up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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