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HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


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1. Theme Week is upon us and the theme is “rookie”! Will you be participating?


Of course I will be participating.  I do anything I can to get some tpe.  In fact I already did the media spot for theme week and collected the tpe.  Not sure how good it will do for my player tho!


2. At this point in the season, who is your early nomination for Davos team MVP?


I’d say Gringor but I have to go with David Jokinen.  I’m a big fan of @Ahma and will always support him for awards.


3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season?


Well, since I have crashed this press conference I’m going to say Vancouver is the biggest rival.  Especially since Trueno’s goal is to kick the shit out of Davos!!


4.  How many goals do you think your player could score in a season with a wooden stick?


When I first played hockey thats all they had for sticks so I don’t see how its gonna change any by using a wooden stick.


5. If you were commissioner of the VHL for the day, what would be the first thing you do?


I’d give free TPE to all Vancouver players so that we could max out, be dominate, and win another cup.  


6. The NHL 25 cover athletes have been revealed and it's the Hughes brothers! Thoughts?


That figures.  They are overrated as brothers.  If you wanted a good cover athlete for NHL 25, you should look at David Jokinen.  He would be my vote.


7. Tell us one interesting/fun fact about yourself that we may not know already!


Im not sure I should mention it so I will have to keep it to myself.  The only thing I can say is… Next question.


8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?


Personally I like pineapple on pizza sometimes.  But then again, I like most things on pizza.  I like pizza pretty much any way it is served!  Im not a fan of chicken on my pizza though, nor white sauce.  If you want chicken, order pasta, not pizza!!

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On 8/26/2024 at 12:31 PM, kirbithan said:

 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 25th 2024 - September 1st 2024


1. Theme Week is upon us and the theme is “rookie”! Will you be participating?


2. At this point in the season, who is your early nomination for Davos team MVP?


3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season?


4.  How many goals do you think your player could score in a season with a wooden stick?


5. If you were commissioner of the VHL for the day, what would be the first thing you do?


6. The NHL 25 cover athletes have been revealed and it's the Hughes brothers! Thoughts?


7. Tell us one interesting/fun fact about yourself that we may not know already!


8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?


1. I did not participate my player to to bad to talk about 


2.Grimgor has been your MVP all season no need to change it now 


3. I think Warsaw is your biggest rival this season I’ve enjoyed how close your games are with them


4. he’d be lucky to score 1 goal with a wooden stick, I’m not even sure he’d score with a automatic goal anytime you shoot stick 


6. Not really surprised I like that they actually included a Easter egg of giving the parents their own lockers on a wider version of the cover


8. personally I don’t like it but I’m not gonna fight over it you’ll have you pizza and I’ll have mine everyone wins 

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On 8/26/2024 at 12:31 PM, kirbithan said:

 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of August 25th 2024 - September 1st 2024


1. Theme Week is upon us and the theme is “rookie”! Will you be participating?


2. At this point in the season, who is your early nomination for Davos team MVP?


3. Which team do you believe has been Davos’ biggest rival this season?


4.  How many goals do you think your player could score in a season with a wooden stick?


5. If you were commissioner of the VHL for the day, what would be the first thing you do?


6. The NHL 25 cover athletes have been revealed and it's the Hughes brothers! Thoughts?


7. Tell us one interesting/fun fact about yourself that we may not know already!


8. Does pineapple belong on pizza?


1. I've missed one theme week in my nearly four years in the league. This will not be the second. 


3. No matter the season, Fake Purple must always be loathed. 


4. Not many - he's a goalie. 


5. I would declare total war on the pusher man. 


6. If any two brothers deserved it this year, it's them. 


7. I have never been executed in any country. 

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 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of September 1st 2024 - September 8th 2024


1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?


3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 


4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)


5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?


6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?


7. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?


8. I like to bring this question back every so often as some may have noticed: is a hot dog a sandwich?


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1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?

Happy to have Trunov on board! We're honestly doing a little better than I expected coming into the season, so hopefully we're able to send them off with a big final season.


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?

