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VHLM GMS LOOK HERE Returning USER FA AVAILABLE , GUESS WHOS BACK .... UH back ..................... again

Greg Ernest

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Ernie King is asking to be traded IMMEDIATELY, and VHLM GMS COME WITH THE OFFERS , im obviously going to have one more season for sure in the M, The lifer is still a possibility , Ottawa didnt work out... So new chapter new begginings , new contract offers ! 


After Speaking with Ernies Agent, Bert had this to say " Ernie is going to be a 250 TPE by the start of the season , he has made it clear to me that his intention are to remain in the VHLM for atleast one more season and has always made it public his intentions of bringing back the "Lifer" to the VHLM and being the 1st since Bud Knight and King Kruul, Ernie has felt nothing but Disrespect from Prague with zero communication since our return to VHLM and other GMs were expressing interesting immediately, it is only fair to those GMs worthy of Ernest and his Passion"


Most likely not going to be at cap by the start of the season but who knows ... On his pace its not likely but Ernie is nothing but ordinary, Well there it is Draft week starts , but the Big News after the new VHLM GMs were hired Ernie is looking for Titles, Accolades , Hes been an assistant captain before in Philadelphia voted by his peer group and one of those votes came from none other than @dariusmarimotoman Giving Ernie the nod as a partner to the Reapers captains that season. Ernie is someone you cant miss , so dont miss your chance to sign this VHL story for the books  

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@Greg Ernest Maybe... it’s best you recreate your player? I know your player is older now and your behind the TPA earning by quite a bit. If you’re actually going to return to activity and put in a consistent effort, I think that’s the best route. I think if you did that, you’d also find that you enjoy the league. Just have to give it a chance.


I know you struggle with activity a tad - so maybe that’s what DA struggled with. Not saying he shouldn’t have tried contacting you and what not (I don’t know the whole story or behind the scenes so can’t talk much) but I do know DA didn’t mean to piss you off intentionally. He cares a lot about his team and the players on it. I think if you had made a stronger effort, he likely would of too. The on again/off again activity didn’t help you out! ;) 


But that’s the best I can say. It’s good to see you back. Hopefully you figure things out and make a return for good. Positive thoughts - positive vibes. Best wishes!! :) 

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6 hours ago, Banackock said:

@Greg Ernest Maybe... it’s best you recreate your player? I know your player is older now and your behind the TPA earning by quite a bit. If you’re actually going to return to activity and put in a consistent effort, I think that’s the best route. I think if you did that, you’d also find that you enjoy the league. Just have to give it a chance.


I know you struggle with activity a tad - so maybe that’s what DA struggled with. Not saying he shouldn’t have tried contacting you and what not (I don’t know the whole story or behind the scenes so can’t talk much) but I do know DA didn’t mean to piss you off intentionally. He cares a lot about his team and the players on it. I think if you had made a stronger effort, he likely would of too. The on again/off again activity didn’t help you out! ;) 


But that’s the best I can say. It’s good to see you back. Hopefully you figure things out and make a return for good. Positive thoughts - positive vibes. Best wishes!! :) 

there no ill will between me and ANY of my previous GMS, they have all been great !! Just Ernie being Ernie LOL 

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I wanted to thank you for you providing me with such a great opportunity last season to join the Lynx and expressing interest so quickly and passionately the nations capital is nowhere else id rather play. Furthermore i wanted to apologize to you and @DarkSpyro  if there were ANY misconceptions about my most recent VHL.com Article. Ernie King stated in an I

interview early Monday morning  -"In no way did i have any issues or ANY problems during my time last season with my time in Ottawa and with the Lynx organization @DoktorFunkand @DarkSpyro  (i honestly don't know who runs the STHS , i assume its Dok but idk every team may have different protocol with there AGMs and how much power they have) Dok and Spyro gave me helped me immensely other than a great experience and opportunity provided with slotting me into the lineup RIGHT AWAY , and getting me into the Index and onto the 1st line as fast as they possibly could. Which i also  didn't make easy for them after making them wait so long for me too officially accept the contract on the portal, I know i am not very active as i don't have much of a life online which i didn't make easy for them, however they put the time and effort that i definitely didn't.


In Conclusion I wanted to end this on a note letting the VHL community and let all VHLM GMs and VHL GMs know that FACT and to clarify my last statement my agent Bert made stating my time disappointment This was not targeted towards any individual GM or user or anyone just making for content, ❤️ all of my GMs @Ricer13 for drafting me way back @MexicanCow123 @DMaximus@dariusmarimotoman*** @diamond_ace  I'm sorry things didn't work out for Prague, Maybe my recreate will end up being a player that fits your  teams scheme at that time :) who knows and only time will tell ! but I'm not leaving the VHL ANYTIME SOON or in my plans EVER, I LOVE this community and there is NOTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD LIKE THE VHL, this simleague thing is SO COOL ! Sorry if anyone was offended by a miscommunication, this wont EVER happen again, Ernie is a Gentleman , off the ice that is ... LOL   ***SIDE NOTE FOR @dariusmarimotoman(REALLY surprised you didn't comment on any of my content Darius :( with our time together as the leaders in Philly this bond is everlasting and i know i wont ever forget wearing that "A" with Carson and you sharing the "C")@Cwalker


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