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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Thats a lot of money for Stafford
  2. edited the presentation
  3. I want to make love to that logo.
  4. Draper resimed for drama confirmed
  5. jodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy moon moonnnnnnnnnnnn
  6. It was a good movie tho
  7. and fuck yall ignoring my amazing batman pun
  8. Helsinki now equalize my 5 1st rounder record in S42.
  9. It's the pick Helsinki deserves but not the one it needs right now.
  10. NHL15 proves that EA Sport doesn't give a shit
  11. Don't underestimate John Scott
  12. I've updated my rotator, noobs
  13. I've updated my rotator, noobs
  14. I would do a 2 players change at deadline only
  15. The blue shit is the best. Heseinberg is the man
  16. Have you ever tried meth?
  17. There you go, everybody is now happy
  18. I add sexiness
  19. Using my S45 for a scrub like Faraday?
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