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Everything posted by CoachReilly

  1. Yes, I called this when I said you were targeting him.
  2. even tho american, i hate dustin brown. good pic sandro!
  3. the unsung hero sings
  4. his effort was at least a 5.5
  5. King? No. Prince? No. Princess? Maybe. King is ... and always will be Jordan, bitches.
  6. That's why you're the classiest member in the league. One of 'em anyway. STZ >
  7. NY could be the Davos of S37. Although NA will likely have a tougher path.
  8. this will never work
  9. Congrats y'all. Somehow I missed this dominance.
  10. Damn. Boom will be missed, but I guess he was 100% leaving us. Great trade if that is the case, but I always and forever love Boomer.
  11. Davos pulls off shocking comeback TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA -- Most people thought this would be a quick series a few days ago. However, HC Davos Dynamo has completed a historic comeback from a 3-1 deficit to pull off a huge upset against the Legion. In game seven, it was goaltender Lennox Moher that shined for Davos after undergoing scrutiny during the series for his poor play and his outspoken complaints against league officials. "I'm glad I was finally able to show up," Moher said after the commotion had died down, "It's been an emotional few weeks, and this is just a great way to end it. Toronto is a terrific organization and I can't say enough about the job they did this season." He continued to speak highly of his Dynamo teammates, saying, "All these guys are people you love to have on your team. Sergey [brovalenko], Davey [Jones] -- they're not popular in most teams' locker rooms, but they're the best teammates you can ask for," Moher continued, "Jones came up to me immediately after the game and told me I deserved the Kanou. [laughter] I never said he was smart - there's no way I get it with my inconsistent play. And then you can't say enough about Odie [Odin Tordahl]. He's what got us here. Without him, we're a completely different team."
  12. good series toronto. yall did deserve better. a lot of haters around but none from you guys. will be rooting to see you guys in the coming years. great work by all the davos players.
  13. They taped the hell out of his hand in pretty much every game. He's just not a pussy and played through it for the Olympics.
  14. in my not so horny opinion* same diff
  15. You are uninvited IMNSHO.
  16. DAV G would be an immense improvement.
  17. Got pizza What was I like in HS? Regular, I guess Free Time? Chillin', I guess Celebrity? J-Law Describes You? Cool Baby Animal? Cat Style? Classic Annoyances? Slow internetz Deserted Island? Full bar Song? Gimme Shelter
  18. wow - some awesome cuts here. we need an actual HTML gallery page.
  19. Kesler may be a genius troll. You cannot rule this out.
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