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VAS/TOR ; S38 off-season


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Vasty accepts. Cup or bust the next two seasons. :fuckvas:

I had my doubts, especially after the Baldwin/CAL G trade backfiring, but this is different. I'm getting a guaranteed two seasons out of both, and likely 3 for Sixten. Vasteras is in a win now mode, so getting a superstar and a solid, defensive player only helps towards the goal of getting that cup.

This morning I wouldn't have even imagined getting both if these members. Best of luck to Toronto in their rebuild. :cheers:

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Vasty accepts. Cup or bust the next two seasons. :fuckvas:

I accept as well.  Bust my nut for the next two seasons


BTW, to my captain and ass. captain from last season, it was awesome having you guys on the team this year.  A rebuild had to start, but Im glad that I am able to send you guys to a place where you can compete and win another cup.


Best of luck to Vasteras.  Rooting for you guys this season... unless I trade Sound

Edited by Edgarsaurus Rex
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Not liking Greg being traded. First player from Vasteras that actually approached me for Vasteras with an actual care for the team. *sigh*

I bring that every team I play for and Vasteras just threw it away to lose in the first round ;)
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