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HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


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On 8/5/2024 at 9:43 PM, kirbithan said:

     HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 4th 2024 - August 11th 2024


1. A new season is upon us! What is one goal you want to accomplish with your player for S95?


2. We have also just come off another exciting draft with some familiar faces joining the squad! Thoughts on Davos’ newest prospects?


3. If a VHL award were to be named after your player, what statistic would it be awarded for?


4. What STHS attributes are you focusing on this season?


5. What is the story behind your VHL username?


6. What is one thing you would implement to STHS if given the chance?


7. Are you participating in VHFL this season?


8. Spotify or Apple Music?



1. To try and win Rookie of the year award!

2. Some excellent players who will come and replace the old guys

4. The big four

5. Its a nickname i got in school

7. I am!

8. Spotify all the way

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On 8/5/2024 at 2:43 PM, kirbithan said:

     HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 4th 2024 - August 11th 2024


1. A new season is upon us! What is one goal you want to accomplish with your player for S95?


2. We have also just come off another exciting draft with some familiar faces joining the squad! Thoughts on Davos’ newest prospects?


3. If a VHL award were to be named after your player, what statistic would it be awarded for?


4. What STHS attributes are you focusing on this season?


5. What is the story behind your VHL username?


6. What is one thing you would implement to STHS if given the chance?


7. Are you participating in VHFL this season?


8. Spotify or Apple Music?



1. To be productive as a rookie and help NY win which I have sorta done but I’m a passenger too much 


2.good players and even better members definitely a home run draft for you


3. most games with a point while still being a minus player in the game 


4. scoring and defense are my main points this season 


5. my initials the fact that I did stats for teams in high school and college and my best friends jersey number which is been a shared thing now


8. I like Spotify better but I use both 

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On 8/5/2024 at 2:43 PM, kirbithan said:

     HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 4th 2024 - August 11th 2024


1. A new season is upon us! What is one goal you want to accomplish with your player for S95?


2. We have also just come off another exciting draft with some familiar faces joining the squad! Thoughts on Davos’ newest prospects?


3. If a VHL award were to be named after your player, what statistic would it be awarded for?


4. What STHS attributes are you focusing on this season?


5. What is the story behind your VHL username?


6. What is one thing you would implement to STHS if given the chance?


7. Are you participating in VHFL this season?


8. Spotify or Apple Music?



1. Same thing I do every season - try to take the world. 


3. Most starts by a backup. 


5. My name is George, I'm unemployed and I live with my parents. 


6. Make giveaway and takeaway tracking work properly. 


7. No, I always lose track and just slow my draft down.


8. YouTube premium

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      HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 11th 2024 - August 18th 2024


1. We have finished up all our backup starts with a promising record! Thoughts on our performance thus far this season?


2. If you are participating in VHFL, who was your first pick this season? Even if you didn’t sign up, who would you have drafted with your first pick?


3. Who is your way-too-early Davos MVP candidate?


4. What contributes more to winning championships: offense or defense?


5. How would you describe your player in one word?


6. Do you enjoy meme player names?


7. Did you watch the Olympics this year? If so, what was your favorite sport to watch?


8. Do you have any pets?



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1. We have finished up all our backup starts with a promising record! Thoughts on our performance thus far this season?


Since I am crashing your press conference , I will say that Simon has been too good to you so far this season and your luck will run out soon.  Hopefully Simon takes offense and puts a curse on Davos like it did to Vancouver.


2. If you are participating in VHFL, who was your first pick this season? Even if you didn’t sign up, who would you have drafted with your first pick?


Severn Targaryen was my first pick in the draft.  I felt that I needed to pick a player who is going to help lead me to the 6 tpe so I took a gamble with Sev.


3. Who is your way-too-early Davos MVP candidate?


Its never too early to pick David Jokinen.  He’s a legend and is the MVP of all time for Davos.  There’s no one like him.


4. What contributes more to winning championships: offense or defense?


Offense is the major contributor because you gotta have more goals than the other team.  It’s like saying what came first, the chicken or the egg.  Good luck!


