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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Is it me or does the Minors look funner than the Big Leagues this season?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spade18


      it's much more up in the air.


      Big leagues is already a 3 team race.  


      That will change with the influx of talent moving up to the big leagues, allowing more teams to be competitive.


      Also dont get blinded by the shiny trades.... they'll smarten up soon enough.

    3. Smarch


      Looks "more fun" to me




    4. NotAVHLM-GM


      I rather have a boring season and see Calgary win this year

  2. True you played a large part of the rebuild.
  3. Since you asked you should do these every two weeks
  4. Hey @PaintingItOrange how’s it going? If you need any help with anything let me know! How did you come to find us?
  5. If we dropped it by 1 tpe I dont think we would lose anyone but i think we would have more Medias written.
  6. The only thing I could see being "too easy" is the amount of TPE given with welfare. We have a large variety of members on the site and I think that less work they have to do with PT's the more they can spend commenting and socializing boosting the activity on the site overall. Opinion: Its at a healthy state right now
  7. The Meute know how to win against you
  8. Answer for Louth: He is my first character and I didn’t want him to be stuck on a forever rebuilding team. Didn’t think the Meute would become good so quickly. Answer for Kiaskov: He wanted to move on to a cup contender and he was going into FA so I got what I could for him. @Victor
  9. G - Roger Sterling @Bushito @Cornflakers
  10. All the old timers have come out to play in this thread.
  11. Damn it the streak is broken.
  12. @Gooningitup you were complaining?
  13. Thats awesome! We are big TacTix fans here. Thats how I got hung up in here it might look intimidating to start here at first but its an awesome place and a ton of fun/
  14. Welcome to the league! How did you hear about us? If you need anything or have any questions please let me know!
  15. D - Emil Martinov @Zetna @Bushito
  16. Beau and Gow have some chemistry
  17. It had been almost 24 if you go back a page
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