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Everything posted by Renomitsu

  1. F - Patrik Tallinder @Beaviss
  2. Review Nice work, as per usual! I don't have a lot to say here aside from possible stylistic changes. Some of your phrases are often used with hyphens, e.g. "back to back" -> "back-to-back" (unless we're talking about the Drake song). Otherwise, I felt the article was well-paced and could realistically only do with a bit of re-formatting. The players' names are relatively easy to see, but more clearly demarcating the sections with bold, increased text size, or even centering may help the reader 'reset' a little. One other possibility for change comes in your last paragraph, namely "being acquired last season, his stats..." - some might consider it awkward phrasing. You can get rid of 'being' and just write "Acquired last season, Eagles's stats..." Alternatively, you could write "After being acquired last..." or "Traded to Riga last season...".
  3. Review Overall, I really enjoyed this Moscow outlook - it's not often that players outside of GMs will analyze their team's future, especially when talking about anything beyond this season. The article's formatting is reasonable - but I might suggest trialing adding an extra line between your sections next time just to see if it adds anything. In terms of actual writing - make sure you're including periods at the end of sections; the second sentence in your first paragraph doesn't have a period, and I don't think this was repeated elsewhere. Furthermore, as best you can, try limiting repetition: you started the Goalers section with Raymond Bernard/Bernard/Bernard as your first words, though like the period criticism it only happened in one section. Overall, I only have small nitpicks. Fantastic work!
  4. At least one player from the Season 65 class is destined for the hall – namely one Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen, whose S68-70 trophy cabinet is more decorated than the entire careers of most first forward lines + defensive pairs combined on individual teams. Any defenseman that can take home the Slobodzian Trophy in this environment – where high-quality defensemen are a dime a dozen – is a shoo-in. But the rest of his class – including even Brady Stropko Jr. – has been surpassed in TPE and accolades by many of the top S66 & S67 players. STHS is notoriously fickle, and even 1,300 TPE players like Stropko Jr. have suffered from “decent but not great” careers in spite of their obvious high earning capacity. Indeed, like strangely many defensemen thus far, Stropko peaked with a low-60s point peak season, while Smitty’s enjoyed the fruits of multiple 80+ point seasons. And Calgary hasn’t experienced the same level of team success as Seattle, Moscow, or Vancouver. Further down the list, players like Roll Fizzlebeef (1,037 TPE) suffer from similar point numbers in spite of playing at forward and are similarly devoid of individual accolades. Those with any accolades after Smitty – like D/RW Denver Wolfe and Anthony Matthews – earned almost all their accolades in the M, sometimes multiple seasons in. Since those don’t factor heavily into the Hall conversation, even Wolfe’s S67 Continental Cup with Vancouver won’t be enough to elevate him. Gritty has no individual accolades, but as a 1,004 TPE player, he was part of Vancouver’s S67 and Moscow’s S70 championship squads. But we’ve seen time and time again that a pair of championships aren’t enough to even broach the conversation for the Hall, even with better overall scoring and defensive statistics. In short, there’s one shoo-in candidate… and that’s probably where S65’s HoF aspirations end.
  5. Losing the legs under us?! I've been 1,000 TPA for three seasons now, as if I'd slow down now.
  6. 1. We're about a half dozen games in. What's your impression of the season so far? 2. Some players made a position switch over the off-season. How successful will Jerry Garcia be now that he's a LW for Davos? 3. What chronically under performing player will finally have their time to shine this season? 4. Suppose you were the GM of a brand-new expansion franchise, like Miami in the VHLM this season. What would you call it, and where would it be situated? 5. What kinds of special talents does a teammate of yours have off the ice? 6. Why does STHS always spit out really weird results at the start of each season? 7. If the league had jersey/equipment sponsors, which product/company would you want your player to be sponsored by most? 8. I think I've figured it out! Hedge has found a way to clone himself, and he has his clones alternate doing his work while they are at home while he sleeps in his office! What do you think of that?
