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9 minutes ago, BarzalGoat said:

I guess I might as well claim that I’m an escort bc it’s about to get tricky.... bc I didn’t visit anyone last night. I can help verify tonight by role blocking whomever jailor tells me

I am not sure who to roleblock yet. Not many reveals yet. 

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3 minutes ago, rjfryman said:

Ill start some stuff.


I know for a fact that one of these three are evil

BarzalGoat, Ricer13, or Alex Bridges.




Ok you need to explain your logic on that one - what role are you that tells you one of 3 people is evil?


We know Ricer isn't evil... unless he is TT which is statistically unlikely 

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2 minutes ago, eaglesfan036 said:


Ok you need to explain your logic on that one - what role are you that tells you one of 3 people is evil?


We know Ricer isn't evil... unless he is TT which is statistically unlikely 


Ok so I assume you are claiming psychic - so you are saying at least one of those 3 is evil - and that doesn't necessarily mean the other 2 are innocent or guilty. 


We can exclude Ricer, so one of Bridges or Barzal is guilty. This could very well also just be an executioner play and Bridges is your target.


I propose we have our town investigative look at both of them tonight before we start lynching. Or if we do lynch, it should be barzal so he doesn't get his possible executioner target. 

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4 minutes ago, eaglesfan036 said:


Ok you need to explain your logic on that one - what role are you that tells you one of 3 people is evil?


We know Ricer isn't evil... unless he is TT which is statistically unlikely 

He's claiming psychic. Also if there are any spy claims, you need to come out today or you're going to be super suspicious if you claim later. A spy would be able to determine if any of the escorts are actually consorts.

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1 minute ago, OrbitingDeath said:

What role you are claiming @rjfryman that you got this information? And is it possible some roles are used double in a game?


He's claiming psychic, and yes, some roles can have multiple iterations. Some roles however are unique, such as jailor, mayor, retributionist.

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1 minute ago, OrbitingDeath said:

What role you are claiming @rjfryman that you got this information? And is it possible some roles are used double in a game?


Yes, any non unique role can be doubled. So double escorts, bodyguards, doctors, etc. Unique roles like jailor can't be doubled


And he is claiming psychic i would assume

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1 minute ago, eaglesfan036 said:


Ok you need to explain your logic on that one - what role are you that tells you one of 3 people is evil?


We know Ricer isn't evil... unless he is TT which is statistically unlikely 

I really think this is weird that you are pointing this out. You have been playing TOS with VHL a lot. I think the fact that you are hung up on this is suspicious. Its in the role list pretty clear. I think I might even have a different vision tomorrow with a confirmed good.


I don't think any of the three are off the hook. Ricer could be TT. 


25 minutes ago, BarzalGoat said:

I guess I might as well claim that I’m an escort bc it’s about to get tricky.... bc I didn’t visit anyone last night. I can help verify tonight by role blocking whomever jailor tells me

BarzalGoat claims escort but could be just a claim and doesn't mean anything. 


Alex hasn't said a word so I want him to say something.

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2 minutes ago, rjfryman said:

I really think this is weird that you are pointing this out. You have been playing TOS with VHL a lot. I think the fact that you are hung up on this is suspicious. Its in the role list pretty clear. I think I might even have a different vision tomorrow with a confirmed good.


I don't think any of the three are off the hook. Ricer could be TT. 


BarzalGoat claims escort but could be just a claim and doesn't mean anything. 


Alex hasn't said a word so I want him to say something.


So I am a town of salem veteran with like 200 games in the real game version. However, I play ranked practice, which is a limited version. This is why when we played coven before it was new to me, any vampires are new to me, and psychic is not included in that mode as well. I picked up on it a few minutes later, it's just I am not as familiar with the non-classic roles. 

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6 minutes ago, eaglesfan036 said:

We can exclude Ricer, so one of Bridges or Barzal is guilty

I don't want that to be the take away here either. Ricer in my books is not off the hook until he does some town stuff. sure no cc but for the time being i don't want to rule him out if we need to kill him later

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Just now, eaglesfan036 said:


So I am a town of salem veteran with like 200 games in the real game version. However, I play ranked practice, which is a limited version. This is why when we played coven before it was new to me, any vampires are new to me, and psychic is not included in that mode as well. I picked up on it a few minutes later, it's just I am not as familiar with the non-classic roles. 

Thats fair. I will chill out suspecting you for now... ? but I will say you have said a lot and are leading pretty well for not saying anything ?

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1 minute ago, rjfryman said:

I don't want that to be the take away here either. Ricer in my books is not off the hook until he does some town stuff. sure no cc but for the time being i don't want to rule him out if we need to kill him later


well I am unfamiliar with town traitor, but if we truly wanted to confirm ricer's innocence couldn't we send the sheriff on rice (if we have one)? If Town Traitor comes up as suspect we could tell sheriff to go on Ricer, and then investigator to pick one of Bridges or Barzal 

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1 minute ago, eaglesfan036 said:


well I am unfamiliar with town traitor, but if we truly wanted to confirm ricer's innocence couldn't we send the sheriff on rice (if we have one)? If Town Traitor comes up as suspect we could tell sheriff to go on Ricer, and then investigator to pick one of Bridges or Barzal 

Sheriff will not find townies as suspicious even if tt

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