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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. I need a hat trick each game to be successful
  2. Screen shot that and save it. Bek will deny he said it.
  3. I think it is, his email is very similar to the other ones.
  4. That face when my rookie is better then my vet.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spade18


      That face when both your vet and your rookie are gonna be better than @Beaviss :regansuccess:

    3. Beaviss


      That face when my busted player is still better than Rayne 

    4. Banackock
  5. @Velevra carrying the team eh
  6. Beau and Ball are lighting it up this year
  7. Thought I’d be scoring more goals but assists work I guess
  8. Just looked through that mass of updates lol I approved them.
  9. @Will @Beketov 2nd Player: Beau Louth great job with this guys all great changes!
  10. Wow the Meute really slapped HSK around
  11. Sounds like he would look great in a Jersey
  12. @street 1. What are your expectations for the Meute this season? Playoffs? 2. Have you set any goals you would like to reach this season? +/- hits? 3. Who do you model your game after? 4. Where do you think the Meute are going to be in 2-3 seasons?
  13. True I tend to think of my players separate of my team
  14. GM player GM player automatically goes to your team
  15. I really only play for the single player
  16. This and you shouldn’t get them automatically
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