  7. D - Apollo Hackett @Beavissx2
  8. F - Keven Foreskin @Beaviss Two picks for you!
  9. @Beaviss F - Hunter Hearst Helmsley F - Mat Tocco F - Owen Nolan D - Hulk Hogan D - Jeff Downey G - Rayz Funk @Renomitsu - Group Manager F - Scott Greene F - Keven Foreskin F - Patrik Tallinder D - Apollo Hackett D - Cinnamon Block G - A Red Guy @Corco F - Boris the Forest F - Benny Graves F - Chad Magnum D - Erik Summers D - Roque Davis G - Greg Eagles @animal74 F - Ambrose Stark F - Jerry Garcia F - Hiroshi Okada D - Lincoln Tate D - Lance Flowers G - Solomon Crawford @enigmatic F - Jet Jaguar F - ACL TEAR F - Soren Jensen D - Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen D - Condor Adrienne G - Michael Johnson @Zyrok F - Julius Freeman F - Mikko Aaltonen F - Tyler Barabash D - Micheal Gary Scott D - Victor Pavlov G - Jacques Lafontaine
  10. That’s right. I said it, @GustavMattias is changing and making some irrevocable, horrible mistakes. I’m not even talking about Davos as a franchise (seriously, dude had like 50 first round picks) or any of their recent player transactions. I’m talking about THIS ABOMINATION: It’s with a heavy heart that I must report Gus has begun to stray from the very roots that made him who he is today. On joining the site, Gus was one of the members I trusted most to remain on the defensive side of the puck and write long media articles. But as I’m sure you’ve seen over the last few months, he’s become a different person. It’s as if becoming Davos GM and appointing himself Grand Poobah has wriggled its way into his head, damning him from heights of long media spots and making him… eugh… offense-first. Gone are his days of shot blocking and walking around unassumingly in public. Instead, he’s decided to feature in goal scoring and… dare I say it? Graphics making! GRAPHICS instead of writing painstaking media articles that take longer to research than write. I don’t think he’s even REEEEEE’d at the word defense in the last several months. Let this be a warning to those of you who suspect a management role is in the cards: it immerses you in the most hellish, challenging landscape imaginable, and warps your mind in a way few believe to be imaginable. This isn’t Jerry Garcia, the sterling pure-defensive ace of Malmo that we’ve come to know and love since he entered the VHLM in Season 65. No, I hardly recognize this man any more. [/sh*tpost]
  11. 1. The S72 VHL Draft brought us DeFenz Mann, Jay Jones, Bobby Wyman, and Joe Jacks. Any words for them (or for your other draftees)? 2. Davos has made some pretty significant moves through the offseason, with a half dozen early draft picks and picking up Jerry Garcia & Acyd Burn. Do they make the playoffs this season? 3. Okay, early predictions - who takes the NA Conference title? 4. Who do you think the breakout player of S73 will be? 5. The offseason and draft often bring up memories of minor league teams. What's your fondest memory from when you were back in the M? 6. Why do you think the VHL was able to play through an entire season despite the pandemic? 7. I'm pretty sure the Riga board of trustees is a literal zoo. Which animals did Hedge choose to trust with Riga Reign decision making?
  12. Not Smitty AND Gritty! This makes me sad. It's the end of a wocsom era. :[
  13. Riga, Latvia - Another season down, another season into regression. With now six VHL regular seasons under his belt, Apollo Hackett (and the rest of the Season 66 class) have the end in sight. At maximum, this class with dozens more members than most others in VHL history have two seasons remaining - and that's with another round or two of increasingly severe regression. Most players in this class don't have the banked TPE/earning potential to make it through the second instance of regression; that doesn't apply completely to the top ten or fifteen members, but surely even the likes of HHH and Jet Jaguar understand that 1,200-1,300 TPE builds probably aren't realistic anymore. The largest beneficiaries of the S66 draft - Vancouver with HHH and Freeman; Moscow with Jaguar, Tocco, and Clarke; and Calgary with Barabash Jr. and Paddywagon - must see the writing on the wall. It's now, next season, or never for these teams that feature S66 with ~800-1,000 TPE players. And as the Riga Reign get a little bit younger with their recent choices in trading partners, Hackett might just be a casualty they're willing to deal with.
  14. 1. What do you make of Riga's playoff performance so far? Well, I don't think we expected to make it far in the playoffs, but I think the EU conference finals are a solid mark after we set expectations. Still looking for that first cup though... 2. The deal that brought over Marleau and Burn. Worth it? Hard to say. I think they're great in the LR and we made it further in the playoffs than expected, so I'm going to say yes. 3. What is Moscow's weakness? What do we need to exploit? Unfortunately it's a bit late for that, but I think we showed that we can control them a bit with solid, physical checking. Our scoring has always been a little limited though. 4. Do you have a playoff ritual? Please no murder. Nope. I treat it the same as all of my regular season games. 5. Pick an anthem for your player to step onto the ice for. What song is it? Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who 6. Make a 3-line poem titled "Ode to God Mode" about Greg Eagles. Haikus count, right? Blocks some shots I guess We took a game off Moscow Greg Eagles: God Mode.
  15. It's surprising to me that Michael Johnson isn't more strongly considered for the ASG. Among starters, nearly 1,900 shots faced (in the fewest games (63) of the top 10 shots against), second best SV% in the league, 10 shut-outs, and the 3rd-best GAA on a team where his best forward is barely 700 TPE and his second-best is <600. That's an incredibly successful season independent of win total, and I'd be disappointed if four goalies really made it ahead of him, even if it is a popularity contest.
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