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Everything posted by Renomitsu

  1. @VHLM GMs, don't just give me your regular pitches. I'm going to rank my preferences based on so-good-it's-bad MS paint drawings of a Spanish Moon Moth either 1) shooting a slapshot or 2) making a Bob Ross style painting
  2. @VHLM GMs (but without the tag), don't just give me your regular pitches. I'm going to rank my preferences based on so-good-it's-bad MS paint drawings of a Spanish Moon Moth shooting a slapshot.

    1. birb


      omg reno is back?????

    2. McWolf
    3. Renomitsu


      Is this actually even me

  3. Player Information Username: Renomitsu Player Name: Spanish Moon Moth Recruited From: Returning Age: 21 Position: C Height: 72 in. Weight: 175 lbs. Birthplace: Isle of Man Player Page @VHLM GM
  4. Funnily enough, the "borders" of cells i.e. cell membranes are primarily composed of lipid molecules (e.g. phospholipids) are both polar and nonpolar; phospholipids have long, nonpolar fatty acid tails, as well as more polar phosphorus containing backbones. Cells can be selective with what they let in or out with receptors and transporters in the cell membrane that break up the monotony of the generally phospholipid membrane
  5. thoughts @Mike
  6. Before I get started, let me first state that Vasteras is unequivocally a team of – Wrong train of thought, sorry. It's been a little while since I was last here and wanted to see how the league was progressing – and it's clear there have been several changes. The most obvious is, of course, the attribute switch; I'm fortunate to have been on the upswing of the league's litany of complaints about 40/99 or what meta just got addressed rather than its full fever pitch. But I needed to step back from sim leagues and that's still the case; I'm just not ready to make any kind of commitment to being a top earner, especially in a competitive league like the VHL. So sorry, this isn't an "I'm coming back" post, but I doubt anyone expected it to be. I'm also humbled by my selection to the VHL Hall of Fame - which I've sought for nearly seventy full VHL seasons since first creating Hiro Renomitsu way back when. Real life is eating up an unhealthy majority of my time and effort as you might expect – unsurprisingly COVID-19 was the name of the game during the winter season, and I've only now completed my last day of Step (a series of board exams for medical students later and residents earlier on in their training). The last couple of months were brutal for me, as my anticipated study time evaporated on hematology/oncology (blood and cancer medicine) and general inpatient medicine, what with a switch to a new electronic medical record. Our floors were consistently bursting-to-full, with a patient population vastly outstripping even the infrastructure of the tertiary (and for a few subspecialties quaternary) care center in which I work. And if the landscape stays like this – which I fully expect it to – I'll have no problem keeping to my long-term plan of staying out of sim leagues in a substantial way. That hardly means I won't try, whether that's today or in a year, but that also unfortunately means I won't be able to enjoy the communities of these sites nearly as much as I'd like.
  7. Renomitsu


