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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. I'm triggered you didn't do it about Keaton
  2. the fact that its a possibility
  3. R.I.P Ottawa Burns - Karlsson Best d pairing in the NHL by far.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McWolf


      Gotta spread them out. Or put Burns back on the wing lmao

    3. BluObieZ


      Colorado are the true winner of this trade

    4. McWolf


      Tanking when you don't have your 1st pick. ayyy lmao

  4. Welcome to the League! if you need any assistance or have any troubles feel free to shoot me a message and ill help as much as I can!
  5. Welcome! if you have any questions let me know!
  6. @IceSK Welcome! how did you come to find us? Let me know if you need any assistance or tips!
  7. Don't worry I figured it out
  8. @Quik could you upload this to Imgur? So I can use it
  9. 252 Wranglers 253 Bears 254 Reign 255 Meute
  10. @Camcall unfortunately you can only have one player which one do you want to play as?
  11. Player Name: Beau Louth VHL Team: Quebec Meute Cash you have: 6,500,000 Purchase Name: Two Attribute Points Cost of Purchase: 5,000,000 Cash Left: 1,500,000
  12. @Beketov are the GM's allowed to claim for both?
  13. So does this effect the VHL all star gsme?
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