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Comparing VHL Members to the Office Characters


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When you look at retirement homes in 60 years, instead of jeopardy and bingo being the norm, things will switch to constant re-runs of the office and super smash bros or mario party. I have watched a good amount of the Office during this quarantine, and as such I will now compare members of the VHL to characters from the Office, and boy do I think there are some perfect fits.


1) Todd Packer @BluObieZ - Both of them continually insult people, say stupid and awful things, and yet for some reason are allowed to continue coming around and have not been banned from the company or VHL. They both talk a big game and just suck.


2) Kelly Kapoor @Dil - In addition to both having the same ancestors, this is an actual good comparison. Both of these people crave and love attention, talk a ton, and are actually good at some certain things. Kelly is very good at customer service due to her personality, while Dil is good at portal and coding stuff. Both are also kind of petty too (like Dil retiring on Vancouver).


3) Creed Bratton @Victor - Remember the episode when Creed dyes his hair blue and pretends to act younger thinking that Ryan is going to purge all the old people as he brings in his new website? This is Victor because like Creed he is legitimately an old man who is trying to blend in and look way younger than he is


4) Ryan Howard @Will - Ryan Howard was the youngest Vice President in the history of Dunder Mifflin, similar to how Will became a member of blue team extremely early into his VHL career, as I believe he was still a first-gen at the time of his coronation. Ryan Howard built a website for Dunder Mifflin, similar to how the Will built the portal. This is where similarities end though, as Will is not a dick and his portal works great whiles Ryan Howard's fake website got him arrested.


5) Jim Halpert @ContinentalCup036 - I am incredibly handsome just like Jim, and I also spend most of my time messing with people on the VHL, similar to how Jim messes with people (mostly Dwight). Jim can also be a very productive salesman when he wants to, just like how I used to be a great GM and VHLM Commish.


6) David Wallace @Beketov - Wallace is the CEO of Dunder Mifflin who constantly puts up with Michael's ridiculous antics, and when things need to be serious he gets down to business. Beketov is similar in putting up with all of our nonsense, though truly I could have put a lot of different members of blue team here


7) Andrew Bernard @Quik - For those of you who actually watched the last season of the Office (last few seasons nowhere near as good unfortunately), Andy goes AWOL from the office for a long time out on his boat, similar to how Quik left us for many weeks. Andy does eventually become the branch manager again, just like how Quik has resumed his duties as commish. 


8. The Asian guy who pretends to be Jim for one scene @tfong because they are brothers



Help me figure out what VHL members are other characters please


Stanley - Someone who just wants to go on here and earn there tpe and otherwise be left alone

Dwight - A weirdo

Angela - Who on the VHL has a stick up their ass?

Michael Scott - Who is someone who is very weird and in charge of something?

@Beaviss - What character from the Office is the most buff? Roy or Darrel? 

Edited by ContinentalCup036
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