Feeling pretty darn good, honestly. Sixth-best record in the VHL is nothing to sneeze at, and I think all these new and young players are gelling quite nicely.


3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 

I certainly can, but that's also why I leave a bit of time between each player to recharge. Going full force constantly is a recipe for making it seem like a job rather than fun.


4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)

A little small, so that part's not good. But I think I've got quick enough reflexes that Davos isn't absolutely screwed by having me in net. (Just mostly screwed.)


5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?

I'm split on this. I think it's a fun task for me to look back into the league's history, but I also understand it's tough for newer members to find a lot of this. It'd be more work, but maybe something more introductory like SBA's Trivia while people are in the VHLM/VHLE might be worth looking into.


6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?

It's the simple answer, but articles. I'm a writer by nature, and I do like doing deep dives into history or longer mock drafts that people like to read. It's why I like point task leagues over the alternative.


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1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?

I like it. Bolsters out offense nicely. And I think he'll fit in good.

2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?

I think we're on a great track! Huge improvements over last season and who knows how good we'll be next season!

3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 

Well, I guess I burned out in the past, before my brief period of IA. But after that I've been mainly a welfare guy, apart from the occasional podcast of course

4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)

Me? Below average. I suggest putting Grimgor Ironhide in front of the net (if we can find large enough goalie gear for the lad lmao) and we'll be good :D

5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?

It's fine IMO. FOr newer members it might get frustrating I guess, but in the end it's just searching through the VHL records section of the forum most of the time.

6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?

podcast! always fun times with @FrostBeard

7. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?

it's not JIF.

8. I like to bring this question back every so often as some may have noticed: is a hot dog a sandwich?




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1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?


Since I am crashing this press conference I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this is a bad move.  I dont know what @Alex was thinking.  All this does is make the team better and it makes it harder for Vancouver to beat Davos.


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?


I am impressed with Davos and your squad as long as you lose to Vancouver.  Anything less than that is not acceptable.


3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 


The only time I get burnt out is when I am earning TPE just to regurgitate.  That sucks doing that and I might just not be concerned about it when Trueno turns into a big boy and contributes to the team.


4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)


My player would be perfect for Davos especially playing against Vancouver.  I would let Vancouver score like I was a sieve.  


5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?


i wouldnt mind easier questions.  I like looking up easy things but dont particularly care for trying to dig for where to even find the answer.  It’d be nice for a clue.


6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?


That’s an easy one.  It would have to be the practice facility.  The reason is that I have to work for the other tpe.  I’d like to someday be an updater since i read almost all of the articles throughout the week and listen to most podcasts.  And review graphics when i get a trivia wrong.


7. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?


Just like the peanut butter


8. I like to bring this question back every so often as some may have noticed: is a hot dog a sandwich?


If you make it as a polish sandwich, then it has to be a sandwich because thats what its called.  Otherwise its not.  Hot dogs are good as a polish sandwich, as a meal, on bread, in a bun, and especially good in spaghettios.


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1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?

Will bring more depth to the offense, not a bad idea!


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?

Davos is going in the right direction so I feel in a couple of seasons we gonna be really dangerous.


3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 

Not really. I'm not max earning so getting my 10 tpe is not that hard. I'm kinda consistent I think and I don't think I'm gonna stop.


4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)

As a defenseman, he can see how his goalie moves so I think he would do good. Not excellent but enough to maybe win a game.


5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?

I don't really know, for me it's a good way to get tpe haha!


6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?

This one haha! Fun to answer some questions :)

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6 hours ago, kirbithan said:

 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of September 1st 2024 - September 8th 2024


1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?


3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 


4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)


5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?


6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?


7. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?


8. I like to bring this question back every so often as some may have noticed: is a hot dog a sandwich?


1. I really like the trade, makes us better now and helps set up the roster really well for the future!

2. Pretty good, looks like we're set up for a 1st round matchup against Warsaw.

3. I have at times, but I usually just try to switch things up, hence why I did a trade tree this week since I've always enjoyed them.

4. Given that my player is a goalie that's good news, however, they are only 200 TPA lol

5. Would be great if questions had an assigned difficulty that could be coordinated with how long you've been here, longer = harder.