5. How would you describe your player in one word?


Big ass pussy.   OK that’s 3 words but I had to say it because in order for me to get the 2 tpe I have to make sure the answers are more than one word as I’ve been denied before for not putting enough effort into the answers… 


6. Do you enjoy meme player names?


Sure, I dont mind any player names as long as they are short and easy to spell so if I happen to include them in my articles I can do so without having to go back and look up to make sure I spell things right.


7. Did you watch the Olympics this year? If so, what was your favorite sport to watch?


I probably watched 20 minutes total of the Olympics this year.  I just wasnt into it like I have been in the past.  The athletes are the greatest in the world and deserve a lot of credit to be there and win medals.  


8. Do you have any pets?


Of course!  We have a St. Bernard / poodle mix.  Its officially called a St Berdoodle.  She’s a spoiled 60 pound runt who hogs the bed, especially when we are camping.  Her only flaw is that she has seizures every week to three weeks.  Feel sorry for her but vet says it hurts us more than her.


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1. We have finished up all our backup starts with a promising record! Thoughts on our performance thus far this season?

Looking good, very promising. Making great progress towards becoming a top team once again!

2. If you are participating in VHFL, who was your first pick this season? Even if you didn’t sign up, who would you have drafted with your first pick?

Callum Gary Yannick Janser. I hope he'll have a monster season.

3. Who is your way-too-early Davos MVP candidate?


4. What contributes more to winning championships: offense or defense?


5. How would you describe your player in one word?


6. Do you enjoy meme player names?

Sure, as long as they're in good taste.

7. Did you watch the Olympics this year? If so, what was your favorite sport to watch?

Hell yeah I did! I'm sad it ended already :( my fav sport was beach volleyball, tennis close second

8. Do you have any pets?

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2 hours ago, kirbithan said:

      HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 11th 2024 - August 18th 2024


1. We have finished up all our backup starts with a promising record! Thoughts on our performance thus far this season?

A winning record is always something to be proud of, now we can really focus on climbing the standings!

2. If you are participating in VHFL, who was your first pick this season? Even if you didn’t sign up, who would you have drafted with your first pick?


3. Who is your way-too-early Davos MVP candidate?

Bucatini is making a strong case to be the MVP early on.

4. What contributes more to winning championships: offense or defense?

Defense, being able to consistently stop the puck from going in your net is very important.

5. How would you describe your player in one word?


6. Do you enjoy meme player names?

I do, it's always interesting to see a funny name at the top of the stat board.

7. Did you watch the Olympics this year? If so, what was your favorite sport to watch?


8. Do you have any pets?

Two cats, both over 20 pounds and not fat.



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1. We have finished up all our backup starts with a promising record! Thoughts on our performance thus far this season?

Really better than anticipated, so that's really good!


4. What contributes more to winning championships: offense or defense?

Defense, why do you think I recreate as a defenseman? (joke haha)


5. How would you describe your player in one word?



6. Do you enjoy meme player names?

Not really. I know there is a "meaning" behind it, but I don't really like them.


7. Did you watch the Olympics this year? If so, what was your favorite sport to watch?

Gymnastics and fencing were cool to watch!


8. Do you have any pets?

Yes a cat. Had a fish some years ago.

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1. We have finished up all our backup starts with a promising record! Thoughts on our performance thus far this season?

It's great! Europe is a strong conference this season, but I think we're showing we belong with the best so far.


2. If you are participating in VHFL, who was your first pick this season? Even if you didn’t sign up, who would you have drafted with your first pick?

Why, of course I had to stick with Davos and pick Grimgor Ironhide! The big man's had fewer hits than I would have expected so far honestly, but I'm happy.


3. Who is your way-too-early Davos MVP candidate?

Other than MVP Johnny Elgar? Jokinen's really showing up distributing the puck so far this season, it'd be great to send him out with an award for most assists.


6. Do you enjoy meme player names?

I really, really, really, really don't. I think the league's more fun with some semblance of realism, and the meme names just take me out of it.


