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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. yes, i will fix that soon
  2. rip tho
  4. The back to back to back to back is now completed

  5. Muller on the tb for treason
  6. How to win the finals Make @Devise jinx it for the other team
  7. @Higgins grats on your 5th cup
  8. 20 to rig, thats a long ass time
  9. Da cup !!! Grats the wild !!
  10. Tight game
  11. 2 commish and gms in the same conference Call it "The battle of the rig"
  12. We want that shit live @JardyB10 so the tension is to the max
  13. I like the picture used. Those colors are great. Render positioning is good. The text could be closer to the focal point. Good job nonetheless
  14. I feel like a lot is going on here. The render efx looks grungy and could be cleaner. The light could be better as well. The font work is good
  15. Nice color balance the bg is great. The font fx are funky a bit, but it works good. More could be added as render efx goes, but no big deal
  16. Dope ass sig btw. The green tint is lookinh real good and the light efx are dope as well. I like the centered render position
  17. I like the render used and the work around it. Not huge on the background used though. Font is simple but effective
  18. The depth perception is fucked up since some part is blurred and some arent. Thats the main issue really. Good job though
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