8. yes and no, based off the cubic rule of food it's a taco


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1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?

Any addition just for picks at this point is going to be good for us. We have a great core currently, and another great core ready to take the reins right after. Any additions at this point are good! Welcome to Yaroslav!


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?

Good, however I feel I certainly could be performing better. All the other rookies are kicking ass and I am just floating along here. We'll see.

3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 

Oh yeah, a few times. I've found that joining other leagues make it easier for me to stay on task though. I'm also on a bit of a redemption tour from my last create so I'm more than motivated right now, even if I am strapped for time.

4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)

Oh not good at all. Swiss cheese mode.

5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?

First gens should get questions about how to use the site and find specific features of the site to help acclimate them. After first gens, then bring back the VHL history stuff. I enjoy the trivia now more that Ive been here a bit, so that first year would be good to replace I feel.

6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?

Press conferences. Easy to answer, quick to churn out.

7. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?

Extra, but it's a hard g, like gun, or like the G in graphics.....which is what the g stands for in gif.

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On 9/2/2024 at 9:25 PM, kirbithan said:

 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of September 1st 2024 - September 8th 2024


1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?


3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 


4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)


5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?


6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?


7. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?


8. I like to bring this question back every so often as some may have noticed: is a hot dog a sandwich?


1. Great work by the GM. Gives us a nice push towards playoffs

2. I think its great, we have a good bunch

3. Yeah, and when that happens i usually go to welfare, and then when i feel like it i do a real task

4. As a skater i could be plotted infront the net on offence, i know ways to annoy goalies

5. I forgot it even exists, It probably should be available better

6. Press conference or Fantasy Zone!

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1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?

Being on the same line as them, I think I've really benefited from the veteran presence. 


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?

I'm really happy with our performance. All our rookies have stepped up and helped this team become a playoff team. I'm excited to see what we can do in the playoffs.


3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 

I feel like I'm at that point right now. There are work things that are taking a lot of my time and it's hard to put the energy toward a media spot or graphic. Seeing other PT tend to motivate me to push through.


4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)

Not well. Stefano is pretty small and doesn't fill out the net very much. I think he has the hockey sense, but doesn't have enough experience.


5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?

I don't think it should be changed. I think the answers should be more accessible though. I have found that the new stats page is much better now for finding those older stats records.


6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?

I do like graphics. Putting together my card collection has been fun to see all of them in one place.


7. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?



8. I like to bring this question back every so often as some may have noticed: is a hot dog a sandwich?

No, it's a taco.

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On 9/2/2024 at 2:25 PM, kirbithan said:

 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of September 1st 2024 - September 8th 2024


1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?


3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 


4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)


5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?


6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?


7. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?


8. I like to bring this question back every so often as some may have noticed: is a hot dog a sandwich?


1. That’s a big get for you hopefully they are producing 


2. your squad is good one of the surprise teams in the league keep building around the core and you’ll be set for seasons to come 


3. I haven’t gotten completely burnt out but if I feel it coming i won’t do task till the end of the week to give me more time away from the league 


4. if I played for Davos i think my player would do well after all his agent played with some great goalies so he’s probably passed a few things on


5. I think maybe have two separate banks of questions but that might be too complicated for the portal people to do 


6. I like press conferences because it lets me reflect on the week well also getting to learn what other members think about the questions 

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On 9/2/2024 at 2:25 PM, kirbithan said:

 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of September 1st 2024 - September 8th 2024


1. At the trade deadline, we acquired Yaroslav Trunov! What are your thoughts on Davos’ new addition?


2. How do you feel about our squad at this point in the season?


3. Have you ever gotten burnt out by the VHL’s weekly tasks? How do you get back on track/earn TPE consistently? 


4. If there was an emergency backup situation, how do you think your player would fare in the crease for Davos if called upon? (the inverse for our goalie AKK— how would your tendy do as a skater?)