    Welcome to the VHLM, @samx~!!
  8. I'm so conflicted with this result. 1) Why did I place top 20 when actively trying to tank (as I have no player effectively now)? 2) Why am I 3rd in my group when I placed 18th of 102? 3) Who in the WORLD even scored points on my fantasy team??? 4) Can I gift my VHFL TPE to somebody else? I obviously don't need it.
  9. I agree that Dream Daddy Simulator or whatever Fong posted is the ideal game for @Beaviss HOWEVER, I would also like to suggest Monster Prom as a potentially more immersive and palatable option for Beav
  10. i wonder if @samx will see this post
  11. Donated here! $100 for 50 entries. Please give 5 available slots to each of the following, alternating evenly: @Nykonax @Enorama @NaCl @Juice @Esso2264 @GeckoeyGecko @Mike @Jeffie43 Kyle (KinZuu/CutMason) Last 5 slots can go to me, I guess?
  12. This donation is made in honor of a recent clinical rotation I had that had a significant component of gender health - that is, people who are experiencing gender dysphoria or making the transition to a gender they weren't assigned at birth. It was a transformative experience for me to hear about the struggles of LGBTQ+ youth, finally offer them a place that they could call 'home' medically and psychologically, and offer them a chance to initiate (or at least discuss) gender-affirming medical and surgical care. This is probably the first of multiple donations, so keep an eye out!
  13. 1. Which Wolves player do you think is performing the best this season? Jerome Reinhart. Relatively young player that's in the top 10 for points. I think we're performing quite well as a whole though. 2. What's your biggest fear? My biggest fear is probably being considered a failure -- though I'm not sure whose judgment (in addition to my own) I'd use as a metric for that. I'm terrified that I won't be able to accomplish my career dreams because of burnout, but hey, you live with what you've got. 3. What is the worst restaurant food you ever had and why? Yeah... there was a really seedy joint by my alma mater that I went to - a Greek place, if I recall correctly - that tasted pretty meh but gave me horrible food poisoning. Never again. 4. Who's your favorite actor? I don't know that I have one! I'm a fan of Jessica Chastain's softer, more emotional works, and Christian Bale's incredible dedication to literally make his body take different shapes for characters, though I don't think it's healthy for him. 5. Do you like spicy food or not so spicy food? That's changed over time. Used to be as spicy as possible -- and I do still like spicy food -- but I think I appreciate being able to taste other flavors now that I'm a little older. 6. If you had to go to jail for committing a crime, what would it be? Probably using some experimental or off-label treatment for a terminal disease that the parents got angry at me/sued me for using. I suspect if I had sufficient physiologic or theoretical reason for using it, other treatments had failed, and the parents gave consent it wouldn't send me to jail whatsoever, but if I had to it'd be in the name of medically-justified care of a patient with no other options, where no treatment would cause undue suffering.
  14. the kidneys of course the heart only exists to pump blood to the kidneys
  15. 1. What's your favorite part of the regular season? Depends on if we make it to the playoffs -- if we do make it, then my favorite part is when the regular season ends so we can get to playoff hockey. If we don't, then it's when the season starts (in fact, if we don't make it I kind of dread the end of the regular season). 2. Is water wet? If we're using it as an adjective, then yes - water has cohesive and adhesive properties, and 'wet' means covered or saturated with a liquid (e.g. water). Really, running water is loosely-held collections of H2O with hydrogen bonds keeping individual molecules close to one another, so I'd say you can call it water covered/saturated with more water. 3. What is your favorite genre of music? Right now? It's big band style pop -- Lawrence, Lake Street Dive, Melt, Couch, etc. are all great to me. 4. If you had the ability to resurrect 1 person from the dead, who would it be? Jesus, again. Can you imagine how controversial that'd be in the modern day, especially in the U.S.? People would have a fit debating whether or not he's real, he'd probably get shot by a whole lot of people, and probably wouldn't take on the image of the son of God that everyone's expecting... okay, maybe this would be a little more chaotic than I'd like. 5. Any plans for Thanksgiving? I hung out with my intern (doctor) class! We actually had a great time, though most of us did have to work. 6. When do you start getting in the Christmas spirit? After Thanksgiving. I've never been a participator in the religious aspect of the holiday, just the American commercial half, and I do not enjoy listening to Mariah Carey for 2.5-3 months straight.
  16. Yeah, I think there was some odd technical issue as it somehow saved my prior picks and posted that instead of Rasputin. Oh well. G - Em Em Flex
  17. F - Taylor Mourning D - Robin Galante Nilsson @zepheter is still up
  18. All good, thanks for making the attempt - just had a very busy/long day at work! D - Zeedayno Chara D - Robin Galante Nilsson @kelvi you're still up!
  19. 1. What is your biggest regret in life? Oof, that can be a pretty heavy topic. I think skipping a grade for me is the one that I'm willing to talk about - I wouldn't have been able to make that decision myself, but I think it affected my ability to be social with others. 2. Do you think Vanny can repeat as champs? Absolutely. I wouldn't have joined Vancouver for my eighth and final season if that weren't the case. 3. Do you think that Tyler Reinhart shoulda won MVP? Nope. Too many great, high-scoring players on Vancouver to reasonably pick an MVP from this team, especially with comparable players on other teams. 4. Have you ever played any sports and if so which are you best at. I have, not great at many of them (unless eSports back in like 2011 counts, ha). Love playing some backyard football, otherwise I was probably best as a midfielder in soccer as a kid. Baseball wasn't really my thing, and I'm certainly not tall enough to play any kind of organized basketball. 5. Do you think we're better off with the VHLE or should we have just stuck with VHLM -> VHL? I don't feel strongly about it. There's a lot of weird overlap between the E and M I think which is really impinging on M GMs' abilities to foster talent, but it does help new players from getting absolutely wiped in their first season up. 6. What's your favorite type of pet? Dogs. Sorry to the cat lovers - I'm allergic to both so it's not about that. Would love to own a mini Aussie shepherd later on in life.
  20. F - Tyler Reinhart F - Pistil Stamen @16z
  21. In a loaded free agency class like this one, even individual star forwards like former DC Dragon and Warsaw Predator Aloe Dear can get overshadowed by similarly-shiny players - after all, after the 800 TPA standpoint lots of players tend to have very similar builds. That was no exception for Dear, who found herself offered deals by a few teams (plus a $9M contract offered by D.C. - half in jest, half seriously) but without any interest from the overwhelming majority of the league. It's nothing particularly new -- especially with teams like Prague tight up against the cap and several teams not wanting to compete. Let me be upfront: my free agency destination is the Vancouver Wolves. I know that's an extremely unpopular decision, possibly burning some bridges in the process. If you want to stop reading now, you're well within your rights and I won't judge you for it. This might be my last season with a player in the league, and Aloe is my only real shot at making the Hall of Fame after Hiro Renomitsu retired nearly 60 seasons ago without so much as a mention (except by Victor - thanks ). Here's the challenge I want to issue to the VHL: let's be intentional about how we treat this upcoming season, because it's an important one for the VHL. If the Vancouver meta team is problematic, then change something about the league to prevent it from happening again (whatever 'it' is). Let's not turn up our noses at a given build as exploitative, but only enforce our distaste for the build behind closed doors when no individual player would have specific, complete control over how their player performs in the sim and plays within the rules. I don't even have 40 passing, and have never ended a season in the VHL with as much. But if these specific builds -- however you'd like to categorize them -- are going to have subjective repercussions despite statistical excellence over a build with yet-to-be characterized benefits/faults, then it's punishment based on speculation at best and misguided bias that harms the community at worst. If the Vancouver meta team is not problematic and it flounders this season, what consequences befall those that decried it? None. I make a bad free agency decision and despite making an erroneous statement, those that call the Vancouver team exploitative despite that not being the case, and only I look bad. And yeah, I get it. Sometimes we aren't logically consistent, myself included. Sometimes we are. Could this one be supported empirically on further investigation? Yes, absolutely - but it hasn't been demonstrated yet, and no action has been taken on it despite the outcry. If you want to argue 'til you're blue in the face about the end-result, fine - but apply those standards to a season where it's been given a negative mark by those that set expectations and standards. Have a discussion on it where everyone can air their concerns about these team builds, and when a decision is made, then you can apply the standard to upcoming seasons. Ultimately, the choice for me in selecting Vancouver grants me a complete team with an excellent set of forwards and a complete set of defensemen. If it also means the team has an outlandish season that results in quicker action, great - short term loss for long-term league gain. If the team is horrible, hey, that's fine too. No HoF, no individual awards, (most) everyone goes away happy as a controversial team fails. That's just the game we have to play.
  22. Hi, welcome new member whom I've never seen before! Welcome to the VHL.