7. Did you watch the Olympics this year? If so, what was your favorite sport to watch?

Of course I did. And honestly, I watched a lot more track & field this year than I have in years past. The storylines and personalities were really compelling, and just running is something you feel like you should be able to do well - but of course I'm nowhere near their league.


8. Do you have any pets?

I've got two dogs! Both corgi mix rescues named Kit and Hazel, Hazel is even my profile pic on Discord. They're good pups.

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On 8/12/2024 at 7:29 PM, kirbithan said:

      HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 11th 2024 - August 18th 2024


1. We have finished up all our backup starts with a promising record! Thoughts on our performance thus far this season?


2. If you are participating in VHFL, who was your first pick this season? Even if you didn’t sign up, who would you have drafted with your first pick?


3. Who is your way-too-early Davos MVP candidate?


4. What contributes more to winning championships: offense or defense?


5. How would you describe your player in one word?


6. Do you enjoy meme player names?


7. Did you watch the Olympics this year? If so, what was your favorite sport to watch?


8. Do you have any pets?



1. I think it went well! Just need to keep it going

2. My first pick was Sjin, but he was retired so went with Diego Machado

3. Grimogor!

4. Defense!

6. I do!

8. Not currently

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On 8/12/2024 at 12:29 PM, kirbithan said:

      HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 11th 2024 - August 18th 2024


1. We have finished up all our backup starts with a promising record! Thoughts on our performance thus far this season?


2. If you are participating in VHFL, who was your first pick this season? Even if you didn’t sign up, who would you have drafted with your first pick?


3. Who is your way-too-early Davos MVP candidate?


4. What contributes more to winning championships: offense or defense?


5. How would you describe your player in one word?


6. Do you enjoy meme player names?


7. Did you watch the Olympics this year? If so, what was your favorite sport to watch?


8. Do you have any pets?



1. You guys are doing pretty good but Simon is Simon so anything can change quickly 


2.i didn’t participate but i probably would have gone with Targaryen 


3. Grimgor or Jokinen would be my picks but 


4. depends a great goalie can bail out a lackluster offense but a great offense can also bail out a inconsistent goalie so it’s even to me 


7. yes I did i watched more of the women’s soccer then I thought I would but mostly due to the U.S. kept winning 


8. yes I have a Greyhound named Grizzly and he’s a good boy 

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On 8/12/2024 at 12:29 PM, kirbithan said:

      HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 11th 2024 - August 18th 2024


1. We have finished up all our backup starts with a promising record! Thoughts on our performance thus far this season?


2. If you are participating in VHFL, who was your first pick this season? Even if you didn’t sign up, who would you have drafted with your first pick?


3. Who is your way-too-early Davos MVP candidate?


4. What contributes more to winning championships: offense or defense?


5. How would you describe your player in one word?


6. Do you enjoy meme player names?


7. Did you watch the Olympics this year? If so, what was your favorite sport to watch?


8. Do you have any pets?



2. I usually just look at who was best last season. It's not super effective. 


4. Defense - you score more goals when you get the puck back. 


5. Breathtaking 


6. Me, the user behind Giorgiy Costanzov, James Teekirque and Kosmo Kramerev?


7. I watched a bit. I've always enjoyed Olympic swimming. 


8. Two cats. One orange maniac, one longhaired princess. 

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       HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 18th 2024 - August 25th 2024


1. As of Monday (August 19th), we are 23 games into the regular season! How do you feel about your player’s performance? Is it what you were expecting going into S95?


2. If you could add or change anything about the VHL, what would it be and why?


3. In your opinion, what is the least important attribute overall in terms of building your player (besides LD)?


4. If you had to choose one VHL player to build your franchise around, who would it be and why?


5. If your player was a Jedi, what color lightsaber would they have?


6. What is your most controversial sim league opinion?


7. I’ve recently learned that quite a few members don’t follow the NHL! Do you watch and keep up with NHL hockey?


8. What brought you to the VHL and what encouraged you to stay an active member of the league?


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1. As of Monday (August 19th), we are 23 games into the regular season! How do you feel about your player’s performance? Is it what you were expecting going into S95?

