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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Amsterdam Absinthe sounds like a good one then.
  2. not so united eh lmao
  3. lol is this real
  4. I suppose it depends on which one. North? South? Central?
  5. not inaugurated til January should @Obama for the time being
  6. what are major European cities in the eyes of Trump voters Americans? I assume Prague would be a good one.
  7. What we know for certain is he/it/they is/are an/multiple enigma(s) thus Riga must remain until its/their resolution.
  8. Yeah don't move Davos, Make Davos Great Again.
  9. Leicester City Cubs Cleveland Brexit Trump Bowie Harambe What a year.
  10. Bernie Sanders. You had a good thing America and you let it go.
  11. Fittingly all Canadian conference final as the USA builds a wall to lock itself out.
  12. Jesus Christ America you actually did it hahahahahahahaha. Having witnessed Brexit (make that witnessing Brexit), I'm just here with the popcorn.
  13. The train sig train?
  14. Just dragging out the fun.
  15. Insta-classic.
  16. Out of hibernation.
  17. Everyone's loving the Bears eh #scared
  18. much easier answer actually: Bern was Davos' affiliate
  19. Chelsea spitting hot fire at the moment - back 3 is so hot right now.
  20. please same shot ratio in the playoffs guys
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