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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. cornerstone for mvp
  2. Why my player has 5 hits with 40 checking
  3. Gottem
  4. One could argue that some vhl stuff are boring af
  5. No Nhl media spots should be accepted. More people would be comfortable to write about their own team
  6. Can I buy hookers with bitcoins???
  7. Beurk
  8. Nice
  9. Thanks for the comment
  10. sike
  12. Remember when the league was giving uncapped tpe opportunities ? Good times

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hedgehog337
    3. Smarch


      I give out uncapped TPE every week bro

    4. boubabi


      yes, in a loto format


      it's like someone who says he earns money from buying loto tickets 

  13. Jesus christ
  14. bio and rp creates 0 discussion if PT are meant in that way, they are useless. Let the people decide what kind of PT they want to make for their player. If their next MS is a draft profile, good for them. In the end, bio and RP are forced dead end. Always found they brought nothing to the table.
  15. I brought this themed PT idea like 10 seasons ago but nothing is done from people who can make this done
  16. The s53 draft website was tight 

    1. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta


  17. not getting rid of bio and such but themed PT, yes
  18. I think in term of values, it's colorado but in term of needs, it's a good trade for nsh
  19. not ottawa amirite
  20. from memory (aka when panik played for the leafs and the lightning), he sucked but maybe playing with patrick kane transformed him, who knows
  21. You create a spreadsheet with every season stats then, you automate and generate a formula that would search for a precise stat in a precise spreadsheet. That would require less work. You can do that via excel or contact @Will so that he can do his trick with his software abilities
  22. "locker room problems" always come up when a team is losing big time weird euh.
  23. dauphin is back lmao and duclair blows. He had 1 good season. Last season ; 15 pts in 58 games with the playing time he had ? ew.
  24. u should generate this via a spreadsheet
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