Doing alright, can't complain too much. Always wish I could have a bit more scoring and a few more wins, but it's pretty in line with expectations.


3. In your opinion, what is the least important attribute overall in terms of building your player (besides LD)?

Well of course that's because LD is the most important. As somebody who holds the single season hits record, I'm still curious how much Checking actually adds. I'm not going super heavy with it with Bucatini.


4. If you had to choose one VHL player to build your franchise around, who would it be and why?

Give me any OrbitingDeath player, really. You're going to get a good member, who's pretty loyal, and always a top earner.


5. If your player was a Jedi, what color lightsaber would they have?

Purple, of course. Give me the Davos Force, where the power of Jedi David propels me forward.


6. What is your most controversial sim league opinion?

I've always said commissioners, simmers and developers should be paid, like real life money from donations. If it's essentially a part-time job to do this stuff, they should be compensated accordingly.


7. I’ve recently learned that quite a few members don’t follow the NHL! Do you watch and keep up with NHL hockey?

I don't really, actually. I'll follow the Wild (where I live) and the Flyers (where I'm from) and go to games occasionally, but I'm nowhere near up on the daily games across the league.


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1. As of Monday (August 19th), we are 23 games into the regular season! How do you feel about your player’s performance? Is it what you were expecting going into S95?
Could be better, could be worse. I think I'm starting to finally output.


2. If you could add or change anything about the VHL, what would it be and why?

I would want more 'extra' ways to earn TPE. Outside of the weekly tasks its been kinda bare and boring lately.


3. In your opinion, what is the least important attribute overall in terms of building your player (besides LD)?

DC. Hands down.


4. If you had to choose one VHL player to build your franchise around, who would it be and why?

Johnny Tsunami. Get that passing core around him and just set up some sick feeds.


5. If your player was a Jedi, what color lightsaber would they have?

Blue baby!


6. What is your most controversial sim league opinion?

Get rid of the VHLE. It's a boring, 1 year layover. Make it the European division in the VHLM and make the VHLM cutoff what the current VHLE cutoff is. More meaningful impact and time in the minors. 

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30 minutes ago, kirbithan said:

1. As of Monday (August 19th), we are 23 games into the regular season! How do you feel about your player’s performance? Is it what you were expecting going into S95?


2. If you could add or change anything about the VHL, what would it be and why?


3. In your opinion, what is the least important attribute overall in terms of building your player (besides LD)?


4. If you had to choose one VHL player to build your franchise around, who would it be and why?


5. If your player was a Jedi, what color lightsaber would they have?


6. What is your most controversial sim league opinion?


7. I’ve recently learned that quite a few members don’t follow the NHL! Do you watch and keep up with NHL hockey?


8. What brought you to the VHL and what encouraged you to stay an active member of the league?


 howdy, crashing your PC


1.  I am hit or miss on Ninefingers performance.  Just seems like he should be better.  He starts each season slow and then picks up  so hopefully I will get hot soon.


2.  Free Full Cap TPE at least two weeks of off season-  tough to stay motivated to write when off season drags


3. Fighting-  Seems it has no effect on amount of fights.  Last player I had points in fighting and some season got zero brawls


4.  Probably a defender like Skor McFlueury, Jacob Stone, or Jake Thunder.  Good defenders are a must


5.   Silver 


7.  yep,  as many games as I can


8. Youtube clip brought me to forum and it took me several days to commit after clicking the Create player button dozens of times.  The community and eagerness to see my player improve made me stay

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1. As of Monday (August 19th), we are 23 games into the regular season! How do you feel about your player’s performance? Is it what you were expecting going into S95?

About and around the expectations. Pretty much PPG pace, bit over. But not enough shots blocked, I'd like to see more of those.

2. If you could add or change anything about the VHL, what would it be and why?


3. In your opinion, what is the least important attribute overall in terms of building your player (besides LD)?


4. If you had to choose one VHL player to build your franchise around, who would it be and why?

Current players? Probably the player with the most TPE, Axle Gunner.