5. Should the trivia system be overhauled or changed in any way for newer members?


6. What is your favorite point task to do in the VHL?


7. What is the proper way to pronounce the word GIF?


8. I like to bring this question back every so often as some may have noticed: is a hot dog a sandwich?


3. Well, now that I'm long in the tooth, I can claim 5 TPE welfare and just do the easier tasks. 


4. It would be an honor to have Giorgiy spend a game in Davos. He'd play great, if it wasn't in Seattle. 


5. Why? It helps them learn about the history of the league.


6. When I have time, I love a good smart-ass GFX.


7. Phonetically. 


8. It depends on whether the bun is still attached. 

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 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of September 8th 2024 - September 15th 2024


1. Has your player been performing as you’ve expected?


2. When VHL playoffs sims happen, do you check individual game scores first or go straight to the playoff bracket section?


3. Who do you predict will win the Victory Cup?


4. Have you scoped out next season’s draft class? Any prospects stick out to you?


5. Are you following the VHL’s social media?


6. What is one stat or detail you wish would be added to STHS?


7. The NFL season has started! Do you watch American football? If you do, what is your favorite NFL team?


8. What sports team would you most like to see play live (doesn’t have to be hockey!)?


Edited by kirbithan
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1. Has your player been performing as you’ve expected?

point per game so far, so yeah, exactly as expected.

2. When VHL playoffs sims happen, do you check individual game scores first or go straight to the playoff bracket section?

when we're in the playoffs, individual games first.

3. Who do you predict will win the Victory Cup?

Moscow's on roll, so I guess they'll repeat.

4. Have you scoped out next season’s draft class? Any prospects stick out to you?

I have not. S97 though yes, but it's my own draft class.

5. Are you following the VHL’s social media?

of course!

6. What is one stat or detail you wish would be added to STHS?


7. The NFL season has started! Do you watch American football? If you do, what is your favorite NFL team?

I could not care ANY less about NFL lmao dumb sport.

8. What sports team would you most like to see play live (doesn’t have to be hockey!)?

Canadiens obviously. I dream.


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1. Has your player been performing as you’ve expected?


Not at all.  I was hoping my player would be crushing opponents and blocking all kinds of shots but my player is a big sissy.


2. When VHL playoffs sims happen, do you check individual game scores first or go straight to the playoff bracket section?


I check the scores first and take a look at who’s on a hot streak and then I hire a gypsy to put a hex on them if they are playing against Vancouver.


3. Who do you predict will win the Victory Cup?


I think that Moscow has the best chance right now because Vancouver will be playing Toronto and dominating so that puts them out of their misery.


4. Have you scoped out next season’s draft class? Any prospects stick out to you?


I have not looked at the draft class enough to say that someone sticks out.  I am hoping that Manny Ceson actually jumps into the E and then the VHL .


5. Are you following the VHL’s social media?


VHL has a social media?  That should answer your question.  I do not follow anything on social media.  VHL is my social media.  I dont have time for anything else.


6. What is one stat or detail you wish would be added to STHS?


I think steals would be an interesting stat, or even a stat involving a ± on the puck.  It would make for some interesting discussion.


7. The NFL season has started! Do you watch American football? If you do, what is your favorite NFL team?


I do watch NFl at times.  As far as a favorite team I have to say that my favorite team has been the Patriots for many years, but over the past few years, I am game time decision.  There are teams I dislike more than others and do not want them to win.  


8. What sports team would you most like to see play live (doesn’t have to be hockey!)?


It comes down to opportunity more than picking a team.  The price of the ticket has to be right, the seat has to be good, preferable a suite.  The convenience of getting in and out of the stadium has to be right.  And who I go with affects the decision as well.  

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1. Has your player been performing as you’ve expected?

I would say that being a point per game player was my goal and I'm just three points shy of it so yeah I'm performing like expected.


2. When VHL playoffs sims happen, do you check individual game scores first or go straight to the playoff bracket section?

I always check the scrore first, and after that the standings or the playoffs bracket.


4. Have you scoped out next season’s draft class? Any prospects stick out to you?

I just did and I know a couple of them, probably a bit more than last year draft.


5. Are you following the VHL’s social media?

No, I'm not really on social media.


