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First of all I’d just like to state that there’s no single logo that I dislike. They’re all good in their own way, I just find some more visually appealing than others. With that out of the way let’s get right into it starting with #12





ugh.png.3ac6bb71daa88aeb75666cead8a6cd61.pngStarting off we have Ottawa at #12. This logo is just a little too plain for me overall. The colours are all very neutral and it just doesn’t pop in my eyes. I can appreciate the shading with the lighter beige and the detail in this design. One of my biggest complaints is the eye. It makes it feel a little empty with the solid white, I feel having at least some colour in it would make this logo feel more alive.








Onto #11 we have the...



...Yukon Rush. I really like the colour design on this one, I think that yellow and blue go really well together. I’ve never been a big fan of logos with just lettering so that is my main reason for such a low ranking. I also don’t really get what the wings have to do with the team identity. I do appreciate the outlining work though, as well as the shading on the ‘R’ along with the wings. 













Next up in the number 10 spot we have the....



...Houston Bulls. There’s a lot going on in this logo and it’s one of the busier logos in the league. This is another colour scheme I find really goes well together and compliments each other. To me this bull kind of looks more like a goat, especially with the beard. I can’t say I’ve ever seen a bull with a grey beard but what do I know? I’m just some guy reviewing logos for fun. I do like the flames but I’m not sure I understand the connection with the bulls. My favourite thing about this one is the city name across the top. The split colour looks great along with the slightly curved text is stellar.Houston-lgsssss.png.c8f7d45eea2c4fe0d3109c37c6877a67.png










Moving onto the number 9 spot we have the...



...Las Vegas Aces. This is a pretty simple design overall which is good and bad depending on who you ask. I appreciate the circle with the text going around, as well as the hockey sticks behind the ace. My first complaint with this one has to be the font choice, I feel it doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the logo design very well. My second complaint would be the center design. I feel it would look better having a yellow backdrop, and changing the hockey sticks to be white. Maybe flip the colours on the ‘A’ too? I do like the design overall, I just think it needs a minor retouch and it would take it to the next level.Aces-lg.jpg.a7b38d29575f5f7f0cd8ff1fe853978c.jpg










Coming in at the number 8 spot we have the...



...Mississauga Hounds. This is a good logo and I do appreciate it, but i prefer the others a bit more which is the only reason it’s ranked so low. My only thing about this one is the dog looks kinda sad/ upset that he just lost his food, especially with the ears droopy like that. It’s not as intimidating as it could be, however it makes up for it in the colour design as well as the split colour text. The shading is a nice touch as well.










Moving right along to numero 7 we get to the...



Minnesota Storm. This logo is a classic and will likely be around for quite a while (watch this age terribly). I love the simplicity of it as well as all of the subtle details thrown in. There’s noStorm.png.b5f230947689e70c874c1673a173f44b.pngt really anything that sticks out to me that I’d want to change. It’s a great design, especially the lightning bolt on the shoulder. It’s a nice touch very fitting to the team. 







Onto the number 6 spot is the...



Saskatoon Wild. The more you look at this logo the more detail that starts to jump out at you. The colour design does a great job balancing out the neutral beige as the main. Potential change could be to add in some colour to the eye but i don’t feel it’s necessary because of how well put together everything else is. Wild-lg.png.ab46074577738d10c10cae92e3a45105.png







Now into the top 5 we get to the...



...San Diego Marlins. This logo does quite a few things right in my books. It has great colour design, the font is perfectly placed as well as the two-tone colours, and the team identity is all captured really well in this. I quite enjoy how the fish is almost jumping over the name too. Marlins_V1l4Gw1.png.e5cdb54158e9977699c36f0087471532.png







Onto the number 4 pick we have the...



...Halifax 21st. Initially I had this ranked at number one but after some second thoughts opted to drop it to 4th. Being from the Halifax area i may be a little biased but i feel this captures the city very well and does it justice. The life-preserver with the name on it is very fitting along with having the ship floating inside of it I really enjoy. Again, colour design works perfectly here. Excellent logo.




Getting into the top 3 now we get to the...



...Philadelphia Reapers. This is one of the most intimidating logos in the entire VHL in my opinion. I love the yellow accent around the hood as well as the red scythe. It really feels like death is there ready to take you away. There’s nothing I would change about this, it will always be one of the best logos in VHL history (at least to me). Reapers.png.11517050fb6001762f033571081e0cba.png



Coming in at a VERY close second we the...



Miami Marauders. Pirate logos usually struggle, I find. But this one blows everything out of the water. The first thing your eyes gravitate towards is that skull which is extremely intimidating. I love the design of the captain’s hat along with the anchor sticking out of the skull. I could just go on and on about everything this does right but I have a list to finish so. It’s a spectacular logo and easily could’ve taken first. MIA.png.f34aa9db58fef68b926bd12fe94ca4d4.png






Finally we get to the number 1 logo in the VHLM in my own opinion it has to be the...




...Mexico City Kings. I cannot get over how amazing this logo is. I love the shadow cast over the right side of it along with that red outline to still give it that intimidating look. This is a perfect example of a team using text on the logo to just give enough of an accent while still not taking away from the graphic itself. It’s pretty cool how the guy is sort of holding the name in-front, almost as a warning not to mess with him. Elite logo. Kings.png.35e92aa2aec71a060b8134cce6897db4.png





Thanks for taking the time to read what i had to say about each logo and let me know if there's any you think should've been ranked higher than they were. It was a lot of fun to do so make sure you come back in the future when I do the VHL including the 4 brand new expansion teams!

Edited by SirRupertBarnes
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Why DOES the bull have a beard, @Sonnet explain


Just realised how basic the Reapers font is, really think there shouldn't be any text there at all.


I think the hound is angry looking enough for me.

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Just now, ROOKIE745 said:

Do you remember the old Lynx logo? if they were still using that one where would you put it?

Still last. This one is better but still the worst logo in the league

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Review: Very well put together article. I always enjoy when people use drop down boxes for reveals. Grammatically you did very well. I like that each logo had a decent breakdown and the idea of ranking logos is a good one that I would like to see members do more. My only critique is that Miami isn’t #1 ?. Just a little biased haha. Nice work my dude. Rating 8.5/10

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Very good article overall. A good way to bring credibility to the rankings is by stating the criteria for which the logo is ranked. As an example, saying that I am ranking the articles based on their averages for three factors; Colour (Or color for you Americans), Shape, and Name Compatibility (How the logo relates to the team name). The way that you did it was totally fine. It would just be nice to know how you ranked it. I suppose we can assume personal preference, but it's harder to disagree with that. I can't say that your opinion is wrong and this upsets me. 

With that being said, I'm going to use my own suggestion. I'm raking the article on grammar, flow, and how right or wrong the list is. 

Grammar: 8/10
Flow: 10/10
Right/Wrong: 7/10

Miami is first and Saskatoon is second last. But most importantly, WHY DOES THE BULL HAVE A BEARD?


Edited by Plate
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