5. If your player was a Jedi, what color lightsaber would they have?

purple!!!!!! of course :D

6. What is your most controversial sim league opinion?

#YeetTheE! get rid of it already

7. I’ve recently learned that quite a few members don’t follow the NHL! Do you watch and keep up with NHL hockey?

That's really surprising 😮 i find it hard to believe. And of course I do!

8. What brought you to the VHL and what encouraged you to stay an active member of the league?


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1. As of Monday (August 19th), we are 23 games into the regular season! How do you feel about your player’s performance? Is it what you were expecting going into S95?

I had a big start in the VHLE, but now I'm a bit in a slump. 5 big teams so we will need to take the next step and I hope I will be a part of it.


3. In your opinion, what is the least important attribute overall in terms of building your player (besides LD)?

Fighting if you want to score! But if you look at my old player I used it.


4. If you had to choose one VHL player to build your franchise around, who would it be and why?

The goalies are really strong, don't know who is the best at the moment (since Summers is retired now)? 


5. If your player was a Jedi, what color lightsaber would they have?

Probably green! Would fit the name Desjardins (in english it's "garden").


7. I’ve recently learned that quite a few members don’t follow the NHL! Do you watch and keep up with NHL hockey?

Of course! Big hockey fan and I'm in a lot of pools so I have to follow it.


8. What brought you to the VHL and what encouraged you to stay an active member of the league?

Fan of hockey as I'm only in hockey simulated leagues. I have fun in the league mostly on discord even if I'm not a lot on the forum.

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On 8/19/2024 at 11:21 AM, kirbithan said:

       HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 18th 2024 - August 25th 2024


1. As of Monday (August 19th), we are 23 games into the regular season! How do you feel about your player’s performance? Is it what you were expecting going into S95?


2. If you could add or change anything about the VHL, what would it be and why?


3. In your opinion, what is the least important attribute overall in terms of building your player (besides LD)?


4. If you had to choose one VHL player to build your franchise around, who would it be and why?


5. If your player was a Jedi, what color lightsaber would they have?


6. What is your most controversial sim league opinion?


7. I’ve recently learned that quite a few members don’t follow the NHL! Do you watch and keep up with NHL hockey?


8. What brought you to the VHL and what encouraged you to stay an active member of the league?


1 my player sucks but I’m only a rookie so hoping to get better 


3.  I think checking is pretty dumb and I don’t know if it has any impact at all 


4. a good goalie like Summers would be my first choice 


5. like a dark blue almost a navy 


7. yes I do follow the NHL quite a bit 


8. I found it because of a YouTube add and the community is what keeps me here

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1. As of Monday (August 19th), we are 23 games into the regular season! How do you feel about your player’s performance? Is it what you were expecting going into S95?

Grimgor is doing quite well, however, I did expoect a bit more of a physical game from him this season. Point wise, I still hope to see him get close that 100 mark.

2. If you could add or change anything about the VHL, what would it be and why?

I would abolish VHL and leave only VHLE and VHLM around, that is the best way to keep this league running.

3. In your opinion, what is the least important attribute overall in terms of building your player (besides LD)?

Skating, it is for chumps. Skating only makes you take the puck around like a dog not willing to give the ball away to anyone, it is real wack.

4. If you had to choose one VHL player to build your franchise around, who would it be and why?

Grimgor Ironhide. He is the GOAT.

5. If your player was a Jedi, what color lightsaber would they have?

Red, not because he would align with Sith or any of the less positive figures but because it is Grimgor's favourite colour.

6. What is your most controversial sim league opinion?
GM job is vastly overrated. It is 99.5% all about the players and GM is really just a placeholder who welds them together. 

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 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 25th 2024 - September 1st 2024


1. Theme Week is upon us and the theme is “rookie”! Will you be participating?


2. At this point in the season, who is your early nomination for Davos team MVP?


3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season?