7. The NFL season has started! Do you watch American football? If you do, what is your favorite NFL team?

Not really, like less than 5 games a year haha! Don't have a particular team to follow.


8. What sports team would you most like to see play live (doesn’t have to be hockey!)?

Doesn't have to be hockey, but man it's the best sport to watch live. No time out, almost no commercial, always action at full speed with spectacular plays every minutes. Can't ask for more.

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1. Has your player been performing as you’ve expected?

Well enough. Sure I'd like a few more points, but honestly the team's racked up more wins than I would have predicted entering the season, so I'm overall happy.


2. When VHL playoffs sims happen, do you check individual game scores first or go straight to the playoff bracket section?

Depends if my team's playing. I'll check my team's individually first, then head to the bracket section. Or if my team's out, just straight to the bracket section first.


3. Who do you predict will win the Victory Cup?

It'll probably be Moscow, but I think I chose that entering the season as well. Well deserved also, they have a very strong team over there.


4. Have you scoped out next season’s draft class? Any prospects stick out to you?

We've seen Pandas playing hockey before, but a dead panda? I understand they're good at blocking the goal, but I'd just want a little... you know, movement.


7. The NFL season has started! Do you watch American football? If you do, what is your favorite NFL team?

I do! Probably more college than the NFL honestly, but I keep tabs. Grew up a Cowboys fan, but living in Minnesota now for so long, like to see the Vikings do well also.


8. What sports team would you most like to see play live (doesn’t have to be hockey!)?

One of the few left on my bucket list is a real top six Premier League matchup. Almost got to Tottenham last time I was over, but will push a little harder to make it happen next time.

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1. Has your player been performing as you’ve expected?

Not at all, I really expected him to do better in his rookie season. Not much you can do though, sadly.

2. When VHL playoffs sims happen, do you check individual game scores first or go straight to the playoff bracket section?

I usually check the individual games for suspense sake.

3. Who do you predict will win the Victory Cup?

Moscow, statistically speaking of course.

4. Have you scoped out next season’s draft class? Any prospects stick out to you?

Quite a few 1st Gens coming up in the draft, be interested to see how high up they go!

5. Are you following the VHL’s social media?

Not at all!

7. The NFL season has started! Do you watch American football? If you do, what is your favorite NFL team?

The Miami Dolphins :(

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On 9/9/2024 at 7:28 PM, kirbithan said:

 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of September 8th 2024 - September 15th 2024


1. Has your player been performing as you’ve expected?


2. When VHL playoffs sims happen, do you check individual game scores first or go straight to the playoff bracket section?


3. Who do you predict will win the Victory Cup?


4. Have you scoped out next season’s draft class? Any prospects stick out to you?


5. Are you following the VHL’s social media?


6. What is one stat or detail you wish would be added to STHS?


7. The NFL season has started! Do you watch American football? If you do, what is your favorite NFL team?


8. What sports team would you most like to see play live (doesn’t have to be hockey!)?


1. Yes! I might have expected a little bit better stats but im happy with what i accomplished!

2. I always check the indivitual scores

3. I think predicted Toronto winning it all

5. Ye, i follow Tiktok and Instagram

7. I do to some degree, usually try to watch Sunday redzone bc it comes at a appropriate time for me as a european. Regarding fav team i think i have to say the Chiefs but im more rooting for indivitual players

8. Leafs, Blue Jays or any big CFB team i'd say

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On 9/9/2024 at 12:28 PM, kirbithan said:

 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of September 8th 2024 - September 15th 2024


1. Has your player been performing as you’ve expected?


2. When VHL playoffs sims happen, do you check individual game scores first or go straight to the playoff bracket section?


