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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Where is your proof it ruins first gens careers? if you spent any time on the discord chat you would see that the VHLM is probably the more talked about league. Talked about in a good way as well.
  2. Ill finally be able to make Keaton good thank you Eagle.......
  3. How quickly things go from thoughtful discussion with good points to a pissing contest.
  4. D - Sebastian Ironside @Cornflakers
  5. Thats a good thing pushing them further down so I can get a lead on em.
  6. Welcome to the league dude! Let me know if you got any questions. How did you come to hear about us?
  7. If my say counts im all for it. @Will and @Beketov approve? also @ColeMrtz21 you should have a ton of writers so if some slack then you can pick up the slack with other writers
  8. @Fire Hakstol with the massive fuck you to his old team.
  9. We could also have a job where someone once a week can choose a topic that everyone can do for one extra TPE
  10. The Beaviss idea should be implemented it has almost zero downside and all the upside in the world.
  11. Rest In Peace sweet prince.
  12. Your turn now @Romaris since everyone went inactive... also its @Arthur turn when he comes back
  13. There is more information available but you have to expand on it in the old portal to see more stats.Stuff like PK time and success etc. That’s the true stat with +/- to judge who’s best.
  14. You will be offered a contract offer but I’d work on increasing your TPE
  15. F- Jasper Canmore @DollarAndADream @Zetna @Cornflakers
  16. Makes sense anything I could help with? Any questions etc?
  17. Welcome to the VHL! If you need anything let me know! How did you come to hear about us!?
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