    If you have any questions or concerns about how to get started, there are lots of members who are willing to help - just ask! You may want to join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/VrUxedS

  23. Transaction ID: 20830579509387787 Claimed This Week (Ending 11/14/2021) 5 Uncapped TPE Free Week Claiming Week Ending 11/21/2021 Doubles Week
  24. Aloe Dear - Scoring [SC]
  25. Well, Aloe's played her last game of the season with D.C – and I wish it wasn't as lopsided a series as it turned out to be against Vancouver, but it's more or less what I expected. I do think anyone that said "well you handed the cup to Vancouver" when we beat Chicago needs a little bit of a reality check, though. Sure, there are upsets in the playoffs, but give teams that placed top 3-4 in their region a little bit of credit, right? Oh – and regarding this past week's events? I'd recommend La'Wana Harris's Diversity Beyond Lip Service and Mahzarin Banaji's Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People. Both are excellent for different reasons, but I can't recommend one over the other necessarily. I had the wonderful opportunity to speak at my hospital's Grand Rounds this past Wednesday and felt it was maybe a little too coincidental with the recent infraction leading to a ban last week. Implicit bias exists in all of us and doesn't make you a bad person – refusing to acknowledge it, however, is more fraught with the potential to do a disservice to others. A willingness to have the conversation – be it from the offended party or the (intentional or inadvertent) offenders – is an important step towards normalizing discussions on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's a small one, because you still need to actively intervene to achieve cultural competency and humility, but sometimes first steps need to be small to be achievable. That's a brief soapbox moment. I won't belabor the point, as I think there are those with some lived experiences and insights that have already expressed their points of view. Make your next week a great one!
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