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Everything posted by Arce

  1. Another Reinhart eh? This was a good read on Calgary’s latest additions before the draft! You provided a good amount of detail behind both players. I like how you started off with the little recap of Reinhart’s tenure and Davos and his position switch. I was not aware of that, and I enjoy learning new things via MS. Janser on the other end should be a gritty presence for the Wranglers, a true hitting machine. A good job highlighting his strengths. I like that you bolded each players name to differentiate the paragraphs. A picture or 2 would have been a nice touch. 9/10
  2. Great little mock draft. It’s funny seeing the differences between this and the actual draft. How dare you not predict me in the 1st round?!. I think your assessments were really good and fair based on TOE and each team’s positional need. The DeGroot bowl made the draft all the more interesting. I do like to see a little color or a picture or two in the articles, but like you said there’s nothing wrong with some laziness. I’ve had plenty of those myself. Very enjoyable read! 9/10
  3. Claim for 1/30 - PT DOUBLES with Player Store Purchase
  4. It was a great read, Sam. Thank you for sharing with us! I am sorry that you, and so many had to experience this. It can leave some emotional scarring. You, and the whole list of people they communicated with may have actually helped/save them. They may have been using this character to communicate their pain, a cry for help. It doesn't make it right, and it leaves behind a creepy feeling but I hope Kachur is able to find the help and guidance they need. Keep being the great people you are, and extending that hand out. Like I've told you, you're a very approachable, kind person so I can see exactly why they wanted to talk to you for the period they did.
  5. HOUSTON BULLS PRESS CONFERENCE Week ending on January 23rd 1. What Point Task type is your favorite to do and why? 2. For you, what is the most important thing a GM can do for their players in this league? 3. How did you feel about Houston’s management this past season? 4. Something you are looking forward to in S82? 5. Who has the coolest logo in the VHL? 6. If you could change one thing in the league going into S82, what would it be?
  6. Where to begin, this just hit all of the cylinders. You may have enough to claim for the duration of the S82 season. A lot of great visuals with these pictures. Love the use of them for the stats/standings. This was an amazing, detailed recap of the Vegas S81 season, from a strong regular season, to the “multi scandal” to the final ending I know you guys didn’t want. Big fan of all of the shoutouts to your players. You can easily tell how much you loved GMing Vegas, and you care. Even making the trades you needed to give Vegas the edge in the playoffs. I personally hope to see you back in that role one day. 10/10
  7. I too am a fan of using the logos as my article pictures, I think that does just fine visually. This was a nice little recap of the two games that ripped out Calgary’s heart. I didn’t look too much into these games outside the scoreboard, so this gave me the detail of games 6 and 7. Game 6 could have gone either way. 79 shots is an onslaught! I initially thought a little look into Calgary’s off-season would have been cool, but you made it a point to leave that open with the question mark at the end, a TBD. Well done! 9/10
  8. It has been a far more emotional exit from my VHLM team, The Mexico City Kings than I had initially thought. Throughout the course of the season, Mexico City drastically improved and the locker room became an active one, and a fun one to be apart of in S81. For being a team full of waiver wire players, I have to say I’d say we exceeded expectations. @youloser1337and @Vicedid an A+ job running the team and locker room. They made sure all TPE opportunities were known, and always answered questions from our players. I am really glad I chose Mexico City for my first M team. I am going to miss it, and wish nothing but success for the Kings. I am excited for Ronan Lavelle to move onto the E, and to work with @Moon, another fantastic GM in Houston as his AGM to try to help the Bulls thrive.
  9. Congrats Alex! Definitely a deserving choice! Take good care of Davos, it’s still dear in my heart.
  10. What I think would be a cool addition to pre-draft uncapped tasks would be something like the player to rank the VHL teams they are interested in going to. 1 being the most desirable location, and 16 being the least. They put a little input as to why that location is more or less desirable to them. This also helps GMs see input from the players so they know what they may need to work on, and what they are doing right. Descriptions don't need to be long, and with 16 teams that adds up to a word count. May seem like a bit much, but it could be fun. Edit: Or something like top 5 desirable locations with a more lengthy description as to why.
  11. I did not expect a vote, there are far more people worthy of the honor. Thank you to the person who voted for me, I appreciate you!
  12. That would be amazing.
  13. Wow, great read! the The “Can’t Hit the Broadside of the Barn” Award name made me chuckle. I love articles like this, a lot of creativity. You can tell the work and research you put into it. These are categories not many, if anyone tracks or looks at. You broke them down, added tables for the leaders and then put some detail behind each winner. Many of these could be considered VHL Wall of Shame worthy. The fact this has been going on since S66 is really cool, and I hope to see it more in the future. Maybe my player will one day find his way on one of these lists! 10/10
  14. I am not sure if I will ever fully understand the Board Game Clue on Skates club, but I did enjoy this read. Some background info on the whole Fanclub in the 4th paragraph down was helpful. I felt like I was reading a novel, so you definitely nailed it. It was hilarious, I had some laughs all the way through but you also incorporated facts about the Board Game Clue on Skates' VHL career so far such as how he is a highly rated VHLM player getting ready to make the jump to the VHLE. The fact that it then goes into this whole mystery, where Clue has a run in with the cops as he's being searched for was a fun transition. LOVED the VHL/Clue ad with Alexandre, it made a nice touch. Looks like you can always count on Nathan Powers to come in at the end. The creativity is absolutely there. Thanks for the fun read! 10/10
  15. HOUSTON BULLS PRESS CONFERENCE Week ending on January16th 1. The season did not end how we wanted it do, but how did you feel about being apart of the Houston Bulls in S81? 2. Do you have a preference on which team you get drafted to? 3. How do you feel about your player heading into the S82 drafts? 4. Now that we are just starting off the new year, have you set any goals for yourself VHL or personal life wise you hope to accomplish? 5. Who do you hope wins the Continental Cup of the 4 teams remaining? (VHL finals) 6. Are you rooting for anyone in the upcoming NFL playoffs?
  16. Really pumped to be on board, thank you for the opportunity Moon! I am excited to get started, let's do this!! #HornsUp
  17. 1. A golden retriever, we got her as a 12 week old puppy. 2. Yes, I think so. I am just as big a fan. 3. The community. Even though it has changed since I first started, I have always found the community to be fun and I enjoy talking to everyone. 1. Now that the holidays are over, what is something you are now looking forward to? 2. What job(s) do you think should be added to the VHL? 3. What is your favorite part of the VHL off-season?
  18. The VHL has been plagued with literally "multiple" scandals lately. The past month, many multi users have been discovered and consequences have been met for it. Donald Trump, who has said he is making a run at VHL Commissioner has spoken out about the situation. "I turn on my TV, as I walked in the room I said wow let me turn on my TV. I see all this nonsense about multiple accounts being linked to one user. It is no coincidence these are the same people trying to block my birth right to be VHL Commissioner. Believe me, believe me, this is a far-left conspiracy and we won't put up with it. We will never let them win. Collusion from Canada will never be tolerated." Trump said. There is no evidence to support Trump's claims, and social media has taken quick action to try to remove all videos of Trump's interview from their platforms. People thought the multis were created only to benefit the user, but could this be a big conspiracy against Donald Trump?
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