4.  How many goals do you think your player could score in a season with a wooden stick?


5. If you were commissioner of the VHL for the day, what would be the first thing you do?


6. The NHL 25 cover athletes have been revealed and it's the Hughes brothers! Thoughts?


7. Tell us one interesting/fun fact about yourself that we may not know already!


8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?


Edited by kirbithan
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1. Theme Week is upon us and the theme is “rookie”! Will you be participating?

I will! I already have an article idea, but you'll just have to wait and see what it is.


2. At this point in the season, who is your early nomination for Davos team MVP?

I don't get cute with my MVP picks, it's Grimgor. More goals, more points than anyone else on the team, he's a big reason we're in 4th right now.


3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season?

Seeing as how we're on track to face Warsaw on the Wild Card, I've been keeping an eye on our games so far this season. They've been competitive too, I think it'd be a good series.


4.  How many goals do you think your player could score in a season with a wooden stick?

I want to say around the same number, around 25 or so. But then I remember that Bucatini led the league in hits taken last season and, well, a lot of broken wood ahead for me.


7. Tell us one interesting/fun fact about yourself that we may not know already!

I've been to 41 of the 50 U.S. states, hoping for a road trip to knock a few more off in the near future sometime soon.


8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?

I like it so sure, but more than that - if it doesn't make you sick, go crazy. I'm not here to gatekeep toppings, whatever makes people happy.

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28 minutes ago, kirbithan said:

1. Theme Week is upon us and the theme is “rookie”! Will you be participating?

Hell Yes!  Need that delicious TPE

2. At this point in the season, who is your early nomination for Davos team MVP?

Gotta be Grimgor.  He's a beast and a player I "tried" to mold Ninefingers like.  It's not working!   lol

3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season?

Vancouver!!!  Nah, probably Moscow or Riga for y'all

4.  How many goals do you think your player could score in a season with a wooden stick?

Well...I played with a wooden stick growing up for a short time before aluminum came out.  And I didn't score many

5. If you were commissioner of the VHL for the day, what would be the first thing you do?

Give free 12 TPE to everyone for two weeks of off season to recharge 

6. The NHL 25 cover athletes have been revealed and it's the Hughes brothers! Thoughts?

I like it.  They are studs.  Thought it would someone from Florida but happy with it...just not happy with EA NHL for the last few years

7. Tell us one interesting/fun fact about yourself that we may not know already!

Im left handed

8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?



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1 hour ago, kirbithan said:

 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 25th 2024 - September 1st 2024


1. Theme Week is upon us and the theme is “rookie”! Will you be participating?


2. At this point in the season, who is your early nomination for Davos team MVP?


3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season?


4.  How many goals do you think your player could score in a season with a wooden stick?


5. If you were commissioner of the VHL for the day, what would be the first thing you do?


6. The NHL 25 cover athletes have been revealed and it's the Hughes brothers! Thoughts?


7. Tell us one interesting/fun fact about yourself that we may not know already!


8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?


1. Yes i will be!

2. Hmm, I think i'd have to say Grimgor

4. 0 since im a goalie LOL

5. Make Davos the only purple team and force fake purple to get a redesign

6. Its ight, Fun that they got the 3 brothers on it who are young

8. Yes, on specific pizzas, cant add it to what ever

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1. Theme Week is upon us and the theme is “rookie”! Will you be participating?

Yeah sure! We'll see what I come up with.


2. At this point in the season, who is your early nomination for Davos team MVP?

I would go with Jokinen! Big offensive production for a defenseman and he's also good on the defensive side.


3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season?

For this season probably Moscow. They got the best of Davos a couple of times this season.


4.  How many goals do you think your player could score in a season with a wooden stick?

As a defenseman it won't make a big impact, but I'm sure I can score my share of goals. I'm at 11 goals in 38 games, so at least half that.


6. The NHL 25 cover athletes have been revealed and it's the Hughes brothers! Thoughts?

Really nice! They are young and all really good so it's fun!


8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?

Fuck no, that's one of the worst things you can put in there!

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