3. Who do you predict will win the Victory Cup?


4. Have you scoped out next season’s draft class? Any prospects stick out to you?


5. Are you following the VHL’s social media?


6. What is one stat or detail you wish would be added to STHS?


7. The NFL season has started! Do you watch American football? If you do, what is your favorite NFL team?


8. What sports team would you most like to see play live (doesn’t have to be hockey!)?


1 no he didn’t perform like i wanted but was only a rookie so hoping for a jump in year 2


2. I check the games first


4. I don’t pay attention to the draft unless I have a friend in it that’s what the GM is paid to do 


5. considering this is the first I’m hearing about it no


7 yes I follow American football but don’t really have a team i follow i just enjoy the games


8. I prefer Hockey so the team I like watching the most live is the Bruins 

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 HC Davos Dynamo Press Conference


You ONLY have to answer 6 of the 8 questions
Week Of September 15th 2024 - September 22nd 2024


1. How would you describe Davos’ performance in the wildcard round against Warsaw in one word?


2. Moscow is up next! How do you feel about our squad going into this series? If you are answering after the series is over, how did we do?


3. What are your thoughts on the current state of goalies in the VHL after the STHS tweak from a few seasons ago to create more scoring chances for skaters?


4. If you could play with any other player in the VHL, active or retired, who would it be?


5. What was your player’s most impressive stat this regular season?


6. Does your player have any pregame rituals or superstitions?


7.What is the first song that comes up when you shuffle your playlist?


8. Do you speak more than one language? If so, what are they?


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1. How would you describe Davos’ performance in the wildcard round against Warsaw in one word?

Glorious. To come back after Game 1 and take the series in 4 is just spectacular.


2. Moscow is up next! How do you feel about our squad going into this series? If you are answering after the series is over, how did we do?

Honestly, anything from here is just gravy. Moscow is the title favorite, and for good reason, so I'm not necessarily expecting a win but a hard-fought series would be nice.


3. What are your thoughts on the current state of goalies in the VHL after the STHS tweak from a few seasons ago to create more scoring chances for skaters?

Goalies go in waves - there are too few so a bunch create, leading to too many so nobody creates, and so on. We're at the point where a lot of the future top-flight goalies are real young, so I think we're going to see a whole lot of good ones rise up here shortly.


4. If you could play with any other player in the VHL, active or retired, who would it be?

I mean, my past player Gabriel McAllister was one of the top players in both league and Davos history (S61 MVP on Davos). It'd be fun to see Bucatini and McAllister play side-by-side.


7.What is the first song that comes up when you shuffle your playlist?

Tried it just to see and it was... My Own Worst Enemy by Lit? Not gonna be a hipster about it, let's have some fun here.


8. Do you speak more than one language? If so, what are they?

Very poor Spanish (from many years in middle/high school) and very poor Russian (from two years in college). I might be going to China next summer so considering some basic Duolingo on Mandarin but we'll see.

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1. How would you describe Davos’ performance in the wildcard round against Warsaw in one word?


Good - but I have to say more than one word because I’m crashing the press conference for the tpe and if I dont write enough it will not count for tpe.


2. Moscow is up next! How do you feel about our squad going into this series? If you are answering after the series is over, how did we do?


I think Moscow will completely crush Davos, unfortunately for Davos and for David Jokinen because I really like him.


3. What are your thoughts on the current state of goalies in the VHL after the STHS tweak from a few seasons ago to create more scoring chances for skaters?


I haven’t really paid attention to that to know if it has made a difference.  If it is for the betterment of the VHL, then I think its a good thing.


4. If you could play with any other player in the VHL, active or retired, who would it be?


I’m not sure who that would be.  I’d say it would have been nice if my player was on the same team as Brian Payne back when he was playing because he was legendary and it would have been fun to be on the same line.  


5. What was your player’s most impressive stat this regular season?


The most impressive stat for Bollos de Trueno would be how he screwed up so much this season and cost Vancouver most of the losses.  Trueno was shit this season.  A big pussy who didn’t fight, didnt hit, and barely blocked shots.


6. Does your player have any pregame rituals or superstitions?


Yeah, he cant give Simon any shit before the season starts again becuase it cost Vancouver the first 5 losses of the season.


7.What is the first song that comes up when you shuffle your playlist?


I have several playlists but the latest shuffle came up with La Reina del Sur


8. Do you speak more than one language? If so, what are they?


I’ve sputtered in spanish for several years but over the past couple years my ability has expanded exponentially.  I speak it every chance I get now.  

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